Barley agronomy trial

2009 - 2010
CC BY 4.0

Research organisaton
Funding source

Trial details

Researcher(s) Trent Potter (SARDI)
Year(s) 2009 - 2010
Contributor MacKillop Farm Management Group
Trial location(s) Conmurra, SA
Frances, VIC
Barley agronomy trial locations

To assess the yields of a range of agronomic treatments on barley varieties at different sites.

Key messages
  • Highest grain yields were produced at the earlier sowing date at both sites.
  • Commander produced the highest grain yields at both sites with the lowest protein content.
  • Increased N application rates increased grain yield at both sites but significantly increased protein content at Frances.
  • Increased sowing rates have been shown to slightly increase grain yield but reduce screenings and protein so may assist in attaining the malting grade. 
Lead research organisation MacKillop Farm Management Group
Host research organisation MacKillop Farm Management Group
Trial funding source GRDC MFM00003
Related program N/A

Trials undertaken by the SARDI New Variety Agronomy group. 

Other trial partners SARDI
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Cereal (Grain): Barley
Treatment type(s)
  • Crop: Variety
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Replicated

Conmurra 2009

Sow rate or Target density Not specified
Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Fertiliser Not specified
Herbicide Not specified
Fungicide Not specified

Conmurra 2010

Sow rate or Target density Not specified
Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Fertiliser Not specified
Herbicide Not specified
Fungicide Not specified

Frances 2009

Sow rate or Target density Not specified
Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Fertiliser Not specified
Herbicide Not specified
Fungicide Not specified

Frances 2010

Sow rate or Target density 250 seeds/m2
Sow date 12 May 2010 12/05/2010 and 02/06/2010
Harvest date 5 January 2011
Plot size 8m x 1.2m
Plot replication 3

200 kg/ha Single Super at sowing. 28/7/2010: 50 kg/ha urea (23 Units N) spread by air. 12/5/2010 sowing: 8/6/2010: Spread N treatments. 2/6/2010 sowing: 9/7/2010: Spread N treatments.


12/5/2010 sowing: 11/5/2010: 2 l/ha Roundup Max, 2.5 l/ha Boxer Gold. 14/5/2010: 800 ml/ha Diuron. 29/7/2010: 2 l/ha Buctril MA. 2/6/2010 sowing: 11/5/2010: 2 l/ha Roundup Max, 2.5 l/ha Boxer Gold. 2/6/2010: 800 ml/ha Triflur X. 29/7/2010: 2 l/ha Buctril MA.


22/7/2010 (12/5/2010 sowing only), 30/8/2010 & 23/9/2010 (both sowing dates): 300 ml/ha Prosaro, 1 l/ha Hasten.

Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information

Download results

Trial results Frances results

# Variety
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Test weight (kg/hL) 1000 grain weight (g) Plump Grain (>2.5 mm sieve) () Screenings <2mm (%) Grain yield (kg/ha) Protein (%)
1 Sowing 12/5/2010 Nil fungicide 63.2 38.1 52.2 3.7 2707
2 Sowing 2/6/2010 Nil fungicide 62.8 41 66.6 1.8 2314
3 Sowing 12/5/2010 Prosaro 300 ml/ha 64.2 43 72.3 1.6 3548
4 Sowing 2/6/2010 Prosaro 300 ml/ha 62.1 39.5 61.1 2.5 1996
5 Buloke Nil fungicide 62 42.3 57.7 1.7 2236
6 Commander Nil fungicide 62.3 39 66 3 2788
7 Gairdner Nil fungicide 64.5 41.9 56.5 2.1 3143
8 Hindmarsh Nil fungicide 63.4 35.1 56.8 4.3 1875
9 Buloke Prosaro 300 ml/ha 61.8 42.5 57.4 1.6 2372
10 Commander Prosaro 300 ml/ha 62.7 41.4 78.9 1.7 3213
11 Gairdner Prosaro 300 ml/ha 64.9 45.1 72.7 0.8 3537
12 Hindmarsh Prosaro 300 ml/ha 63.2 35.8 57.7 4 1967
13 Nil fertilizer 62.9 40.8 68 2.1 2522 11.2
14 25 kg/ha N 63.3 40.8 64.8 2.3 2675 11.5
15 50 kg/ha N 63 40.1 60.8 2.5 2622 12
16 100 kg/ha N 63.2 39.9 58.7 2.8 2748 12.5
17 Buloke Sowing 12/5/2010 62.8 43 60.6 1.6 2854 11.3
18 Commander Sowing 12/5/2010 62.7 39.6 64.8 3.2 3497 11.1
19 Gairdner Sowing 12/5/2010 65.2 43.9 63.9 2 3937 10.4
20 Hindmarsh Sowing 12/5/2010 64.3 35.7 59.8 3.8 2223 13.2
21 Buloke Sowing 2/6/2010 61 41.8 54.5 1.7 1755 12.5
22 Commander Sowing 2/6/2010 62.4 40.9 80.8 1.5 2504 11.4
23 Gairdner Sowing 2/6/2010 64.2 43.2 65.4 0.8 2743 11.2
24 Hindmarsh Sowing 2/6/2010 62.4 35.2 54.8 4.5 1619 13.4
25 Sowing rate 150 kg/ha Nil fungicide 59.9 2.6 2359
26 Sowing rate 150 kg/ha Prosaro 300 ml/ha 66.1 2.2 2755
27 Sowing rate 200 kg/ha Nil fungicide 59 2.9 2663
28 Sowing rate 200 kg/ha Prosaro 300 ml/ha 67.3 1.9 2790

1000 grain weight g


Grain yield kg/ha


Plump Grain (>2.5 mm sieve)


Protein %


Screenings <2mm %


Test weight kg/hL


Trial results Conmurra results

# Variety
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Protein (%) Screenings <2mm (%) Grain yield (kg/ha) Test weight (kg/hL) 1000 grain weight (g) Plump Grain (>2.5 mm sieve) ()
1 Nil fungicide 50.1 3.7 3.4 63.2 3724 6
2 Sowing 19/5/2010 Nil fungicide 64.2 1.8 1.7 62.8 4552 6
3 Sowing 19/5/2010 Prosaro 300 ml/ha 74.4 1.6 1.4 64.2 4498 6.6
4 Sowing 15/6/2010 Prosaro 300 ml/ha 71.5 2.5 1.1 62.1 4925 6.8
5 Buloke Nil fungicide 58.6 1.7 0 62 4037 5.5
6 Commander Nil fungicide 70 3 0 62.3 4366 4.8
7 Gairdner Nil fungicide 33.1 2.1 0.1 64.5 3580 5.7
8 Hindmarsh Nil fungicide 66.9 4.3 0 63.4 4570 7.5
9 Buloke Prosaro 300 ml/ha 68.2 1.6 61.8 4377
10 Commander Prosaro 300 ml/ha 85 1.7 62.7 5208
11 Gairdner Prosaro 300 ml/ha 58.5 0.8 64.9 4778
12 Hindmarsh Prosaro 300 ml/ha 80.1 4 63.2 4484
13 Nil fertilizer 68.6 2.1 62.9
14 25 kg/ha N 66.4 2.3 63.3
15 50 kg/ha N 62.3 2.5 63
16 100 kg/ha N 62.9 2.8 63.2
17 1.6 62.8
18 3.2 62.7
19 2 65.2
20 3.8 64.3
21 1.7 61
22 1.5 62.4
23 0.8 64.2
24 4.5 62.4
25 2.6
26 2.2
27 2.9
28 1.9

1000 grain weight g


Grain yield kg/ha


Plump Grain (>2.5 mm sieve)


Protein %


Screenings <2mm %


Test weight kg/hL

Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Conmurra, SA Not specified
Frances, VIC Clay (black)
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Conmurra, SA Sodosol
Frances, VIC Sodosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Conmurra SA Frances VIC
2010 257.3mm483.4mm
2009 224.1mm400.2mm
2008 209.9mm347.0mm
2007 248.1mm332.5mm
2006 254.8mm375.5mm
2005 268.9mm434.1mm
2004 313.3mm538.6mm
2003 361.2mm531.2mm
2002 392.1mm455.7mm
2001 505.7mm488.0mm
2000 591.0mm445.6mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Frances VIC 2010

Observed climate information

Rainfall trial gsr (mm) 398mm

Derived climate information

Conmurra VIC

Frances VIC

Conmurra VIC


Frances VIC


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2010 trial report

Trial last modified: 19-12-2019 11:02am AEST