Cereal on cereal - managing a rotation


Research organisaton

Trial details

Researcher(s) N/A
Year(s) 1999
Contributor Birchip Cropping Group
Trial location(s) Birchip, VIC
Cereal on cereal - managing a rotation locations

To investigate some options in trial work in relation to sowing cereal on cereal and review farmers' experience with cereal on cereal.

Key messages
  • Wheat on wheat can be successfuly grown with relatively low risk if all factors that influence diease are considered.
  • The most important are: disease carry over, variety selection, sowing time, seed treatment and burning stubbles.
  • Barley on wheat is less of a problem, except for self-sown wheat in the barley sample.
Lead research organisation N/A
Host research organisation N/A
Related program N/A
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified


Crop type Cereal (Grain): Wheat
Trial type
Trial design

Birchip 1999

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Trial source data and summary not available
Check the trial report PDF for trial results.
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Birchip, VIC Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Birchip, VIC Vertosol
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Derived climate information

No observed climate data available for this trial.
Derived climate data is determined from trial site location and national weather sources.

Birchip VIC

CAUTION: Trial site locality unknown; Climate data sourced from Birchip Cropping Group office location

Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

No trial reports or attachments found

Trial last modified: 21-11-2019 14:41pm AEST