Comparison of single high rate and multiple low rate fertiliser applications to increase available soil zinc supplied


Research organisaton

Trial details

Researcher(s) CW Dowling
DW Lester
Year(s) 2001
Contributor South Australian Research and Development Institute
Trial location(s) Tulloona, NSW
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Comparison of single high rate and multiple low rate fertiliser applications to increase available soil zinc supplied locations

Two compare two Zn fertiliser application strategies for their impact on soil Zn availability of a grey vertosol.

Key messages
  • Treatments were a single application of 10 kg/ha of Zn as zinc sulfate monohydrate (ZSM) (35% Zn) in 1996 or 4 applications of 1.25kg/ha or 2.5 kg/ha Zn as Incitec.
  • Granulock ST-Z (10 %N, 19.5 % P, 2.5% Zn) between 1996 and 1999. Soil samples were collected at the commencement of the experiment, after the first application and post-harvest from the fourth crop.
  • Samples were analysed for DTPA extractable Zn.
  • The percentage of soil extractable Zn available from applied Zn after 4 cereal crops was about 12 % for the single application of 10 kg/ha Zn as ZSM, 22% for multiple applications of 1.25 kg/ha Zn and 20 % for 2.5 kg/ha Zn as STZ.
  • It would appear that provided there is no compromise in crop productivity, a multiple low rate strategy of Zn fertiliser addition may be more effective in building available soil Zn concentration than a single higher rate.
Lead research organisation N/A
Host research organisation N/A
Related program More Profit from Crop Nutrition
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified


Crop type None: No crop specified
Treatment type(s)
  • Fertiliser: Application Method
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Replicated

Tulloona 2001

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication 3

Feriliser treatments consisted of application of 10 kg Zn/ha (30 kg/ha of ZSM) banded into the soil at 22.5cm spacing once only in 1996 or applications of 1.25 or 2.5 kg ZN/ha as Granulock ST-Z (STZ) placed in the seed-furrow in of each of 4 cereal crops. Phosphorus (P) was applied to the nil Zn control plots and ZSM treatments at 10 kg/ha or 20 kg/ha P as triple superphosphate (20.7 % P) in each crop to match P input from STZ.

Other trial notes

Dalal RC and Probert ME (1997) 'Sustainable crop production in the sub-tropics - an Australian perspective.' (Eds AL Clarke and PB Wylie) (Department of Primary Industries, Qld).

Rayment GE and Higginson FR (1992) 'Australian laboratory handbook of soil and water chemical methods.' (Inkarta Press, Melbourne)

McIntyre G and Mills B (1998) 'Summer crop management notes. Summer 1998/99.' (Department of Primary Industries, Qld)

Trial report and links

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Trial last modified: 10-10-2019 13:29pm AEST