Multi crop summaries - crop topping, MRZ Yorke Peninsula

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Research organisatons

Trial details

Researcher(s) N/A
Year(s) 2016
Contributor Southern Pulse Agronomy
Trial location(s) Melton, SA
Multi crop summaries - crop topping, MRZ Yorke Peninsula locations
  • To determine: a) the correct maturity timing for successful crop topping practice in different pulse crop species and b) to identify crop varieties and advanced breeding lines with improved adaptation to the agronomic practice of crop topping within pulse species.
Key messages
  • The season was characterized by above average rainfall conditions which provided good growing conditions for crops and also ideal conditions for weed establishment, particularly medic which was difficult to control at the site and may have masked variety differences from crop topping application timings in the trial.
  • Crop topping lentils 10 days prior to the recommended ARG milky dough stage led to a significant (>50 %) yield loss when compared to the respective Nil treatments across all lentil varieties. This indicates that correct timing of this practice in critical in this crop and may be difficult to achieve in long favorable growing seasons like 2016.
  • Grain yield of lentil varieties was affected similarly across the crop top timings in 2016. This conflicted with previous findings, which had shown that varieties like PBA Blitz were better suited to this practice, and highlights the large effect seasonal conditions have on this agronomic practice in lentil. Further varietal development work is required in lentil before the industry has a robust variety which is well suited to effective crop topping of ARG across environments and seasons.
  • All varieties of field peas showed a high level of adaption to the agronomic practice of crop topping in the long and favorable season of 2016 which is consistent with previous findings in this crop (Southern Pulse Agronomy Results Summary, 2015)
  • A significant grain yield loss was observed from crop topping chickpeas 10 days earlier and at the recommended ARG milky dough stage highlighting the poor relative suitability of this crop to the agronomic practice of crop topping. PBA has developed early maturing chickpea varieties which may be better suited to crop topping in some environments and seasons. Further evaluation is required with these lines as the ability to reduce ARG seed set in this highly uncompetitive crop is essential for its continued uptake in southern farming systems.
Lead research organisation Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources VIC
Host research organisation N/A
Related program Southern Pulse Agronomy

We are grateful for the support we receive from the numerous commercial agronomists and seed commercialising companies.

Technical Support :

  • Jason Ellifson, Russel Argall, Ash Purdue, Mick Brady, Chris Davies (DEDJTR), Henk Venter, Cathy Fisher, Lee Davis, John Nairn (Clare, SA) and Leigh Davis (Minnipa Ag Centre, SA)

Industry Collaborators :

  • Matt Rodda, Garry Rosewarne and Helen Richardson (DEDJTR), Kristy Hobson (DPI NSW), Jeff Paull (University of Adelaide), Jenny Davidson, Rohan Kimber, (SARDI), Ashley Wallace (Regional Research Agronomist Program) and Southern Farming Systems for managing trials in SW Vic.

Other trial partners Not specified


Crop types Grain Legume: Field peas Grain Legume: Lentils
Trial type
Trial design

Melton 2016 Field peas

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified

Melton 2016 Lentils

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Trial source data and summary not available
Check the trial report PDF for trial results.
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Melton, SA Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Melton, SA Calcarosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Melton SA
2016 514.9mm
2015 454.8mm
2014 527.7mm
2013 528.8mm
2012 530.2mm
2011 551.2mm
2010 537.4mm
2009 468.7mm
2008 473.8mm
2007 520.2mm
2006 529.9mm
2005 519.2mm
2004 483.4mm
2003 538.0mm
2002 509.9mm
2001 554.2mm
2000 535.2mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Derived climate information

No observed climate data available for this trial.
Derived climate data is determined from trial site location and national weather sources.

Melton SA


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial last modified: 28-08-2019 14:37pm AEST