Timing of nitrogen in low rainfall canola


Research organisaton
Funding source

Trial details

Researcher(s) Raj Malik
Mark Seymour
Sally Sprigg
Year(s) 2014
Contributor Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
Trial location(s) Holt Rock, ACT
Timing of nitrogen in low rainfall canola locations

To investigate the response to changing the nitrogen rate and changing the time of application. Canola yield and oil will be measured and RR hybrids will be compared with open-pollinated TT types (OP TT).

Key messages

The Cunderdin trial saw Pioneer 43Y23 (RR) perform better in terms of higher grain yield, oil yield and gross margins than Sturt TT, with both varieties producing similar oil %. Grain yield responded to applied nitrogen up to 30 kg N/ha.  As the rate of applied nitrogen increased the % oil in the seed of both canola varieties decreased at a rate of 0.02% oil per kg applied N/ha.  Gross margins also responded to nitrogen application up to ~ 30 kg N/ha after which further increases in nitrogen led to no further financial gain.  Overall when nitrogen was applied it did not alter the response to nitrogen of both varieties for GY, oil, oil yield and GM.   

Lead research organisation Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC DAW00227
Related program N/A

This trial is one of a series conducted throughout WA as part of the GRDC/DAFWA co-funded project “Tactical Break Crop Agronomy in Western Australia”. Thanks to the Merredin RSU for trial management. Laurie Maiolo provided technical assistance to ensure all treatments and measurements occurred in a timely and accurate fashion.

Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Oilseed: Canola
Treatment type(s)
  • Fertiliser: Timing
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Replicated

Holt Rock 2014

Sow rate or Target density 30 plants/m²
Sow date 7 May 2014
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication 3

Basal fertiliser – 100 kg/ha SuperPhos at seeding, 400 kg/ha of gypsum and 120 kg/ha of Muriate of Potash applied by hand over whole site 4-6 weeks after sowing.

Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information
Trial source data and summary not available
Check the trial report PDF for trial results.
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Holt Rock, ACT Loamy sand
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Holt Rock, ACT Sodosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Holt Rock ACT
2014 514.0mm
2013 495.6mm
2012 532.6mm
2011 518.9mm
2010 554.8mm
2009 505.6mm
2008 495.7mm
2007 453.3mm
2006 460.7mm
2005 525.9mm
2004 458.7mm
2003 439.3mm
2002 496.0mm
2001 510.7mm
2000 422.1mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Holt Rock ACT 2014

Observed climate information

Rainfall avg gsr (mm) 266mm

Derived climate information

Holt Rock ACT


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial last modified: 28-05-2019 15:40pm AEST