Residual Control of Feathertop Rhodes Grass in Wheat - Meandarra

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Trial details

Researcher(s) Linda Bailey
Year(s) 2020
Contributor Northern Grower Alliance
Trial location(s) Meandarra, QLD
Residual Control of Feathertop Rhodes Grass in Wheat - Meandarra locations

To evaluate herbicides for the residual control of spring germinating Feathertop Rhodes grass.

Key messages
Not specified
Meandarra QLD 2020

This trial was established to evaluate the residual control of Feathertop Rhodes (FTR) grass in wheat. The incorporation by sowing treatments (IBS) were applied 1 day prior to planting and the post sowing pre-emergent treatments (PSPE) were applied 1 day after planting (1 DAP). The in-crop application was applied at 28 DAP when ~50% of the crop was at GS15. An FTR population of ~1/m2was at the 2 leaf stage when the in-crop treatments were applied. Wheat establishment counts were taken at 14 DAP, with no apparent impact on emergence. Overwatch treated plots showed concerning levels of wheat leaf bleaching at 28 DAP. An initial FTR emergence occurred following a total of ~16mm rain on the 14 th and 15th of June (12-13 DAA). Assessment at 48 DAA only found FTR in the untreated and where in-crop treatments had been applied after weed emergence. A second emergence of FTR was counted at 83 DAA. This followed ~24mm of rain, over 3 days, between the 8th and 16th of August (67-75 DAA). All treatments except Dual Gold and the in-crop application of Arcade provided 90-100% control. Only new FTR emergence was counted. A final assessment of FTR was conducted at 111 DAA with all surviving FTR counted. All treatments except Arcade in-crop had provided 90-100% control.

Lead research organisation Northern Grower Alliance
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC NGA2009-001RTX
Related program N/A
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified
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Trial report and links

2020 trial report

Trial last modified: 31-01-2023 15:51pm AEST