Chickpea Desiccation Timing - Pittsworth

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Research organisaton
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Trial details

Researcher(s) Linda Bailey
Year(s) 2019
Contributor Northern Grower Alliance
Trial location(s) Pittsworth, QLD
Chickpea Desiccation Timing - Pittsworth locations

To evaluate the impact of desiccant application timing on yield, grain quality and economics.

Key messages
Not specified
Pittsworth QLD 2019

This trial was designed to determine the impact of desiccant application timing. Three application timings were planned: at ~70%, 80% and 90% grain maturity. Timing 1 occurred at ~66% maturity, however within 5 days the crop had reached ~91% (timing 2) and 5 days later had reached ~98% maturity (Timing 3). A total fire ban was enforced shortly prior to the planned harvest of the 3rd application timing with no harvest conducted. Due to the application of Timing 3 on 98% mature grain and the lack of harvest and grain quality information, no data is presented from the Timing 3 application. Harvest was conducted 7 days after each application. Shortly prior to each harvest, visual ratings of crop discolouration and leaf drop were conducted and a physical measure of stem drydown (stem snapping) was performed. Grain quality was evaluated within 24 hours of harvest. Gramoxone 800 mL/ha provided the largest % discolouration at both application timings. It was significantly greater than all treatments other than Crucial 1000 mL/ha + Sharpen 34 g/ha + 1% Hasten at timing 1 and all treatments other than Crucial 1600 mL/ha or Crucial 1000 mL/ha + Sharpen 9 g/ha + Ally 5 g/ha + 1% Hasten at timing 2. Levels of leaf drop were less than 10% for all treatments with no improvement compared to the Untreated. No treatment provided any benefit in stem drydown compared to the Untreated at either application timing. There was no significant impact on yield from any desiccant treatment or application timing with yields averaging 0.7 t/ha. There was no significant impact from desiccant treatment on % grain protein with no interaction with application timing. Gramoxone 800 mL/ha and Crucial 1000 mL/ha + Sharpen 34 g/ha + 1% Hasten both significantly reduced grain moisture compared to the Untreated at timing 1 but with no difference between treatments at timing 2. Visual grain assessment was also conducted. There was no significant impact on the % mature grain from any treatment or application timing with levels of ~90-95%. Levels of green immature grain were less than 1% for all treatments. At timing 1, all desiccant treatments other than Crucial 1000 mL/ha + Sharpen 34 g/ha + 1% Hasten recorded significantly less % green grain than the Untreated with no difference between treatments at timing 2. Levels of yellow immature grain overall were significantly higher from timing 1 (~5% v 0.5%). Gramoxone 800 mL/ha recorded significantly less yellow grain than the Untreated with no impact from the other treatments. Damaged seed levels were significantly higher at the timing 2 harvest (~3% v 1%) with no difference between any desiccant and the Untreated. There was no significant difference in shrivelled seed levels between any treatment and the Untreated with all levels below 1%. There were significantly more whole pods in the harvested samples from timing 1 (~3% v 1%) with Crucial 1600 mL/ha recording significantly higher levels than the Untreated and Gramoxone 800 mL/ha significantly lower. Seed germination from the Crucial 1000 mL/ha + Sharpen 9 g/ha + Ally 5 g/ha + 1% Hasten treatment at timing 1 was significantly lower than the Untreated. There was no significant impact on germination from any other treatment compared to the Untreated at either timing.

Lead research organisation Northern Grower Alliance
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC NGA00004
Related program N/A
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified
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Trial report and links

2019 trial report

Trial last modified: 31-01-2023 15:50pm AEST