To Increase producer awareness of the potential issues and management strategies to deal with oestrogenic clover.
The trial aims to explore rotational options for the South-East region with the aim of improving yield and water use efficiency of these and the subsequent crops.
To assess the crop enhancement effects of Moddus Evo and Amistar Xtra when used in combination. Whilst Moddus Evo is a PGR that is pending registration for anti-lodging and Amistar Xtra is a superior fungicide both these products have been shown to individually contribute to yield increases beyond anti lodging and disease control respectivel… read more
To assess the yield of the plant growth regulator (PGR), Moddus Evo and foliar fungicides Amistar Xtra, Cogito and experimental in furrow fungicide SYNSIF1 when used in barley. Previous work has shown that when combining PGRs with good quality fungicides yield and return on investment can be significantly enhanced in cereal crops grown in high r… read more
The objective of the project was to work with landholders in the region to increase their capacity and knowledge to productively and sustainably manage their soil by developing a snapshot of the extent of acidity on their properties.
To explore adult plant resistance and strategic fungicide use for integrated management of cereal rust
The project aimed to identify the potential for alternative summer crops in increasing the $return/ML water. It looked at demonstrating summer pulses (suitable for human consumption), summer grain crops (suitable for livestock consumption) and also various grazing fodder species.
The fact sheet aims to explain why phosphorus fertilisers are important, how they enter and are stored in the soil, and how farmers can get the most efficient use out of phosphorus fertiliser applications.
To investigate a range of rates and timings of foliar fungicide to try to reduce the impact of aerial blackleg.
To assess the yields of a range of agronomic treatments on barley varieties at different sites.
To assess the yields of a range of agronomic treatments on barley varieties at different sites.
To assess the yield of a range of agronomic treatments on barley varieties
To assess the yield of a range of agronomic treatments on barley at several sites.
To assess the yield of a number of agronomic treatments on barley varieties.
This research aims to evaluate all new varieties in the NVT program.
This research has been conducted across the mid north of South Australia to determine if new and existing varieties of barley vary in tolerance to commonly used herbicides.
To assess the yields of a range of barley varieties at different sites.
To assess the yields of a range of barley varieties at different sites.
To assess the yields of a range of barley varieties at different sites.
To assess the yield of a range of barley varieties.
To assess the yield of a range of barley varieties.
To assess the range of barley varieties available.
To assess the yield of a range of barley varieties at several sites.
To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East.
To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East.
The barley X fungicide trials were established to compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application to barley yield and quality with fungicide application
To assess the benefit of early aphid management and BYDV control through the use of seed applied insecticides
To determine optimum sowing dates and sowing densities for maximising yield of new faba bean varieties in high rainfall areas.
To report on a bean variety trial.
To explore bean varieties.
To assess the effect of blackleg on canola crops and varieties in the South East of SA.
To assess the effect of blackleg in canola crops and varieties in the south east of SA
To develop varieties of Brassica carinata that are more specifically adapted to Australian conditions to enable commercial quantities of biojet and biodiesel fuels to be produced. This project focuses on genetic selection, adoption and scale-up within Australia.
To explore broad bean canopy management
To determine whether broad bean plant architecture (PBA Kareema) can be manipulated with the use of chemicals or agronomic management practices
To explore broad bean canopy management
This trial was initiated at the request of growers, to screen alternative post-emergent herbicides that may be effective in controlling weeds in this crop in the future.
To improve water use efficienes of crops and pasture by reducing the soil constraints that impede root growth.
The aim is to improve water use efficiencies of crops and pasture by reducing the soil constraints that impede root growth.
To assess the effect of blackleg on canola crops and varieties in the south east of SA.
To evaluate canola varieties.
To enable growers to evaluate a selected number of varieties under specific local conditions.
To enable growers to evaluate a selected number of varieties under specific local conditions.
To assess the effectiveness of foliar fungicides in canola.
To assess the yield of a range of canola varieties
To report on a canola variety trial.
To explore canola yield results from teh south east and varieties available in SA for 2013.
To offer unique insight into how mixed farms comprising broadacre cropping, irrigation and livestock might continue to evolve in the years and decades to come.
An objective of this research was to create a water balance model for white clover seed production. In conjunction with the water balance investigation, determination of $return/ML applied to assess water use efficiency would be studied. Overlaying this research was the aim of assessing current, as well as historical, impacts of irrigation manag… read more
To investigate the effect of Barley Yellow Dwarf virus on wheat and also to determine teh effect of different fungicide optionson leaf diseases on wheat.
To assess the impact of BYDV on wheat yield and also the effect of a range of fungicide treatments on wheat yield during 2009.
This trial aims to assess the biomass production and quality of legumes oversown with cereals.
To explore chaff cart benefits in a mixed system
To assess changes in crop productivity as a result of overcoming the chemical, physical and biological constraints of a sandy soil at Cadgee.
To overcome the chemical, physical and biological constraints of sandy soils, with the aim of achieving long term crop productivity gains greater than 70%.
To engage with growers around topical soil health issues in their regions, and arm them with knowledge of ways that they may be able to improve their soil health and productivity.
To improve farmer access to quality information relating to soil health
To explore rotational options for the South East region with the aim of improving yield and water use efficiency of these and subsequent wheat crops.
To explore rotational options for the South-East region with the aim of improving yield and water use efficiency of these, and subsequent crops.
To answer three key questions:
The project aimed to answer three key questions:
1. Can a break crop be as profitable as a cereal?
2. Are crop sequences including break crops more profitable than continuous wheat? and
3. What effects do break crops have on soil nitrogen availability?
To increase water use efficiency of these crops and the subsequent cereal crops.
This project is being carried out in the Upper South-East region to assess various Decision Support Tools and the role that they can play in improving the uptake of conservation tillage, and more efficient nitrogen management. It aims to look at 2 different “Decision Support Tools”; Yield Prophet – a computer model, and Soil Moisture p… read more
To quantify the yield effects of deep ripping, gypsum applicaiton and a new cultivation implement known as a spader.
To quantify the effects of deep ripping, gypsum application and a new cultivation implement known as a Spader.
To quantify the effects of deep ripping, gypsum application, and a new cultivation implement known as a Spader,
This project is primarily about understanding more about the size of the water bucket (Plant Available Water as a crop input),
and how that may impact our management decisions and the final result of our crops for the season.
To address a knowledge gap by evaluating dual-purpose canola varieties (both commercial cultivars and experimental lines) in the HRZ of south-east SA, comparing two times of sowing and exploring grazing management options.
To evaluate dryland dual-purpose canola varieties in the high rainfall zone (HRZ) (>550 mm) of the south-east of South Australia (SA).
This project aims to evaluate dryland dual-purpose canola varieties in the high rainfall zone (HRZ) (>550 mm) of the south-east of South Australia (SA).
To evaluate the effect of nitrogen timing on grain yield and quality of durm wheat varieties in the south east.
To see if slow developing cultivars sown early can yield more than faster maturing cultivars sown later in a high rainfall environment.
The trial was established to assess the suitability of cultivars to early sowing.
Investigate the dry matter accumulation and timing of a range of pastrure species and mixes and comparing them to the dry matter production by crops that are grown to be grazed before being shut up for grain production or cut for hay or silage.
Investigate the dry matter accumulation and timing of a range of pastrure species and mixes and comparing them to the dry matter production by crops that are grown to be grazed before being shut up for grain production or cut for hay or silage.
Investigating the dry matter accumulation and timing of a range of pasture species and mixes and comparing them to the dry matter produced by crops that are grown to be grazed before being shut up for grain production or cut for hay from silage.
Investigating the dry matter accumulation and timing of a range of pasture species and mixes and comparing them to the dry matter produced by crops that are grown to be grazed before being shut up for grain production or cut for hay from silage.
Looking at different strategies to try and improve water use efficiency in mixed cropping and livestock enterprises across the South East region
To evaluate if direct heading canola lowers the snail population captured in the harvester.
To investigate the effect of the seed treatment Hombre on reducing barley yellow drawf virus in different wheat varieties.
To investigate the effect of the seed treatment Hombre on reducing barley yellow drawf virus in different wheat varieties.
To investigate the effect of the seed treatment Hombre® on reducing barley yellow dwarf virus in different wheat varieties
To use NGS technology to identify a broader range of pathogens present in the diseased roots.
To evaluate the efficacy of eNtrench as a nitrification stabiliser against current practise.
To investigate using alternative crops in medium to high rainfall zones.
Following on from work by Seedmark PlantTech in 2008, there is investigation in using alternative crops in medium to high rainfall zones. It was determined that more data needed to be collected to establish dry matter and production in these zones.
To evaluate new cultivars and provide productive alternatives for cropping rotations in HRZ regions which;
• Show how products can combine to improve outcome
• Provide High DM production- for grazing, hay or silage
• Allow alternative weed control methods e.g. competition, different herbicide groups
• Provid… read more
To evaluate forage varieties in a cropping system.
To evaluate the potential of novel slower developing barley varieties to increase profitability in the higher rainfall zones of SA.
To evaluate sub clover varieties in a cropping system.
To evaluate sub clover varities in a cropping system.
To quantify the level and effects of sub-clover root disease in pastures across the south-east region of South Australia. It aims to understand the production and economic impact of root disease and, through the evaluation of chemical and cultural control methods, establish cost-effective solutions to manage these diseases.
To quantify the level and effects of sub-clover root disease in pastures across the south-east region of South Australia.It aims to understand the production and economic impact of root disease and, through the evaluation of chemical and cultural control
methods, establish cost-effective solutions to manage these diseases.
The project aims to quantify the level and effects of sub-clover root disease in pastures across the south-east region of South Australia.
To assess varietal resistance in Southern Australian germplasm
To explore variety tolerance of eyespot in commercial varieties.
To provide growers with information which will reduce losses due to eyespot by improving our understanding of:
• Resistance responses of commercial cultivars and breeders’ lines to eyespot.
• Yield losses due to eyespot in cultivars with different resistance rankings for eyespot.
• The effectiveness of delayed fungic… read more
This research was initiated to provide preliminary data to improve our understanding of:
• The effectiveness of timing of fungicide application for eyespot management in the South East.
• Interactions between MS and S varieties and fungicide efficacy.
• Impact of fungicides, varieties and combinations on eyespot inocul… read more
The aim of the experiment was to improve faba bean yields under conditions of high biomass production through understanding variety and agronomic performance.
To determine appropriate sowing dates and densities of new faba bean varieties in the South East of SA, and quantify effect of various crop-top timings on yield of commercial cultivars.