To test the following hypotheses:
1. Low plant density will not reduce yield of early April sown wheat
2. Delayed nitrogen application will not affect grain yield
3. Agronomy can offset yield reductions from grazing wheat sown in early April
1. To investigate the effects of dry sowing on the nodulation and nitrogen fixation of chickpea in a low rainfall environment.
2. To investigate the residual effects on the growth of a subsequent wheat crop.
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase the adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control.
A survey indicated that in the central-eastern wheat… read more
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control. A survey indicated that in southwest Australia, many growers thou… read more
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control. A survey indicated that in southwest Australia, many growers thou… read more
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control. A survey indicated that in southwest Australia, many growers thou… read more
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control. A survey indicated that in southwest Australia, many growers thou… read more
Barley grass is one of the major weeds in the southern region. Many southern growers think their barley grass is resistant to grass selective herbicides and may have developed late germination to avoid pre-seeding herbicides. In this area, barley grass is a major problem in pastures, and often in break crops as well.
The trial aims to … read more
To better understand the efficacy and crop safety of broadleaf herbicide options for faba bean crops grown on sandy soils in Western Australia, focusing on new varieties; PBA Amberley and PBA Bendoc.
To compare efficacy of new and old herbicides and herbicide mixtures for broadleaf weed control in chickpea.
To compare two chickpea varieties for their competitiveness against broadleaf weeds and evaluate efficacy of new and old herbicides and herbicide mixtures for broadleaf weed control in chickpea.
To compare efficacy of new and old herbicides and herbicide mixtures for broadleaf weed control in chickpea.
Investigate the effect of row spacing up to 66cm in two hybrid varieties at two different seeding rates to determine if row spacing or plant density can ameliorate the effect of sclerotinia stem rot, with or without fungicide application.
To investigate whether yield can be maintained as seeding rate (plant density) of canola is reduced in the high rainfall zone.
To investigate yield and phenology of canola varieties when sown in March to provide better advice to agronomists and growers about the best varieties to use and safe sowing and flowering windows.
To investigate yield and phenology of canola varieties when sown in March to provide better advice to agronomists and growers about the best varieties to use and safe sowing and flowering windows.
To investigate yield and phenology of canola varieties when sown in March to provide better advice to agronomists and growers about the best varieties to use and safe sowing and flowering windows.
To determine whether macronutrient supply (phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) becomes limiting as canola growers target high yields with high nitrogen rates in the high rainfall zone of WA.
To determine whether macronutrient supply (phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) becomes limiting as canola growers target high yields with high nitrogen rates in the high rainfall zone of WA.
To determine whether macronutrient supply (phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) becomes limiting as canola growers target high yields with high nitrogen rates in the high rainfall zone of WA.
We aim to determine if faba beans in the high rainfall zone respond to high rates of phosphorus, in-crop nitrogen and/or a complete/intensive nutritional and disease management package.
We aim to determine if faba beans in higher rainfall zone respond to high rates of phosphorus, in-crop nitrogen and/or a complete/intensive nutritional and disease management package.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of newly registered fungicides on ascochyta in chickpeas.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of newly registered fungicides on ascochyta in chickpeas.
Demonstrate the effectiveness of different fungicide timing options on chocolate spot management and evaluate a new spray decision support tool.
We aim to compare the current recommended WA fungicide spray strategy with the more regular fungicide applications common in other states, and with a spray timing based on canopy humidity and temperature to determine if this could be a useful decision support tool by West Australian growers.
We aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of using clean seed and seed applied fungicide to minimise the amount of Ascochyta in a chickpea crop, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of early season foliar fungicides to keep disease levels at bay.
We aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of using clean seed and seed applied fungicide to minimise the amount of Ascochyta in a chickpea crop, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of early season foliar fungicides to keep disease levels at bay.
We aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of using clean seed and seed applied fungicide to minimise the amount of Ascochyta in a chickpea crop, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of early season foliar fungicides to keep disease levels at bay.
We plan to demonstrate a range both peat and granular inoculant options for chickpeas, placement of these products with seed vs. with fertiliser, and the interactions of these products with seed applied fungicide.
We plan to demonstrate a range both peat and granular inoculant options for chickpeas, placement of these products with seed vs. with fertiliser, and the interactions of these products with seed applied fungicide.
The trial aimed to investigate pasture barley grass control in 2019, pre-emergent herbicides in barley in 2020 and oats in 2021.
Barley grass is becoming an increasingly problematic weed in Western Australia. A GRDC funded project sought to increase adoption of integrated weed management tactics for barley grass, by working with grower groups to develop regionally appropriate rotations for optimal control.
A survey indicated that in growers in the northern wheat… read more
To measure the grain yield increase to copper fertiliser applied as a granule, seed dressing and foliar application
Measure the grain yield increase to copper fertiliser applied as a granule, seed dressing and foliar application
To measure the effect of deep ripping on depth to free water (waterlogging) and the associated yield response of canola (2018) and wheat (2019) after deep ripping on this soil type.
To determine how long the ripping effect lasts for in a controlled traffic farming (CTF) system and when to repeat the deep ripping on deep sands
To demonstrate various long and short-term management options to mitigate water repellent soils in the Corrigin area in 2017
Native budworm actively feeding on cereals has not been an issue for growers or industry in the past, and considering the recent detections, growers and western region industry networks have voiced that they would like support on this issue, especially regarding sampling techniques and spray thresholds. To achieve this, we investigated this new … read more
Demonstrate the effectiveness of different fungicide timing options on chocolate spot management and evaluate a new spray decision support tool.
This trial was a collaboration of the Crop Protection and Grain Science groups within DPIRD.
To investigate the economic return of spraying fungicide for spot type net blotch in barley in the eastern wheatbelt.
Investigate the effect of delayed baiting on snail mortality immediately post baiting and the longer-term impact on presence of smaller snails during the harvest period.
For newly released faba bean varieties: demonstrate production packages, including herbicide, fertiliser and rhizobia options that are the ‘best bet’ to maximise yield.
A case study to demonstrate that faba beans can serve as a much needed break crop in the dominant canola-barley rotation on the South Coast sandplain.
To determine if spacing lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L) and canola (Brassica napus) plants in more uniform geometric patterns can improve yield of these species in the Northern Agricultural Region of Western Australia.
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new or potential new chickpea varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage.
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new or potential new chickpea varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage.
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new lentil varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage.
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new lentil varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage.
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new lupin varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage. Mandelup was included as a standard variety for comparison in the trial.
Blue lupins are problematic in narrow leave lupin production, especially in the Northern Agriculture Region of WA Wheatbelt and no herbic… read more
To identify herbicide sensitivities of new lupin varieties with the view to reduce their yield losses due to herbicide damage. Mandelup was included as a standard variety for comparison in the trial.
Blue lupins are problematic in narrow leave lupin production, especially in the Northern Agriculture Region of WA Wheatbelt and no herbic… read more
To investigate the fit of high value pulse crops (faba bean, lentil, and chickpea) in the sowing program and their rotational (agronomic and economic) benefits to the following cereal crop.
To investigate the effect of seeding rate and nitrogen program (application rate and timing) on grain yield and quality to reduce the yield gap in the high-rainfall zone where there is high yield potential.
To annually monitor long-term focus paddocks in the Geraldton port zone for effectiveness of integrated weed management strategies in controlling herbicide resistant weeds
Identify suitable lentil varieties for WA growers.
Identify suitable lentil varieties for WA growers.
To identify suitable Lentil varities for WA growers.
Identify suitable lentil varieties for Western Australian farming systems.
Identify suitable lentil varieties for Western Australian farming systems.
To demonstrate tolerance of latest lentil varieties to herbicides.
To monitor the long term effects of incorporated lime versus no incorporation.
This trial aims to establish the long-term value of deep ripping on compacted deep south coast sands. It investigates the longevity of the ripping benefit in a fully controlled traffic system (CTF).
To optimise wheat and barley protein by better understanding response to high nitrogen rates in a given season.
To determine environmental triggers that initiate movement, feeding and formation of the albumen gland in small conical snails.
To monitor the presence of soilborne disease levels in the farming system following the legume pasture, Sothis.
To investigate the efficacy of newly registered fungicides for control of ascochyta in chickpea.
To investigate the efficacy of newly registered fungicides for control of ascochyta in chickpea.
To reduce costs in poor seasons and maximise yield in good seasons by having a greater understanding of tactical nitrogen application and how it affects wheat protein and yield.
This trial is the second year of the trial series comparing the performance and response of two breeding lines (03198-18, named Kowari , and 06204-16, named Bilby ) and two benchmark varieties (Carrolup and Williams ) to changes in nitrogen and plant density in medium rainfall environments.
This trial is the second year of the trial series comparing the performance and response of two breeding lines (03198-18, named Kowari, and 06204-16, named Bilby) and two benchmark varieties (Carrolup and Williams) to changes in nitrogen and plant density in medium rainfall environments.
This trial is the second year of the trial series comparing the performance and response of two breeding lines (03198-18, named Kowari , and 06204-16, named Bilby ) and two benchmark varieties (Carrolup and Williams ) to changes in nitrogen and plant density in medium rainfall environments. This research builds on the trials conducted at Holt… read more
To evaluate different sequences of pulses and canola after soil amelioration when transitioning into cereal cropping to capture maximum benefit from amelioration.
To evaluate the rotational benefit of different sequences of pulses and canola after soil amelioration when transitioning back into cereal cropping following amelioration.
To compare the effectiveness of fungicide regimes on disease management in faba beans, including a regime based on an IoT sensor that uses canopy microclimate data.
Understand the critical nutrients required to achieve high yielding (>3t/ha) canola crops, especially when wanting to chase yields with high N in-season.
Annual ryegrass at high density reduces crop yield. However, this weed is highly sensitive to crop competition. Initial control with pre-emergent herbicides combined with high seeding rates in cereal crops may be sufficient to control this species.
The trial aims to investigate pre-emergent herbicides and high density crop seeding in … read more
This trial aimed to investigate pre-emergent herbicides and high-density crop seeding in barley crops. The trial was run in two separate fields in 2020 and 2021, on a single farm.
Evaluate the efficacy of chaff lining as a weed seed management tool within the Northen Agri Group in the Geraldton port zone
The aim of this field experiment is to compare the viability of different break crop options for the management of RLN (P. neglectus) and Rhizoctonia. This involved monitoring the RLN population in response to different break crops in the break crop year (2018), as well as under susceptible cereal crops in following years (wheat 2019 an… read more
To investigate the most effective and profitable break crops in rotation with cereals (wheat) for growers with RLN and R. solani in the same paddock, a two-year (2018 & 2019) break-crop rotation trial was implemented in Dumbleyung and Grass Valley.
To investigate whether residual soil nutrition from canola grown with high fertiliser inputs should influence nutrition strategies in the following wheat crop.
To determine if chickpea respond to applied nitrogen.
To determine if chickpea respond to applied nitrogen.
Pulses have high demand for nitrogen during the reproductive stage when their growth rate increases and pods are set and filled. We wish to determine if applying nitrogen in-season will increase nitrogen supply, pod set and yield.
To determine if faba bean responds to applied nitrogen.
To determine if lentil responds to applied nitrogen.
To evaluate if retaining OP canola seed leads to reduced yield or oil.