Condobolin NSW trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
A comparison of farming systems profitability: 2002-2006

To capture some of these realities and provide an indication of how the different systems compare in physical and economic terms.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Alternative dwarfing genes for improving seedling establishment of wheat

To report on a sowing depth study comparing growth and yield of long coleoptile-selected wheats with commercial tall and semi dwarf varieties.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Analysis from trials shows value of nitrogen

To report on trials showing the value of nitrogen.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Are green manure cover crops a viable option to reduce the use of agrochemical in the low rainfall Mallee?

To see whether green manure a viable management option (in terms of maintenance of ground cover and other agronomic benefits) as we know that terminating cover crops will result in 100% seed set control providing that the crop is effectively killed at an appropriate time.

Central West Farming Systems
2015 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Assessment of soil pH; changes over time at historic sites sampled under a previous soil acidity project

To increase grower awareness of: the current status of soil acidification and the associated causes and impacts and associated need to address of soil acidification via the ongoing application of agricultural lime.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Assessment of soil pH; changes over time at historic sites sampled under a previous soil acidity project

To increase grower awareness of: the current status of soil acidification and the associated causes and impacts and associated need to address of soil acidification via the ongoing application of agricultural lime.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Assessment of the impact of lime upon plant biomass and yield

To increase grower awareness of the benefits of applying Lime to a cropping operation. Providing local relevance to farmers.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Barley varieties and agronomy

To report on barley variety and agronomy trials conducted at many of the CWFS sites.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Biological control of crown rot

To investigate the possibility of reducing the inoculum of Fusarium graminearum in wheat stubble by spraying the stubble with spores of a harmless fungus, Trichoderma species, in order to control the disease.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Can we do conservation farming in the (marginal) cropping areas of western NSW?

To present actual farming results from a large cropping program in the Condobolin area in central NSW.

Central West Farming Systems
1997 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Chickpea variety, sowing rate and row spacing trial

To determine the best management practices for growing the new varieties of chickpeas here in Condobolin.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Combating sodic subsoils - is plant growth affected by sodic subsoils?

To investigate whether plant growth affected by sodic subsoils.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Condobolin oat varietal yield and quality trial

To provide localised data on the yield and quality response of released and near release oats lines.

Central West Farming Systems
2005 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Condobolin wheat varietal yield and quality trial

To provide localised data on the yield and quality response of released and near release wheat lines.

Central West Farming Systems
2005 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Condobolin, field pea varietal yield and quality trial

To provide localised data on the yield and quality response of released and near release field pea lines.

Central West Farming Systems
2005 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Continuous cropping - is it sustainable?

To answer the question - continuous cropping - is it sustainable?

Central West Farming Systems
1997 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Controlled traffic - is coming to a farm near you

To present information about controlled traffic farming.

Central West Farming Systems
1998 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Core site

To report on activities and results from the core site in 2005.

Central West Farming Systems
2005 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Core site

To investigate the management, profitability and sustainability of four farming systems.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Crop monitoring report

To report on the CWFS Crop Monitoring project.

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
CWFS Condobolin farming systems trial

To examine the strengths and weaknesses of four farming systems and document their relative profitability and sustainability.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Evaluating stripe rust management strategies for wheat in 2004 and 2005

To evaluate stripe rust management strategies for wheat in 2004 & 2005.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Farming systems comparison - core site

To investigate the management, sustainability and profitability of a range of farming systems. 

Central West Farming Systems
2003 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Fungicides for control of wheat stripe rust in central-west NSW
  • To assess the potential for yield and quality responses from controlling Stripe Rust (SR) in several wheat varieties with differing levels of SR resistance in central-west (CW) NSW.
  • To assess the level of stripe rust control achieved by using different fungicide products including seed dressings, fertiliser dressing and foliar sprays.
Central West Farming Systems
2005 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze: pasture cropping subprogram

To determine the success of Pasture Cropping for different starting pasture compositions and crop sequences (i.e. the difference betweencropping year-after-year compared to doing it once) in comparison to No Till cropping and pasture treatments. Success will be assessed by the profitability of the crop, the grazing value of the pasture, perennial grass recruitment and resource condition.


Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Grazing sheep on stubbles

To measure the impact of grazing within cropping systems on soil properties, water dynamics and crop yield.

Central West Farming Systems
2009 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
High water-use farming systems that integrate crops with perennial pastures

To develop high water-use farming systems that integrate crops with perennial pastures.

Central West Farming Systems
2003 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Improving farm profits with longer season wheat crops

To test the optimum sowing time for long season wheat cultivars uisng three target sowing dates.

Central West Farming Systems
2018 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Interactions between management practices and soil biota in northern farming systems

To report on interactions between management practices and soil biota in northern farming systems.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Is controlled traffic farming altering crop performance across seeder widths in CWFS districts?

To test the hypothesis that over time in controlled traffic farming systems the repeated uneven spreading of header residue back over the tram track width would result in changed soil conditions that would ultimately lead to different “management zones” along the tram track.

Central West Farming Systems
2015 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Is controlled traffic farming altering crop performance across seeder widths in CWFS districts?

To identify any possible impacts on crop growth in controlled traffic systems where the header residue maybe inconsistently spread back across the tram track width over a number of seasons.

Central West Farming Systems
2016 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
LIRAC - Long-term changes of a sodic soil 14-years after lime and gypsum application

To investigate the effects of different soil ameliorants at different rates on sodic soils.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble

To examine two main management options to deal with high stubble loads (≥5t/ha) in 2017, and incorporates many of the main findings from the stubble initiative to date.

Central West Farming Systems
2016 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Managing for profit and risk management

To improve decision making amongst local farmers by improving the knowledge and understanding of the economic relationships which exist in our farming systems, and improving skills of participants to assess particularly the economic consequences of their decision making in critical areas within their farm business.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Managing your crop's nitrogen

To provide information regarding managing your crop's nitrogen.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Mechanism of weed suppression in early vigour and weed suppressive wheat genotypes

To report on mechanisms of weed suppression in early vigour and weed suppressive wheat genotypes.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Modelling the effect on stocking rate and lamb production of allowing ewes to graze a dual-purpose wheat crop

To report on trials showing the value of nitrogen.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Monitoring mice in Australia - November 2014

To report on the mouse monitoring program; part of a 3 year study funded by the GRDC to monitor mouse populations and forecast the liklihood of mouse outbreaks.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Monitoring mice in Australia - November 2014

To report on the mouse monitoring program; part of a 3 year study funded by the GRDC to monitor mouse populations and forecast the liklihood of mouse outbreaks.

Central West Farming Systems
2015 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Mouse census week - special update

To provide a special report on Mouse Census Week - a part of the mouse monitoring program; part of a 3 year study funded by the GRDC to monitor mouse populations and forecast the liklihood of mouse outbreaks.

Central West Farming Systems
2015 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
New barley and wheat varieties and their management

To develop variety specific agronomy packages for the major winter crops in southern NSW with emphasis on agronomic practices that are likely to have a genotype x environment interaction.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Nitrogen inputs from pasture legumes in a cropping rotation

To report on nitrogen inputs from pasture legumes in a cropping rotation.

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Nitrous oxide emissions in grain production systems

To measure N20 emitted by vetch, field peas and wheat stubble over summer and to determine whether
top-dressed inhibitor-treated and slow release urea products influence N2O emissions.

Central West Farming Systems
2014 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Nutrition of livestock

To know more about nutrition of stock.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Pastures for prime wheat production

To observe the effects that pasture species, length of the pasture phase and management have on the nitrogen cycle.

Central West Farming Systems
1996 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Phosphorus responses in canola

To quanitfy these grain yield increases achievable in wheat and canola in the central west of NSW through varying P rate experiments.

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Phosphorus responses in wheat

To quanitfy these grain yield increases achievable in wheat and canola in the central west of NSW through varying P rate experiments.

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Pulse crops for Central Western NSW

To investigate pulse crops for Central Western NSW.

Central West Farming Systems
1997 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Pulse trial

To detemine how well alternative pulse crops grow in the district and to calculate the associated gross margins to determine their profitability.

Central West Farming Systems
2004 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
Pulse variety trial

To provide growers with information about break crop options available to them. 

Central West Farming Systems
2009 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton