Condobolin oat varietal yield and quality trial

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Research organisaton
Funding source

Trial details

Researcher(s) Nathan Border (NSW DPI)
Year(s) 2005
Contributor Central West Farming Systems
Trial location(s) Condobolin, NSW
Condobolin oat varietal yield and quality trial locations

To provide localised data on the yield and quality response of released and near release oats lines.

Key messages
  • The extremely late break to the season highlighted maturity differences very clearly.
  • Yield varied from 2.2 -4.0t/ha.
  • Protein varied from 13.9% (Mitika, Echidna) to 15.7% (Quoll). Highlighting the potential for oats in a feedlot ration. Mitika has low lignin content (hull) and Quoll has medium lignin (hull) content.
  • Screenings varied from 18.0% (Quoll) to 32.1 % (Potoroo). High values were because of the short growing season.
  • The test weight varied from 47.6kg/hl (Potoroo) to 54.9kg/hl (Mortlock). Relatively low seed weights confirmed the short season trend shown by high protein and high screenings values.
Lead research organisation Central West Farming Systems
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC
Related program N/A

These trials were conducted as part of the National Variety Testing Program. Kerry Clark (NSW DPI) was
responsible for the sowing and harvesting of the trials.
Trial data was taken from the ACAS website (

Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Forage: Oats
Treatment type(s)
  • Crop: Variety
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Replicated

Condobolin 2005

Sow rate or Target density 60 kg/ha
Sow date 17 June 2005
Harvest date 12 December 2005
Plot size 2m x 15m
Plot replication 3
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Granulock 12 (12N; 16P; 5S)

Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information

Download results

Trial results Table 1

# Variety
Test weight (kg/hL) Screenings (%) Protein (%) Grain yield (t/ha)
1 Possum 54 18.7 14.8 4
2 Mitika 53.2 22.2 13.9 3.8
3 Echidna 49 26.7 13.9 3.5
4 Quoll 48 18 15.7 3.4
5 Potoroo 47.6 32.1 14.5 3.1
6 Euro 52 24 14.6 2.6
7 Numbat - - - 2.2
8 Mortlock 54.9 24.5 15.4 2.2

Grain yield t/ha


Protein %


Screenings %


Test weight kg/hL

Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Condobolin, NSW Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Condobolin, NSW Kandosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Condobolin NSW
2005 154.3mm
2004 155.8mm
2003 154.0mm
2002 162.4mm
2001 230.3mm
2000 300.5mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Derived climate information

No observed climate data available for this trial.
Derived climate data is determined from trial site location and national weather sources.

Condobolin NSW


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2005 trial report

Trial last modified: 05-05-2018 13:44pm AEST