80 organisations found

Ag Grow Agronomy and Research Pty Ltd

Ag Grow Agronomy and Research is an independent agricultural consulting and research company operating in Griffith in South Western NSW.

Working closely with our clients, we offer them a professional agronomy package comprised of farm planning, monitoring and evaluating their cropping and pasture systems, in line with their individual goals.

0437 214 426
OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2015
3 published trials
5 trial sites
Ag Grow Agronomy and Research Pty Ltd


Based in rural Australia and established in 2014, AgInnovate is a national agricultural consultancy. Our expert team is smart and professional with a vibrant history and decades of experience in delivering professional development training, extension and communication programs and servicing Australian industries. 

We love what we do and where we live because our team members are part of proud ag communities, industries, businesses and families. AgInnovate’s specialists share a passion for communication and change and an understanding of farming and farming families. Our strategic thinking, clear communication and innovative ideas make us the ideal partner to find creative solutions so our clients can thrive and grow and the agricultural industry can flourish.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2015
1 published trial
2 trial sites

Agrarian Management

Founded in 1995, Agrarian Management is an innovative and experienced Western Australian agribusiness advisory company. Agrarian Management employs experienced independent agriculture consultants providing investment grade advice in business management, finance, grain marketing, research and succession planning to high net wealth farm business owners and managers.

The company has a successful record of improving farm financial performance, enhancing the value of farm assets, and guiding successful intergenerational change and off farm investment strategies.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2017
3 published trials
7 trial sites
Agrarian Management

Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula

Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP) was officially incorporated on 26 May 2020, with the aim of creating a single entity for farmer driven applied research, local validation and extension of agricultural technologies and innovations on the Eyre Peninsula.

AIR EP is the result of a merger between the Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation (EPARF) and the Lower Eyre Ag Development Association (LEADA) farming systems groups, who have been very effective in providing local RD&E outcomes for upper and lower Eyre Peninsula respectively over the past 15 years. By joining forces, the new organisation will create efficiencies in administration and operations, and provide a stronger face for regional RD&E to future funders, partners, members and supporters.

The vision for AIR EP is a professional farmer owned and directed organisation that drives the advancement and practical application of agricultural scientific research, development and extension in dryland farming systems relevant to Eyre Peninsula and like environments across Australia.

0428 540 670
OFT information summary
Years: 2017 to 2024
29 published trials
19 trial sites
Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Inc. (AGKI) is the peak primary producers organisation on the Island with a charter to represent all primary industries on the Island and ensure a united community voice. AGKI is committed to providing support and opportunities to Kangaroo Island farmers, providing research opportunities across the island and working cohesively with other agencies, organisations and business across Kangaroo Island and Australia to ensure farmers can strive to be more profitable in a sustainable and ethical manner.

0427 994 226
OFT information summary
Years: 2004 to 2021
136 published trials
75 trial sites
Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated

Agriculture Victoria

Agriculture Victoria works in partnership with farmers, industries, communities and other government agencies to grow and secure agriculture in Victoria.

OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2024
11 published trials
17 trial sites
Agriculture Victoria

Agriculture Victoria Research

Agriculture Victoria works with the agriculture industry on research, development and extension to improve production, connect the sector with international markets, support development and maintain effective biosecurity controls.

Agriculture Victoria is the agriculture portfolio of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR). Key services that Agriculture Victoria deliver include: facilitating access for Victorian primary producers to new markets, maintain and grow access to existing markets, undertake research and development and make the results available through appropriate channels, support industry development and transition , respond to biosecurity threats and emergencies, ensure compliance with roles and responsibilities associated with animal welfare, chemical use, invasive species and plant and animal health and food safety.

OFT information summary
Years: 2016 to 2018
2 published trials
13 trial sites
Agriculture Victoria Research
0428 857 378
OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2012
1 published trial
1 trial site
Agrilink Agricultural Consultants Pty Ltd


agVivo Pty Ltd provides agricultural and natural resource management services to organisations, agricultural industry associations and over 500 farmers throughout WA.

Services provided by Agvivo include:

  • Event Organisation and Management
  • Agronomy (crops, pastures, fertiliser)
  • Research & Development
  • Project Management and Administration
OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2022
12 published trials
11 trial sites
OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2012
1 published trial
6 trial sites
Anasazi Agronomy

Australian Controlled Traffic Farming Association Inc.

The Australian Controlled Traffic Farming Association (ACTFA Inc.) is a not for profit run by volunteers from across the grains and horticulture industries.

It was formed in 2007 by people who saw CTF as the best way to enhance soils used for plant production and to improve crop productivity in Australia. The founders included the people who developed and promoted CTF in districts such as central Queensland, the growers and agronomists who developed raised bed cropping in south-west Victoria, and people from other regions including NSW.

0427 223 395
OFT information summary
Years: 2014 to 2016
1 published trial
1 trial site
Australian Controlled Traffic Farming Association Inc.

Australian Grain Technologies

Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is Australia's largest plant breeding company, and the market leader in wheat genetics. The company was first established in June 2002 by three shareholders: the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), the South Australian Government (PIRSA/SARDI) and the University of Adelaide (UA). The aim of our inaugural shareholders initially was to ensure the long term future of wheat breeding in southern Australia. 

08 7111 0209
OFT information summary
Years: 2009 to 2009
1 published trial
7 trial sites
Australian Grain Technologies

Birchip Cropping Group

BCG is a not-for-profit agricultural research and extension organisation led by farmers from the Wimmera and Mallee regions of Victoria. Aiming to improve the prosperity of farmers and agricultural communities through farmer-driven innovation, BCG celebrated 20 years of research and extension to the agricultural community in 2012. 

BCG conducts field-based research trials and demonstrations across the Wimmera and Mallee regions spanning up to a 200km radius from Birchip. Across the area, BCG strategically embraces geographically specific issues to ensure that research is relevant to local growers.

03 5492 2787
OFT information summary
Years: 1993 to 2024
912 published trials
131 trial sites
Birchip Cropping Group

Brill Ag

Brill Ag is an Agronomy business based at Ganmain in the Riverina region of NSW. Brill Ag works on improving the productivity of farmers in the region through research and development and through fee for service consultancy.

0488 250 489
OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2021
17 published trials
7 trial sites
Brill Ag
0427 086 738
OFT information summary
Years: 2014 to 2014
1 published trial
1 trial site
Caldo Holdings Pty Ltd

Central West Farming Systems

Central West Farming Systems (CWFS) is an independent, not-for-profit, farmer driven organisation. We operate in an area covering 14 million hectares in the lower rainfall, mixed farming areas of Central West NSW (350-500mm rainfall).

Formed in 1998, the group now boasts over 300 members made up primarily of farmers but also private and public sector advisers, researchers and agribusiness. CWFS is based centrally at Condobolin but also operates 11 regional sites within a 250km radius of Condobolin.

02 6895 1025
OFT information summary
Years: 1990 to 2018
226 published trials
84 trial sites
Central West Farming Systems


ConsultAg is an association of professional consultanting firms who provide a complete range of services to people and farm businesses in agriculture.

OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2017
2 published trials
2 trial sites

Corrigin Farm Improvement Group

The Corrigin Farm Improvement Group is a grower driven group that aims to provide local agricultural businesses with information on production, environmental and economic sustainability, through trials, field walks and seminars relevant to Corrigin and surrounding areas.

Our Vision is to provide the latest information to agricultural businesses in the local community by conducting appropriate local research and events to enhance our social and economic well-being.

0476 046 100
OFT information summary
Years: 2002 to 2022
14 published trials
5 trial sites
Corrigin Farm Improvement Group

Cox Inall Communications

Cox Inall Communications is Australia's largest and leading public relations agency working in the Agribusiness and Natural Resource Management arena.

Cox Inall provides expert strategic planning founded on thorough research and industry best practice to assist corporate positioning, profile, reputation management, policy revisions and community consultations.

OFT information summary
Years: 2016 to 2016
1 published trial
6 trial sites
Cox Inall Communications

Crop Circle Consulting Pty Ltd

Crop Circle Consulting and Research is an independent research agronomy firm, based in Geraldton, the central hub of the northern agricultural region of Western Australia. The Crop Circle research team combine attention to detail and rigorous methodology to test new plant breeding material, fertilisers and pesticide chemistry in a variable Mediterranean climate.

OFT information summary
Years: 2022 to 2022
1 published trial
9 trial sites
Crop Circle Consulting Pty Ltd

CSIRO - Agriculture and Food

CSIRO is Australia's national science organisation and one of the largest and most diverse scientific research organisations in the world. CSIRO's research focuses on the biggest challenges facing the nation. They also manages national research infrastructure and collections.

CSIRO's Agriculture and Food team is helping Australian farmers and industry improve productivity and sustainability.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2017
9 published trials
9 trial sites
CSIRO - Agriculture and Food

Department of Agriculture and Food WA

Successor organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia’s role is to grow and protect Western Australia’s agriculture and food sector. We work professionally and with integrity to help deliver meaningful results to industry, government and the community.

Our department supports the success of the state’s agrifood businesses by delivering our Agrifood 2025+ Strategic plan and, in turn, achieving our vision of ‘a progressive, innovative and profitable agriculture and food sector that benefits Western Australia’

OFT information summary
Years: 1959 to 2016
205 published trials
159 trial sites
Department of Agriculture and Food WA

Department of Agriculture Victoria

Successor organisation: Agriculture Victoria
OFT information summary
Years: 1884 to 1884
1 published trial
1 trial site

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA is the amalgamation of the former Departments of Agriculture and Food; Fisheries; Regional Development together with staff from the State’s nine Regional Development Commissions, to provide a strong and unified service for Western Australia’s vital primary industries and regions.

OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2024
117 published trials
115 trial sites
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA

Department of Primary Industries NSW

The Department of Primary Industries NSW is part of the Department of Industry.

DPI works to increase the value of primary industries and drive economic growth across NSW.

DPI manages a broad range of initiatives from resource to industry, including natural resource management, research and development, pest and disease management, food safety, industry engagement, and market access and competition.

OFT information summary
Years: 2006 to 2022
287 published trials
161 trial sites
Department of Primary Industries NSW

Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation

Successor organisation: Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula

Incorporated in 2004, EPARF provides a leading role in supporting staff and projects at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre and assists in identifying new research opportunities for low rainfall agriculture. EPARF provides a positive link between scientists, farmers, industry stakeholders and builds strength and sustainability through collaboration with other grower groups in southern Australia.

EPARF is managed by a Board. The role of the Board is to consult with and represent the opinions of the farming community on Eyre Peninsula to make informed decisions that will enhance the region’s profitability.

OFT information summary
Years: 2009 to 2018
47 published trials
30 trial sites
Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation

Facey Group

The Facey Group is a farmer run group that aims to improve on-farm practice to keep farms healthy and profitable into the future. The group conducts trials, demonstrations and extension works in the local region in addition to tailoring training that enables farmers to adopt practices which they see as beneficial and with the potential to increase their production, resulting in increased profits.

Based in Wickepin Western Australia, the Facey Group is an innovative, highly motivated, organised and well-resourced grower group with a strong focus on our local region in addition to being involved with on of the most well recognised and progressive grower group’s in Australia.

OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2020
30 published trials
24 trial sites
Facey Group


Farmanco have been established for over 40 years and are one of the largest independent farm advisors in Australia, working closely with over 750 farm businesses. The Farmanco Group was established in 1978 and evolved from the Dowerin and Districts Farm Management Advisory Service.

The Group is made up of Farmanco Management Consultancy (management and agronomy services); Farmanco Marketing (grain marketing); Primary Financial Services; Aglytica (farm benchmarking services); Farmanco Bookkeeping; and Farmanco Research (currently working on carbon emissions benchmarking). 

08 9295 0940
OFT information summary
Years: 2019 to 2020
1 published trial
4 trial sites

FarmLink Research

FarmLink Research Limited (FarmLink) is a not for profit agricultural research and extension organisation in southern NSW owned by growers and involves advisers and researchers.  FarmLink’s main objective is to coordinate and communicate private, public and grower group funded research and development activities within in the region.  FarmLink has been operating since 2003.   There are three main parts to the business including research, communication and collaboration.

OFT information summary
Years: 2009 to 2016
53 published trials
15 trial sites
FarmLink Research

Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia

Sustainability, productivity and profitability must go hand in hand. Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia is helping to make this happen by conducting research, development and extension to support beneficial changes in Australian agriculture.

OFT information summary
Years: 2019 to 2024
350 published trials
24 trial sites
Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia

Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc.

The Fitzgerald Biosphere Group (FBG) is a non-profit community organisation that works with farmers, researchers, industry groups and federal and state agencies to address local production (e.g. diseases, pests and nutrient limitations) and natural resource management issues (e.g. salinity and soil acidification) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agricultural industry and the communities within the region.

The FBG operates within the Shire of Jerramungup, which is located on the south coast of Western Australia on the western side of the Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve.

0499 346 233
OFT information summary
Years: 2003 to 2003
2 published trials
2 trial sites
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc.

Gippsland Ag Group

A passionate group of Central and East Gippsland farmers and service providers joined forces to form a group with the desire to improve productivity, profitability and sustainability using genuine product research trials and demonstrations relevant to the Central and East Gippsland areas.

The Gippsland Agricultural Group utilises the buffer zone land located at the Bairnsdale Aerodrome—under a lease arrangement with the East Gippsland Shire Council to operate a research farm. The Group's goal is to establish a dryland research farm of commercial scale.

The Group targets farmers in the Central and East Gippsland areas who are genuinely interested in continuous improvement of their farming practices.

The Gippsland Agricultural Group is an incorporated non for profit, volunteer organisation that is driven and managed by farmers, for farmers.

OFT information summary
Years: 2023 to 2024
1 published trial
1 trial site
Gippsland Ag Group

Grower Group Alliance

The Grower Group Alliance (GGA) is a farmer-driven, funded project connecting grower groups, research organisations and agribusiness network across WA.

The Grower Group Alliance project was developed in 2002 by grower groups and is managed by an advisory committee with representation from grower groups, research organisations and private agribusiness. It was funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) from 2002 – 2013. The GGA is now proudly supported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development through Royalties for Regions.

OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2022
2 published trials
4 trial sites
Grower Group Alliance

Hart Field Site Group

Hart is South Australia’s premier agronomic field site, managed by farmers to provide independent information and skills to the industry.

Since 1982, the Hart Field-Site Group have been conducting cropping trials at Hart in the Mid-North of South Australia. These trials are focussed on being relevant to the broad-acre farming community and are conducted independently. The substantial trials site at Hart is available for inspection throughout each growing season at Hart Crop Walks and Field Days and for student/farming group tours by appointment.

OFT information summary
Years: 2003 to 2017
260 published trials
48 trial sites
Hart Field Site Group

International Plant Nutrition Institute

The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) is a not-for-profit, science-based organization dedicated to the responsible management of plant nutrition for the benefit of the human family. IPNI began operating in January of 2007 and now has active programs in Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, China, Eastern Europe/Central Asia and Middle East, Latin America-Southern Cone, Mexico and Central America, Northern Latin America, North America (Canada and U.S.A.), South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2012
3 published trials
5 trial sites

Irrigated Cropping Council

The Irrigated Cropping Council (ICC) is a not-for-profit Organisation established in 1999. The constitutional objectives of the entity are focussed on advancing the understanding of the mixed farming sector commitment to innovative research.

ICC has 240 individual members involved in agriculture in Northern Victoria and Southern NSW representing farming, advisory, research and other agribusinesses.

ICC reaches over 700 people annually through our events, activities and communications, with farmer representation across the ICC region and beyond.

OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2024
87 published trials
26 trial sites
Irrigated Cropping Council

Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd

Kalyx provides an unparalleled level of independent, quality research to Australian agriculture and horticulture. With regional locations and a national focus, we provide quality, innovative research that is timely, accurate and second to none in Australia.

1300 525 992
OFT information summary
Years: 2018 to 2023
3 published trials
15 trial sites
Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd


Growers are unaware of how products perform on their farms compared to the manufacturer’s claims. To solve this problem, we have developed the Laconik Experimental Engine for Farms® (LEEF®). LEEF® makes farm-scale trials easy, generating high-quality data and bridging the gap between research and grower adoption. To learn more about Laconik visit our website. 

OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2023
2 published trials
20 trial sites

Liebe Group

The Liebe Group is a grower driven, not for profit organisation in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia. It is a leading ‘grass roots’ group in Western Australia and has a continually growing membership. This grass roots drive ensures the group remains relevant, timely and valuable to the local farmers and gains industry cooperation. The Liebe Group provides access for members to new ideas, innovation, research and networks all over Australia.

The group conducts research & development and provides information to 120 farm business members in the Dalwallinu, Coorow, Perenjori and Wongan Ballidu Shires, which encompasses a land area of approximately 1,000,000 ha. 

OFT information summary
Years: 2002 to 2020
401 published trials
149 trial sites
Liebe Group

Living Farm

Living Farm are a York based R&D and consultancy business who work extensively with farmers, agribusiness, research institutions and government departments throughout the Western Australian Wheatbelt and Ord Valley, Kununurra. Over the last six years of operation Living Farm have built a solid and loyal client base and gained a reputation for returning quality trial sites and a high level of data integrity with a focus on open communication with clients.

OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2023
5 published trials
19 trial sites
Living Farm

Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association

LEADA is committed to providing support and attracting research activity to the Lower Eyre Peninsula.

It is driven by local issues and the search for solutions that suit local systems.

A grower group that specifically addresses issues and solutions to improve farming systems in your area. 

OFT information summary
Years: 2010 to 2014
7 published trials
10 trial sites
Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association

MacKillop Farm Management Group

MFMG is a leading provider of research and extension for agricultural systems.

MFMG develops and delivers innovative and sustainable farming practices through collaborative research, communication and extension for the benefit of members and the agricultural industry across the South East of South Australia, Western Victoria and beyond.


OFT information summary
Years: 1993 to 2023
248 published trials
54 trial sites
MacKillop Farm Management Group

Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc.

Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF) Inc. is a farmer driven organisation delivering research and extension services to the less than 350 mm rainfall Mallee cropping regions of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. MSF operates within a region of over four million hectares, extending beyond Balranald in the east to Murray Bridge in the west.

OFT information summary
Years: 2008 to 2017
33 published trials
29 trial sites
Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc.

Mingenew-Irwin Group

MIG covers approximately 320 000 hectares within the shires of Mingenew and Irwin, with close to 200 farm businesses being active members. This equates to approximately 95% of farmers in the Mingenew area.

MIG was formed in 1994 based on a need for locally driven Research and Development. The group has grown substantially. In recent years MIG’s trial program has included approximately 70 trials, with up to 350 people attending field days. The group now employs seven staff who work on a variety of funded projects to provide services to members.

MIG’s aim is to “Promote and develop economic and environmentally sustainable agriculture through research, planning, monitoring and demonstrating best practice.”

0427 281 007
OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2018
3 published trials
6 trial sites
Mingenew-Irwin Group

North East Farming Futures

NEFF is a group of farmers in the north east agricultural region looking to support each other as they develop new farming activities that will lead to a viable future for their individual business and the north east agricultural region (NEAR).

Collectively in the NEFF region there are 311 farm business members, covering 4 shires and 1.6 million hectares.

OFT information summary
Years: 2008 to 2017
47 published trials
35 trial sites
North East Farming Futures

Northern Agri Group

The Northern Agri Group was formed in 2003 to represent the farmers in Binnu, Ajana and Ogilvie. Since this time they have expanded to include Northampton. There are diverse interests within the group but sustainability and improving yield by whatever means available is important to the group, as well as farming to deal with changing climatic conditions.

OFT information summary
Years: 2010 to 2016
46 published trials
30 trial sites
Northern Agri Group

Northern Grower Alliance

Northern Grower Alliance (NGA) is an Incorporated Association that was established in 2005 to provide a regional capacity for industry-driven, applied agronomic research into the challenges of grain production.

NGA is currently working on a five year project, fully funded by GRDC, focusing on the validation and adoption of new agronomic practices in northern NSW and southern QLD.

+61 7 4639 5344
OFT information summary
Years: 2007 to 2024
566 published trials
210 trial sites
Northern Grower Alliance

Northern Sustainable Soils

Northern Sustainable Soils aims to increase Water Use Efficiency (WUE), and hence productivity on the northern soils. This will be achieved through replicated trial work and the subsequent extension of information to the network of farmers and industry contacts in the group.

OFT information summary
Years: 2010 to 2015
23 published trials
6 trial sites
Northern Sustainable Soils

Partners in Grain

For more than 15 years Partners in Grain Inc (PinG) has been a successful and active not-for-profit organisation providing professional development opportunities to farming businesses across Australia. As PinG evolved, the five individual regions within the organisation (NSW, QLD, Vic/Tas, SA & WA) developed their own unique strengths and strategies tailored to the needs of growers in their area.

Hence, to enable the regions greater opportunities and efficiencies, in June 2017 Partners in Grain Inc ceased operating as a national organisation, the regions became their own entities and the Partners in Grain Alliance was established.

Working as a national Alliance fosters a network for communication, support, partnerships and shared programs, whilst maintaining independence and relevance to the regional areas.

Each of the members of the Partners in Grain Alliance continues to deliver “locally relevant, personalised training” that is guided by the direction of local growers and industry associates.

OFT information summary
Years: 2016 to 2016
1 published trial
1 trial site
Partners in Grain

Perennial Pasture Systems

The Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) group was formed in mid 2007 and has had 159 farm businesses across Central Victoria and the Southern Wimmera join the group since its formation. The aim of the group is to push the boundaries of perennial pasture research in their area and provide information on productive pasture management to members.

OFT information summary
Years: 2009 to 2016
5 published trials
10 trial sites
Perennial Pasture Systems

Planfarm Pty Ltd

Planfarm commenced in 1974 as a partnership of Peter Falconer, John Abbie and Ken Boughton all New Zealanders who came to Western Australia in the 1960’s as agricultural advisors to work in the many farm improvement groups which were established at that time.

Planfarm now have a presence across the Western Australian wheatbelt however our key focus has not changed and that is to deliver value to our clients by quality independent advice tailored to meet their individual goals.

Today we are proud to service over 480 farmers including some of the state’s most successful and innovative farmers.

(08) 9284 1044
OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2015
3 published trials
3 trial sites
Planfarm Pty Ltd

Precision Agriculture Pty Ltd

Precision Agriculture are Australia's leading provider of precision agriculture services.

Whether it's on-farm, for industry or government they collect, measure and interpret data to find opportunities for technology to deliver savings and unlock potential. They provide practical assistance and support to apply their findings to the real world.

We foster partnerships with leading suppliers in order to bring the latest in technology to our customers with products and services from around the globe. With offices around the country and a team dedicated to advancing our industry, we have the knowledge, technology and skills to deliver leading precision agriculture services tailored to our customers' needs.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2015
1 published trial
1 trial site
Precision Agriculture Pty Ltd

Precision Agronomics Australia

Precision Agronomics Australia (PAA) is a truly unique business that was formed in 2005. The vision of PAA is to close the Precision Agriculture loop ensuring that farmers obtain profit and production gains through the implementation of variable rate technology.

Precision Agronomics Australia is a professional consultancy business, specialising in precision farming practices. PAA consists of agronomy consultants and precision farming specialists servicing the whole of Western Australia.

The PAA approach to Precision Ag is to provide a service that integrates the three essential components critical to the success of implementing VRT: data collection and processing; agronomy consultation/prescriptions; and, machinery implementation.

OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2014
2 published trials
20 trial sites
Precision Agronomics Australia

Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc

Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network (RAIN) is a farmer driven group focused on best practice farming systems and the sustainable use of natural resources in the Ravensthorpe area on the South Coast of Western Australia.

RAIN was established in 2001 by the Ravensthorpe Land Conservation District Committee members who saw the need for a wider focus and a central network to coordinate landcare and production projects across the region.

RAIN is governed by a committee comprising representatives of the various geographic areas of the shire and is well supported by the community.


OFT information summary
Years: 2014 to 2014
1 published trial
1 trial site
Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc

Riverine Plains

Riverine Plains Inc is a not for profit, farming systems research and extension organisation that services cropping and mixed farmers in north east Victoria and southern NSW.   

We have a membership base of over 315 farming families spread across a wide geographical area.  Our members farm as far north as Lockhart and Henty in NSW and as far south as Euroa and Shepparton in Victoria.  The majority of our members are dryland farmers though a number also have access to irrigation.

OFT information summary
Years: 2004 to 2017
84 published trials
35 trial sites
Riverine Plains

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) provides research and development services to the state government, commercial clients and research partners to help make South Australia’s primary industries and regions internationally competitive and ecologically sustainable.

SARDI’s programs are designed to increase the productivity, sustainability and adaptability of the state’s agriculture, food and wine, fisheries and aquaculture and bioscience enterprises, create opportunities for market growth, address barriers to growth and provide applied solutions.

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) operates the Minnipa Agricultural Centre (MAC). MAC serves the cereal growing areas of the Eyre Peninsula, which produces on average 40 to 45% of South Australia's wheat. Research and development conducted at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre includes development of innovative, best practice farm management practices for low rainfall environments.

OFT information summary
Years: 2009 to 2024
180 published trials
82 trial sites
SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre

School of Agriculture, Food and Wine - The University of Adelaide

The School of Agriculture, Food and Wine represents a world-class concentration of scientific research, education and product conferring capability, with infrastructure and resources at the Waite Campus of the University of Adelaide with a number of research partners.

The School is the centrepiece of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest collection of expertise in plant genomics, crop improvement, sustainable agriculture, animal science, dryland farming, horticulture, viticulture and oenology.

OFT information summary
Years: 2018 to 2022
45 published trials
18 trial sites
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine - The University of Adelaide

Shire of Kent

The Shire of Kent is located in the Great Southern of Western Australia approx 320Km from Perth, it is made up of two towns Nyabing & Pingrup. The Shire covers approxiamtely 6,500 suqare Kms and is predominately an agricultural area with many Wheat & Sheep farmers.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2015
1 published trial
1 trial site
Shire of Kent

Shire of West Arthur

The Shire of West Arthur, located in the State's 'Central South' Region, is 2,850 square kilometres and encompasses the townsites of Darkan, Duranillin and Arthur River. Darkan is the administrative centre for the Shire of West Arthur.

OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2012
1 published trial
1 trial site
Shire of West Arthur

SLR Agriculture

SLR Agriculture is a boutique research, development and extension specialist group based in York, Western Australia.

The team conducts private and government funded research across multiple sectors including product development, crop protection, variety and crop species evaluation and production systems. Another key area of work is in the new and emerging market segments investigating crop biology, sustainable production systems and biologicals such as biostimulants and biological crop protection.

Mission is to assist agricultural suppliers in extending key research messages to the industry that ultimately improve the long-term sustainability of agriculture in Western Australia.

OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2022
2 published trials
12 trial sites
SLR Agriculture

Society of Precision Agriculture Australia

SPAA is a non-profit and indepedent membership based group formed in 2002 to promote the development and adoption of precision agriculture (PA) technologies.

The association aims to be the leading advocate for PA in Australia and through this role improve the profitability and sustainability of agricultural production systems via the adoption of PA.

OFT information summary
Years: 2010 to 2016
75 published trials
60 trial sites
Society of Precision Agriculture Australia


The SoilsWest (agriculture) alliance is an independent entity focused on providing a pathway for the discovery and development of soil research to improve both profitability and soil resource management across the Western Australian grains industry.

A foundational partnership between the University of Western Australia (UWA) and Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA), SoilsWest is currently made up of a group of highly skilled, independent soil science professionals with complementary scientific and research capabilities, research and industry networks, and infrastructure and technology.

The partnership works to develop and deliver strategic research projects supporting the WA grains industry in particular, but also contributes nationally to the Australian grains industry through innovative soil research. SoilsWest invites wider input and partnerships from other local, state and Commonwealth government institutions, industry and grower groups, agribusiness, Universities as well as specific interest groups.

The SoilsWest alliance provides a ‘marketplace’ and network of discipline focused connections to improve integration between the soil science communities, optimise existing collaborations, provide prospective funding opportunities, provide training and education opportunities, and provide parallel soils information and technologies to ensure the continued development of economic farming systems and food chain security.

OFT information summary
Years: 1998 to 2014
7 published trials
6 trial sites

South Australian No-till Farmers Association

The South Australian No-Till Farmers Association (SANTFA) is a non-profit farmer driven organisation that is led by a committee of volunteers. SANTFA has, over its seven years of growth, successfully promoted the benefits of no-till farming systems and conservation farming in general and now has over 1000 financial members across South Australia.

0427 424 278
OFT information summary
Years: 2008 to 2015
8 published trials
10 trial sites
South Australian No-till Farmers Association

South Australian Research and Development Institute

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) provides research and development services to the state government, commercial clients and research partners to help make South Australia’s primary industries and regions internationally competitive and ecologically sustainable.

SARDI’s programs are designed to increase the productivity, sustainability and adaptability of the state’s agriculture, food and wine, fisheries and aquaculture and bioscience enterprises, create opportunities for market growth, address barriers to growth and provide applied solutions.

OFT information summary
Years: 1972 to 2023
60 published trials
57 trial sites
South Australian Research and Development Institute

South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc.

South Coast NRM is the leading independent natural resource management organisation in the South Coast region of Western Australia. We are commited to preserving and enhancing the region’s natural and cultural assets, and fostering strong partnerships with local communities, Indigenous groups, and stakeholders.

For thousands of years, Noongar/ Nyungar people have resided on and had cultural connection to the boodja – land. The South Coast region is Noongar boodja, koolark – heart Country to Menang, Goreng, Wadjari and Njunga First Nations peoples. 

We deeply value the relationships we hold with the Aboriginal community, organisations, and Native Title bodies that we work with to care for Country and people.

OFT information summary
Years: 2021 to 2023
1 published trial
2 trial sites
South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association

SEPWA is a farmer initiated group that was started in 1993 to represent wheat growers in the Esperance Port Zone.

The group was formed to address the perception that wheat from the south east was of inferior quality to that of wheat from other regions and set about assisting growers in the region to produce premium quality grain to improve our market position.

SEPWA has moved on since this original aim but still strongly retains it as part of its major objectives and in more recent times has expanded into barley and canola.

Today SEPWA's role is to improve profitability and sustainability of Esperance Port Zone grain growers.

0447 908 311
OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2022
280 published trials
133 trial sites
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association

South West Catchments Council

The South West Catchments Council (SWCC) have been the Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM)  organisation for the South West since 2001. The SWCC work in partnership with the community to ensure that our iconic landscapes, waterways, coastline and agricultural land is protected for current and future generations.


Head office phone: 08 9724 2400
OFT information summary
Years: 2010 to 2017
5 published trials
3 trial sites
South West Catchments Council

Southern DIRT

Southern Dirt is one of Western Australia’s leading grower groups, encompassing some of WA’s most productive land and representing some of the states’ most innovative farmers. Our region extends from Boddington to Frankland and everywhere in between from the coast to the Wheatbelt.  An area that encompasses over 2600 mixed farming enterprises.

Supported by a dedicated committee of farmers and industry specialists our aim is to create and sustain vibrant, healthy, prosperous farms and communities.

OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2021
10 published trials
24 trial sites
Southern DIRT

Southern Farming Systems

Southern Farming Systems is a farm driven, non-profit organisation helping higher rainfall farmers with practical research and information that produces sustainable results.

03 5265 1666
OFT information summary
Years: 1996 to 2024
559 published trials
83 trial sites
Southern Farming Systems

Southern Pulse Agronomy

Southern Pulse Agronomy (SPA) has been a tri-state research program led by Agriculture Victoria Senior Research Agronomist, Dr Jason Brand, with funding from GRDC, DEDJTR-Vic, SARDI and NSW DPI that aims to increase farm profitability, reliability and profitability of pulses in southern Australia.

SPA continues to deliver the latest information on new pulse varieties and their integration with the latest farming systems. Key learnings from the SPA program also provide advice to breeding programs on how latest farm management practices may influence breeding needs for the future.

OFT information summary
Years: 2000 to 2022
426 published trials
85 trial sites
Southern Pulse Agronomy

Stirlings to Coast Farmers

SCF works with a number of research partners to conduct paddock scale trials each year, as well as coordinating canola disease surveys and herbicide resistance testing.   In recent years there has been an increased focus on trials looking at incorporating a pasture phase in the cropping rotation. Our Vision is to deliver credible, relevant research and information to benefit our members.

OFT information summary
Years: 2014 to 2023
35 published trials
39 trial sites
Stirlings to Coast Farmers

Tek Ag

TekAg is a local agronomy business working within Western Australia.

0429 843 025
OFT information summary
Years: 2014 to 2014
1 published trial
1 trial site
Tek Ag

Trengove Consulting

Trengove Consulting is an independent ag consultantancy based in Bute, SA.

OFT information summary
Years: 2015 to 2023
13 published trials
7 trial sites
Trengove Consulting

University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide is a place where world-leading researchers come together in first class facilities to address some of the world's grand challenges. As a member of the Group of Eight, a coalition of Australia's most research-intensive institutions, the University is a destination of choice for highly talented researchers, students, government and industry partners.

8 8313 4455
University of Adelaide

Upper North Farming Systems

Upper North Farming Systems is a dynamic group of local farmers, advisers and researchers who are committed to maximising the profitability of farm businesses, by testing and adopting robust and sustainable farming practices across the Upper North farming districts of South Australia.

OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2014
20 published trials
20 trial sites
Upper North Farming Systems


Viterra operates a storage and handling network spanning key growing regions in South Australia and western Victoria with a total storage capacity of over 10 million tonnes. Viterra provides a range of services including storage and warehousing, receival and elevation, quality assessment, logistics and accumulation, quality control and food safety, electronic transactional services, container packing and bulk ship loading. Each service is adaptable to enable the individual requirements of customers to be met.

Viterra is part of Glencore Agriculture, a global leader in originating, handling, processing and marketing agricultural commodities including grain, oilseeds, pulses, sugar, rice, cotton, vegetable oils, protein meals and biodiesel. Glencore Agriculture’s operations span more than 35 countries worldwide and include marketing offices in 34 countries.

08 8304 5000
OFT information summary
Years: 2011 to 2011
1 published trial
2 trial sites

West Midlands Group

West Midlands Group is recognised as one of the leading grower groups in WA.

It prides itself on ensuring members like you, review up to date information on crop and pasture research, natural resource management, horticulture research and the role of women in agriculture. Our local focus ensures you get up to date information that’s relevant to your business.  You’ll save hours of your valuable time normally wasted trying to actually find the information you really need.

OFT information summary
Years: 2006 to 2023
175 published trials
99 trial sites
West Midlands Group

Western Murray Land Improvement Group Inc.

​Western Murray Land Improvement Group Inc. (WMLIG) is a non-profit Landcare group based in Barham, NSW. The group was formed in March 2003 by members from the local community and representatives from local government and Landcare and Producer Groups in the west of the Murray Catchment.


  • Provides opportunities for local community members, Landcare and production groups to access funding for resource improvement initiatives.
  • Delivers natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and community projects in the western Murray
  • Promotes and provides training and educational opportunities on best practice and innovative initiatives
  • Engages and supports local Landcare and producer groups, local government, State and Federal agencies and industry groups to identify opportunities for projects and partnerships.
OFT information summary
Years: 2017 to 2018
3 published trials
4 trial sites
Western Murray Land Improvement Group Inc.

Yeruga Crop Research

Yeruga Crop Research aims to conduct research projects and consultancies both in Australia and internationally.

0427 608 306
OFT information summary
Years: 2012 to 2012
1 published trial
4 trial sites
Yeruga Crop Research

Yorke Peninsula Alkaline Soils Group

Established in 1999, the YP Alkaline Soils Group (YPASG) is a not for profit farming – community focused organisation that has brought together a broad range of farmers, researchers and advisors from all districts to collectively address and challenge common barriers associated with farming in an alkaline soil landscape. The aim of this collaboration is to conduct trials and deliver research workshops based on the requirements of its 150 farmer members.

OFT information summary
Years: 2013 to 2013
1 published trial
2 trial sites
Yorke Peninsula Alkaline Soils Group