Through consultation with a range of grain industry stakeholders and experts, a number of common questions have been identified in relation to the delivery of trial research data using online systems. A selection of these questions are listed below and will be expanded as new feedback and suggestions are received.
What are the key benefits of Online Farm Trials (OFT)?
- Enhanced online access to the latest information for improving productivity and efficiency of cropping enterprises
- Integrates with existing trial information management and web systems
- Simple, fast and efficient online discovery of findings from trial research
- Australia wide database of trial information provides extensive geographic coverage of trial research findings
- Extensive historical catalogue of past trial research
- Flexible searching and filtering options to rapidly identify trials completed on specific areas of interest or relevance
- Spatially enabled information to provide online interactive maps of trial project sites and integration with other spatial datasets and maps such as soil type and climate data
- Fast and direct access to digital trial summary and annual report documents via searchable digital resource
Where does information come from?
Data and information stored on OFT is provided by a range of grower groups, research organisations, government bodies and other grain industry stakeholders. All data on OFT contains source and researcher information. All intellectual property rights remain with the researcher. Trials covered by CC-Buy licencing arragments are cleary indicated.
Is OFT only for GRDC funded trials?
The focus of the project is on GRDC funded trials, however, OFT is able to host trial research information from any researchers or organisations who would like to contribute.
What sort of data are used?
OFT is able to accept a wide range of summarised results from trial research projects such as those provided in trial result reports produced by grower groups. The database is not designed to store and manage raw trial field data for processing and analysis. The system architecture is based on providing trial result summaries for field trial based cropping research.
Who owns the data?
The researcher or organisation undertaking the research remains the owner of the data and any associated information stored on OFT. Only the information owner will have permission to modify any aspect of the data submitted to OFT. GRDC funded trials submitted to OFT will stored and accessed as part of GRDC’s resource and data archive. Trials covered by CC-Buy licencing arragments are cleary indicated.
How is the quality of data and information managed?
The accuracy and reliability of information held on OFT is the responsibility of the researcher. The release and publication of trial results will follow the policies and procedures of the data custodian. Where possible, the experimental design of the trial and statistical significance values of trial results will be listed to provide a guide on interpretation of the trial outcomes.
Can I submit data?
Anyone undertaking farm trial research may submit data to the system. For further information on submitting data and accessing the OFT research applications, go to the Share Trials page.
What happens to the data and information?
Trial data submitted to OFT are stored on a central trial database maintained by the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia.
Can I modify, delete or update data?
Using the OFT Administration Centre, the data custodian (or authorised delegate) can add, remove and edit trial projects or data at any time. Access to the OFT Administration Centre requires a login (username and password) that will be provided after contact with the OFT via an Expression of Interest.
Who can access the data?
Trial data and information submitted to OFT will be available to the general public as viewable and downloadable content via the OFT research applications. Where trial information exclusivity policies are in place access restrictions will be placed upon this information. Data stored on OFT can only be modified (uploaded, updated, deleted) by the data custodian or approved delegate.
Can I download trial data from the OFT application?
Summarised trial results may be downloaded using the Trial Explorer.
How do I get more information?
Please go to the User Guides section to find out more about OFT or contact the OFT team.