Evaluation of a DNA tool to determine risk of chickpea Phytophthora root rot


Research organisaton
Funding sources

Trial details

Researcher(s) Sean Bithell (NSW DPI)
Steven Harden (NSW DPI)
Kristy Hobson (NSW DPI)
Willy Martin (QLD DAF)
Alan McKay (SARDI)
Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
Year(s) 2015
Contributor Department of Primary Industries NSW
Trial location(s) Warwick, QLD
Further information View external link
Evaluation of a DNA tool to determine risk of chickpea Phytophthora root rot locations

To predict the risk of PRR disease and potential yield losses in chickpea, and detect P. med inoculum in soil from commercial paddocks. 

Key messages

Key findings:

  • Increasing levels of inoculum (oospores/ plant) of Phytophthora medicaginis (P. med) was strongly correlated with the decreasing yield of Yorker, a moderately resistant chickpea variety.
  • An inoculum level of 660 oospores/plant (PreDicta B >5000 P. med copies/g soil) at sowing significantly reduced yield compared with lower inoculum levels under both dryland and irrigated conditions.
  • These findings provide further evidence that the PreDicta B P. med test will be a useful tool for growers to determine their risk of Phytophthora root rot before sowing chickpeas.
  • Note: the SARDI PreDicta B test for Phytophthora medicaginis is under development and is not yet available commercially.


P.med inoculum level, PRR disease and yield

Can the P.med DNA soil test predict the risk of Phytophthora root rot?  Based on the results of this trial with Yorker (MR) and the 2014 Tamworth trial with Sonali (S), the answer is YES.  For Yorker significant yield loss can be expected with starting (pre-sow sampling) inoculum levels above ca 3000 P.med DNA sequences/g soil (ca 130 oospores/plant). However, these values may need to be interpreted with some caution as seasonal conditions will modify outcomes, for instance in a dry season less disease may develop from the same amount of inoculum.

As Phytophthora can reproduce rapidly and cause new infections over a relatively short period there was concern that under PRR conducive conditions (a wet season), that low initial levels of inoculum could catch up to high initial levels as cause similar disease severity and yield loss.  The 2015 season was wet but not very wet, under these conditions there was separation in the disease and yields of the low and high inoculum treatments.

P.med DNA detection in commercial in paddocks and disease risk determination

These second season of detection capability results for the soil P.med DNA test were again generally promising, with most samples with positive and negative P.med DNA results corresponding to expected P.med isolation results.  However, results for some samples indicate that further work is required to a) identify what factors may contribute to false negative results and b) determine if false positives are due to the presence of dead or inactive P.med DNA

The DNA result for a soil sample from a paddock can only provide an indication of inoculum concentration and disease risk for the areas of the paddock which were sampled.  Therefore, the spread and locations of sampling across a paddock will affect how representative DNA results are for a paddock.  Because of the risk of rapid PRR disease buildup following wet conditions it may be appropriate to treat a negative Predicta B® test result as indicating a low risk rather than a nil risk, as the pathogen could still be in areas of the paddock that were not sampled and so still cause PRR and reduce yield. 

Work in 2016 will evaluate maximising the probability of detecting P. med by targeting those areas of the paddock where P.med is more likely to occur.  The pathogen thrives in high soil moisture contents and so often occurs in low lying regions of paddocks where pooling following rain may occur.  The pathogen also carries over from season to season on infected chickpea volunteers, lucerne and, native medics.  Including low lying areas and weedy areas of paddocks during PreDicta B® soil sampling may provide the best strategy to detecting P. med and so identifying a paddocks disease risk of PRR in chickpea.

Lead research organisation Department of Primary Industries NSW
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC DAN00172,DAS00137
Trial funding source DPI NSW
Related program National improved molecular diagnostics for disease management, and Managing Crop Disease – Improving chickpea pathogen resistance

This research was co-funded by NSW DPI and GRDC under projects DAN00172: Managing Crop Disease – Improving chickpea pathogen resistance (PRR) and DAS00137: National improved molecular diagnostics for disease management. Thanks to Gail Chiplin (NSW DPI) and Kris King (QDAF) for technical support. The co-operation of growers and advisers in facilitating soil sample collection from their paddocks is also greatly appreciated.

Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Grain Legume: Chickpeas
Treatment type(s)
  • Management systems: Integrated pest management
  • Seed treatment: Inoculant
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Replicated

Warwick 2015

Sow date 10 June 2015
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 5m x 2.1m
Plot replication 5
Other trial notes


Disease development and yield loss prediction

Inoculum treatments:

0, 40, 130 and 660 P. med oospores per plant applied at sowing

Irrigation treatments:

in-crop supplementary irrigation, dryland

Inoculum detection:

Soil samples from 43 paddocks and one P. med control sample

 P.med inoculum level, PRR disease development and yield

•   Post sowing soil P.med DNA results differed significantly among the oospore treatments but also indicated that some P.med was already present at the site . 

•   On 13 Oct (end of flowering), the irrigated 130 and 660 oospores/plant treatments had significantly more PRR than the dryland 130 and 660 oospores/plant treatments . By 12 Nov (dryland treatments senescing), the irrigated 40, 130 and 660 oospores/plant treatments had significantly more PRR than the dryland 40, 130 and 660 oospores/plant treatments.

•   The interaction of irrigation (to simulate a PRR conducive season) and oospore treatments on grain yield was complex as indicated by :

  1. at low inoculum levels (zero and 40 oospores/plant), irrigation increased yield compared with dryland
  2. for medium inoculum (130 oospores/plant), irrigation had no significant effect on yield
  3. for the highest inoculum level (660 oospores/plant) irrigation reduced yield compared with the dryland treatment.

These interactions suggest that at low PRR levels, the primary effect of irrigation is on yield, but at high PRR levels the primary effect is on disease.  However, the shape of these relationships are likely to vary from season to season due to differences in seasonal rainfall

P.med DNA detection in soil from commercial paddocks

•   Ten of the 43 paddock soil treatments produced PRR like cankers on plants, P.med like cultures were isolated from eight samples from growers paddocks; P.med like cultures were also isolated from the control soil, giving a total of nine P.med isolates.  One of the samples produced cankers that were not caused by P.med.

•   Of the 43 paddock soil treatments (including the control soil), nine had positive P.med DNA results.  Comparing the DNA results to the isolation results showed that most (8/9, 89%) samples which had positive DNA results also yielded P.med cultures and that most (33/34, 97%) samples which had negative DNA results also did not yield P.med cultures .   

•   Notably, one sample (LOU2) which yielded a P.med culture was negative for P.med DNA.

•   One sample (A) was positive for P.med DNA but seedlings in all 5 cups remained healthy.  This sample had a lower P.med DNA value (1,234 P.med copies/g soil) than other samples (range 2,443-813,436 P.med copies/g soil).  Possible explanations for this result is: (i) more time may be required for symptoms to develop, or (ii) that the pathogen had died but some DNA had been detected.

Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information

Download results

Trial results Oospore and irrigation treatment, soil DNA Phytophthora medicaginis concentration, PRR assessment and yield

# Treatment 1
Phytophthora concentration (DNA/g soil) Grain yield (t/ha)
1 Dryland - 1 342 3198
2 Dryland - 40 1986 2961
3 Dryland - 130 3051 3038
4 Dryland - 660 5357 2402
5 Irrigation - 0 169 3914
6 Irrigation - 40 1765 3631
7 Irrigation - 130 2996 2966
8 Irrigation - 660 5925 1764

Grain yield t/ha


Phytophthora concentration DNA/g soil

Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Warwick, QLD Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Warwick, QLD Vertosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Warwick QLD
2015 240.5mm
2014 215.6mm
2013 229.1mm
2012 219.5mm
2011 245.4mm
2010 254.9mm
2009 223.9mm
2008 238.3mm
2007 210.0mm
2006 230.8mm
2005 230.4mm
2004 246.5mm
2003 280.1mm
2002 288.5mm
2001 377.0mm
2000 460.9mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Warwick QLD 2015

Observed climate information

Rainfall trial gsr (mm) 160mm

Derived climate information

Warwick QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2015 trial report

Trial last modified: 30-07-2019 08:20am AEST