Evaluation of the seed treatment Rancona Dimension as a standalone option for managing crown rot in wheat – 2015


Research organisaton
Funding sources

Trial details

Researcher(s) Steven Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
Year(s) 2015
Contributor Department of Primary Industries NSW
Trial location(s) Coonamble, NSW
Garah, NSW
Gilgandra, NSW
Merriwa, NSW
Mullaley, NSW
North Star, NSW
Nyngan, NSW
Trangie, NSW
Wangarbon, NSW
Macalister, QLD
Mungindi, QLD
Westmar, QLD
Further information View external link
Evaluation of the seed treatment Rancona Dimension as a standalone option for managing crown rot in wheat – 2015 locations

 To determine the impact of Rancona Dimension on yield loss from CR infection across sites in the northern region.

Crown rot, caused predominantly by the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum is a significant disease of winter cereal crops in the northern NSW and southern Qld. Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole + metalaxyl) was recently registered in Australia as a fungicidal seed treatment with good activity against cereal bunts and smuts, pythium and suppression of rhizoctonia. Rancona® Dimension is also the first seed treatment to be registered (at 320 mL/100 kg seed) for the suppression of crown rot. Suppression by definition indicates that the seed treatment reduces growth of the pathogen for a set period of time early in the season. This is distinct from control which Rancona® Dimension and other seed treatments provide against bunts and smuts of wheat and barley in that they prevent infection throughout the season. It is recommended by the manufacturer that Rancona® Dimension is used as part of an integrated disease management strategy for crown rot and not as a standalone option. However, growers may still be tempted to try and use Rancona® Dimension under medium to high crown rot risk situations where other management strategies have not sufficiently reduced inoculum levels. This is not uncommon following seasons with low in-crop rainfall which limits the effectiveness of break crops such as chickpea, faba bean, canola and sorghum in decomposing cereal stubble which harbours the crown rot fungus. Under this scenario growers are often forced into sowing another winter cereal within the rotation sequence and may be tempted to resort to a seed treatment as their main option in trying to reduce yield loss associated with crown rot infection. Replicated research therefore appeared warranted to determine the impact of Rancona® Dimension on yield loss from crown rot infection across sites in the northern region. This will hopefully ensure that growers have a realistic expectation of what this seed treatment can achieve if used in isolation of other management strategies.

Key messages

Key messages:

  • Treating EGA GregoryA seed with Rancona Dimension reduced establishment losses associated with the addition of crown rot inoculum to 7% compared with 26% when no seed treatment was used.
  • In this instance, Rancona Dimension did not provide a significant or consistent yield benefit in the presence of high levels of crown rot infection across the 12 trial sites in 2015.
  • Growers should not expect Rancona Dimension to provide a significant and consistent reduction in yield loss from crown rot infection when used as a standalone management strategy.
  • Growers considering the use of Rancona Dimension should follow the manufacturer’s advice and only consider it as part of an integrated management strategy against crown rot.


Rancona® Dimension is registered in Australia for the suppression of crown rot infection. Rancona® Dimension reduced establishment losses associated with severe early infection, created by the addition of crown rot inoculum to the seed furrow at sowing, to 7% compared to 26% in the absence of a seed treatment. Further research is required to determine if this improvement in establishment is associated with reduced Fusarium seedling blight. It should also be established whether such severe establishment losses are an artefact of the inoculation process used in the trials or occurs naturally in paddocks with high stubble-borne inoculum loads. In a separate larger trial conducted at Tamworth in 2015 in which infected stubble at the surface was the inoculum source Rancona® Dimension did not have a significant impact on the establishment of EGA Gregory compared to the Nil seed treatment (data not presented). Establishment benefits apparent in the 12 trials unfortunately did not translate into any improvement in grain yield. Rancona® Dimension did not provide a significant yield benefit over the use of no seed treatment or the two other commonly used seed treatments examined in this study under high crown rot pressure across 12 sites in 2015.

Although Rancona® Dimension is registered for the suppression of crown rot, with activity against early infection and potential establishment losses evident in this study, growers should not expect this to translate into a significant and consistent reduction in yield loss from crown rot infection when the product is used as a standalone management strategy. Integrated management remains the best strategy to reduce losses to crown rot. Growers may like to consider including Rancona® Dimension (320 mL/100 kg seed) as one additional component in their integrated management of crown rot.

Gilgandra NSW 2015 Barley

Seed treatments evaluated:

  1. Nil seed treatment
  2. Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
  3. Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
  4. Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed
Lead research organisation Department of Primary Industries NSW
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC DAN00175
Trial funding source DPI NSW
Related program National crown rot epidemiology and management program

This research was undertaken as part of project DAN00175: National crown rot epidemiology and management program and is made possible by the significant contributions of growers through both trial co-operation and the support of the GRDC; the author would like to thank them for their continued support. The project is cofunded by the NSW State Government through NSW DPI which is also thanked for its support in fully funding my position, laboratory and other infrastructure costs.  Technical assistance provided by Robyn Shapland, Tim O’Brien, Finn Fensbo, Patrick Mortell, Carla Lombardo, Chrystal Fensbo, Kay Warren, Karen Cassin and Rachael Bannister is gratefully acknowledged.  Soil-borne pathogen levels were determined using the DNA-based soil test service PreDicta B® provided by the South Australian Research and Development Institute. We are also extremely thankful to NVT operators Peter Matthews (NSW DPI), Douglas Lush (QDAF) and Research A

Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop types Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat
Treatment type(s)
  • Crop: Variety
Trial type
Trial design

Coonamble 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Coonamble 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Garah 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Garah 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Gilgandra 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Gilgandra 2015 Barley

Sow date 15 May 2015
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative impact of seed treatments on the yield impact associated with crown rot infection at each site.
Seed treatment Seed treatments evaluated: 1. Nil seed treatment 2. Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed 3. Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed 4. Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed
Inoculant High levels of crown rot infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Merriwa 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Merriwa 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Mullaley 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Mullaley 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

North Star 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

North Star 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Nyngan 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Nyngan 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Trangie 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Trangie 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Wangarbon 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Wangarbon 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Macalister 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Macalister 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Mungindi 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Mungindi 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Westmar 2015 Barley

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Westmar 2015 Wheat

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified
Plot randomisation Not specified
Seed treatment Not specified
Inoculant Not specified
Other trial notes


  • Inoculated versus uninoculated trial design to evaluate the relative seed treatment effects on the yield impact associated with CR infection at each site.
  • High levels of (CR) infection induced in inoculated plots (added CR) by incorporating non-viable durum seed colonised by at least five different isolates of Fp into the seeding furrow (2.0 g/m of row) at sowing.
  • One crown rot susceptible bread wheat variety EGA GregoryA was used across all sites at a target plant population of 100 plants/m2 seed treatments evaluated:
    • Nil seed treatment
    • Rancona® Dimension (ipconazole 25 g/L + metalaxyl 20 g/L) at 320 mL/100 kg seed
    • Dividend M® (difeniconazole 92 g/L + metalaxyl-M 23 g/L) at 260 mL/100 kg seed
    • Jockey Stayer® (fluquinconazole 167 g/L) at 450 mL/100 kg seed.

Dividend M® and Jockey Stayer® are NOT registered for the suppression of CR, but were included to represent commonly used wheat seed treatments for bunt and smut control, or early control of stripe rust (a leaf disease), respectively. Including four treatments across each site ensured statistical rigour of yield outcomes.

Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information
Trial source data and summary not available
Check the trial report PDF for trial results.
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Coonamble, NSW Not specified
Garah, NSW Not specified
Gilgandra, NSW Not specified
Merriwa, NSW Not specified
Mullaley, NSW Not specified
North Star, NSW Not specified
Nyngan, NSW Not specified
Trangie, NSW Not specified
Wangarbon, NSW Not specified
Macalister, QLD Not specified
Mungindi, QLD Not specified
Westmar, QLD Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Coonamble, NSW Vertosol
Garah, NSW Vertosol
Gilgandra, NSW Sodosol
Merriwa, NSW Vertosol
Mullaley, NSW Ferrosol
North Star, NSW Sodosol
Nyngan, NSW Vertosol
Trangie, NSW Vertosol
Wangarbon, NSW Kandosol
Macalister, QLD Vertosol
Mungindi, QLD Kandosol
Westmar, QLD Sodosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Coonamble NSW Garah NSW Gilgandra NSW Merriwa NSW Mullaley NSW North Star NSW Nyngan NSW Trangie NSW Wangarbon NSW Macalister QLD Mungindi QLD Westmar QLD
2015 45.0mm250.5mm506.4mm352.1mm269.2mm579.5mm460.8mm594.3mm544.4mm306.7mm173.9mm638.7mm
2014 76.0mm238.9mm478.4mm399.8mm244.6mm533.5mm473.9mm581.8mm584.0mm288.7mm140.3mm610.6mm
2013 128.7mm227.5mm526.7mm427.2mm263.5mm548.6mm489.4mm595.8mm606.2mm283.3mm155.2mm608.4mm
2012 195.6mm254.7mm563.8mm404.5mm285.8mm576.8mm549.7mm652.7mm678.8mm290.9mm197.6mm622.5mm
2011 163.1mm257.0mm529.3mm364.2mm306.2mm601.5mm541.4mm639.5mm651.6mm308.7mm190.4mm635.7mm
2010 245.2mm282.0mm587.0mm421.9mm323.5mm621.2mm567.7mm695.3mm714.5mm323.5mm247.5mm629.8mm
2009 184.7mm278.7mm515.0mm386.5mm310.2mm591.5mm518.9mm649.7mm642.2mm328.4mm249.0mm623.0mm
2008 140.7mm293.5mm490.8mm380.8mm322.0mm595.0mm489.0mm614.4mm625.8mm342.8mm251.9mm632.4mm
2007 84.2mm309.0mm427.8mm400.2mm325.0mm560.2mm403.0mm551.8mm529.2mm375.8mm271.6mm630.5mm
2006 118.4mm310.7mm423.0mm346.0mm343.4mm590.7mm402.1mm546.8mm539.6mm341.8mm276.3mm625.5mm
2005 155.7mm327.0mm464.8mm366.1mm374.1mm555.4mm430.8mm577.1mm561.2mm396.0mm316.2mm632.0mm
2004 166.9mm385.9mm426.2mm320.0mm411.3mm546.5mm408.5mm558.2mm513.8mm428.5mm367.7mm640.1mm
2003 202.2mm443.4mm429.4mm315.9mm459.4mm506.0mm411.4mm552.2mm528.7mm511.2mm394.6mm640.6mm
2002 258.7mm464.3mm441.0mm282.5mm443.4mm492.8mm431.5mm532.6mm542.4mm521.3mm385.5mm621.9mm
2001 365.2mm479.1mm510.0mm348.3mm566.0mm522.3mm489.6mm543.3mm597.6mm569.3mm425.9mm629.7mm
2000 437.2mm578.4mm519.2mm440.7mm600.0mm522.0mm508.6mm515.6mm589.9mm571.4mm473.6mm623.7mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Derived climate information

No observed climate data available for this trial.
Derived climate data is determined from trial site location and national weather sources.

Coonamble QLD

Garah QLD

Gilgandra QLD

Merriwa QLD

Mullaley QLD

North Star QLD

Nyngan QLD

Trangie QLD

Wangarbon QLD

Macalister QLD

Mungindi QLD

Westmar QLD

Coonamble QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Garah QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Gilgandra QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Merriwa QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Mullaley QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

North Star QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Nyngan QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Trangie QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Wangarbon QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Macalister QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Mungindi QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Westmar QLD

NOTE: Exact trial site locality unknown - Climate data may not be accurate

Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2015 trial report

Trial last modified: 30-05-2019 11:30am AEST