Dryland Legume Pasture Systems: Legume adaptation trial 2019 regeneration


Research organisatons
Funding sources

Trial details

Researcher(s) Fiona Tomney (SARDI)
Contact email fiona.tomney@sa.gov.au
Contact phone 0459857691
Year(s) 2019
Contributor SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
Trial location(s) Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA
Related trials
Dryland Legume Pasture Systems: Legume adaptation trial 2019 regeneration locations

Legume pastures have been pivotal to sustainable agricultural development in southern Australia. They provide highly nutritious feed for livestock, act as a disease break for many cereal root pathogens, and improve fertility through nitrogen (N) fixation. Despite these benefits pasture renovation rates remain low and there is opportunity to improve the quality of the pasture base on many low to medium rainfall mixed farms across southern Australia. A diverse range of pasture legume cultivars are currently available to growers and new material is being developed. Some of these legumes, such as the annual medics, are well adapted to alkaline soils and have high levels of hard seed, which allow them to self-regenerate from soil seed reserves after cropping (ley farming system). Other legume cultivars and species are available and being developed that offer improved seed harvestability, are claimed to be better suited to establishment when dry sown and/or provide better nutrition for livestock. Regional evaluation is needed to determine if they are productive and able to persist in drier areas (<400 mm annual rainfall) and on Mallee soil types common to the mixed farming zone of southern Australia.

The Dryland Legume Pasture Systems project will both develop and evaluate a range of pasture legumes together with innovative establishment techniques, measure their downstream benefits to animal and crop production and promote their adoption on mixed farms.

This trial was established in 2018 to assess a diverse range of annual pasture legumes in order to determine whether there are more productive and persistent options for the drier areas (< 400 mm) of the mixed farming zone of southern Australia. In 2019 the trial was allowed to regenerate to determine which legumes regenerated and how their performance differed from the establishment year.

The Dryland Legume Pasture Systems project will both develop and evaluate a range of pasture legumes together with innovative establishment techniques, measure their downstream benefits to animal and crop production and promote their adoption on mixed farms.

Key messages
  • This is a component of a new five year Rural Research and Development for Profit funded project supported by GRDC, MLA and AWI; and involving Murdoch University, CSIRO, SARDI, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; Charles Sturt University and grower groups.
  • This trial aims to assess a diverse range of annual pasture legumes in order to determine whether there are more productive and persistent options for the drier areas (<400 mm) of the mixed farming zone of southern Australia.
  • Annual medics continue to be the best pasture option for neutral/alkaline soils on the upper Eyre Peninsula. Common vetch is an alternative option where a sown legume ley of one year duration is preferred.
  • Building up a seed bank is critical to the longer term performance of the pasture. The aim in the pasture establishment year should be to maximise seed set.
  • Levels of hard seed affect regeneration. Legumes with high hard seed levels should be cropped in the year following establishment.
Lead research organisation South Australian Research and Development Institute
Host research organisation SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
Trial funding source GRDC RnD4Profit-16-03-010
Trial funding source AWI RnD4Profit-16-03-010
Trial funding source MLA RnD4Profit-16-03-010
Trial funding source AGRR&D RnD4Profit-16-03-010
Related program Dryland Legume Pasture Systems (Rural R&D for Profit)

This project is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources as part of its Rural R&D for Profit program; the Grains Research and Development Corporation, Meat and Livestock Australia; and Australian Wool Innovation. The research partners include the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Murdoch University, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, and Charles Sturt University, as well as 10 grower groups. Project code: RnD4Profit-16-03-010. Commercial annual legume cultivars are produced by a range of companies and we appreciate them making their cultivars available for this work.

Other trial partners Murdoch University, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, and Charles Sturt University
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Pasture: Mixed species
Treatment type(s)
  • Crop: Type
  • Crop: Variety
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Randomised,Replicated,Blocked

Minnipa Agricultural Centre 2019

Sow date 27 June 2018 27 June 2018
Harvest date Unknown
Plot size 5m x 1.5m
Plot replication 4
Plot blocking Random
Plot randomisation Random blocks
Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information

Download results

Trial source data unavailable: Trial may be in progress or trial results have not been recorded.

Trial results Table 1

3 Harbinger Strand medic
4 Herald Strand medic
5 Jaguar Strand medic
6 PM-250 Strand medic
7 Pildappa Strand medic
8 Caliph Barrel medic
9 Cheetah Barrel medic
10 Sultan-SU Barrel medic
11 Boron Burr medic
12 Scimitar Burr medic
13 Toreador Disc medic
14 Minima medic
15 SARDI Rose clover
16 Rose Clover Early 35623
17 Bartolo Bladder Clover
18 Prima Gland Clover
19 Zulu Arrowleaf Clover
20 Tammin Subterranean Clover
21 Balansa Clover X nigrescens clover
22 Volga Common Vetch
23 Studenica Common Vetch
24 Capello Woolly Pod Vetch
25 Casbah Biserrula
26 Margurita French Serradella
27 Santorini Yellow Serradella
28 Trigonella balansae 5045
29 Trigonella balansae Early 37928
30 Astragalus
31 Lotus arenarius

Trial results Table 3

3 Harbinger Strand medic
4 Herald Strand medic
5 Jaguar Strand medic
6 PM-250 Strand medic
7 Pildappa Strand medic
8 Caliph Barrel medic
9 Cheetah Barrel medic
10 Sultan-SU Barrel medic
11 Boron Burr medic
12 Scimitar Burr medic
13 Toreador Disc medic
14 Minima medic
15 SARDI Rose clover
16 Rose Clover Early 35623
17 Bartolo Bladder Clover
18 Prima Gland Clover
19 Zulu Arrowleaf Clover
20 Tammin Subterranean Clover
21 Balansa Clover X nigrescens clover
22 Volga Common Vetch
23 Studenica Common Vetch
24 Capello Woolly Pod Vetch
25 Casbah Biserrula
26 Margurita French Serradella
27 Santorini Yellow Serradella
28 Trigonella balansae 5045
29 Trigonella balansae Early 37928
30 Astragalus
31 Lotus arenarius
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Calcarosol
Soil Moisture Source: BOM/ANU
Average amount of water stored in the soil profile during the year, estimated by the OzWALD model-data fusion system.
Year Minnipa Agricultural Centre SA
2019 403.6mm
2018 429.5mm
2017 443.9mm
2016 405.1mm
2015 379.2mm
2014 440.5mm
2013 402.0mm
2012 445.2mm
2011 465.2mm
2010 442.3mm
2009 474.7mm
2008 403.9mm
2007 395.3mm
2006 423.0mm
2005 379.0mm
2004 360.2mm
2003 378.0mm
2002 382.0mm
2001 444.0mm
2000 464.3mm
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Minnipa Agricultural Centre SA 2019

Observed climate information

Rainfall avg ann (mm) 325mm
Rainfall avg gsr (mm) 242mm
Rainfall trial total (mm) 269mm
Rainfall trial gsr (mm) 208mm

Derived climate information

Minnipa Agricultural Centre SA


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2019 trial report

Trial last modified: 03-01-2023 11:20am AEST