HYC Disease Management Germplasm Interaction


Research organisaton
Funding source

Trial details

Researcher(s) Nick Poole
Darcy Warren
Year(s) 2021
Contributor Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia
Trial location(s) Millicent, SA
HYC Disease Management Germplasm Interaction locations

To develop profitable and sustainable approaches to disease management in HRZ wheat – winter and spring wheat sown 21 April.

Individual objectives specific to the trial were:
- To monitor the effectiveness of flutriafol in furrow for early disease control in wheat.
- To evaluate whether newer germplasm or new fungicide chemistry allows a reduction in the number of fungicide applications whilst increasing profitability (note: reducing the number of fungicides is seen as a key measure for slowing down resistance development in cropping systems).
- Examine whether there is germplasm (varieties tested) that has sufficient early season disease resistance to replace the need for the Timing 1 (T1) spray applied at GS31-32.
- To determine the cost benefit ratio of fungicide application in HRZ regions of different season lengths.

Key messages

 Fungicide management significantly increased yield in all varieties except RGT Cesario.
 The maximum yield response to fungicides was as follows: RGT Accroc (3.81t/ha) > Revenue 3.39t/ha) > RGT Calabro (2.42t/ha), Anapurna (2.2t/ha), Trojan (1.25t/ha) > Big Red (0.97t/ha) > Scepter (0.91t/ha) and RGT Cesario (0.71t/ha).
 At $300/t the value of even the lowest response to fungicide was $213/ha.
 Anapurna and RGT Cesario both generated 11t/ha but in both cases only two fungicide units was required to achieve these yields, whereas with RGT Accroc it was necessary to use 4 units of fungicide to maximise yield.
 Maximum yield response was achieved with 4 units of fungicide in RGT Calabro, Revenue, Trojan and Big Red.
 With Scepter there was little yield difference (0.14t/ha) between 2 and 4 units of fungicide.
 The impact of fungicide application was noted in grain quality with all fungicide strategies showing lower screenings, although the impact on screenings was clearly related to the size of yield increase, such that with Revenue there was a large difference in screenings (4%) between management approaches and only 1% with RGT Cesario.

Millicent SA 2021

Rotation position: 1st cereal after faba bean, 2019 canola.
Soil type & management: Neutral-slightly alkaline Organosol (Peat soil) – high organic matter (0- 30cm).

Lead research organisation Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC FAR2004-002SAX
Related program FAR Hyper Yielding Crops 2020-2022
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Cereal (Grain): Wheat
Treatment type(s)
  • Crop: Variety
  • Fungicide: Timing
  • Fungicide: Type
  • Pest Management: Fungal
Trial type Experimental
Trial design Randomised,Replicated,Blocked

Millicent 2021

Sow rate or Target density 180 Seeds/m2
Sow date 21 April 2021
Harvest date 11 - 13 January 2022
Plot size Not specified
Plot replication Not specified

Sowing Fertiliser: 100kg MAP

Nitrogen: 10 Aug 46kg N/ha
                1 Oct 160kg N/ha


Please see report for treatment details

Seed treatment Vibrance & Goucho
Download the trial report to view additional method/treatment information
Trial source data and summary not available
Check the trial report PDF for trial results.
Observed trial site soil information
Trial site soil testing
Not specified
Soil conditions
Trial site Soil texture
Millicent, SA Not specified
Derived trial site soil information
Australian Soil Classification Source: ASRIS
Trial site Soil order
Millicent, SA Organosol
National soil grid Source: CSIRO/TERN
NOTE: National Soil Grid data is aggregated information for background information on the wider area
Actual soil values can vary significantly in a small area and the trial soil tests are the most relevant data where available

Soil properties



Derived climate information

No observed climate data available for this trial.
Derived climate data is determined from trial site location and national weather sources.

Millicent SA


Some data on this site is sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology

SILO weather estimates sourced from https://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. (2001). Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 16/4, pp 309-330. DOI: 10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1.

Trial report and links

2021 trial report

Trial last modified: 21-03-2023 13:11pm AEST