‘Ripper Gauge’ - Demonstrating the benefits of soil amelioration and controlled traffic practices across a broad range of soil types in Western Australia

2018 - 2022
CC BY 4.0

Research organisaton
Funding source

Trial details

Researcher(s) Nathan Craig
Contact email ceo@wmgroup.org.au
Year(s) 2018 - 2022
Contributor West Midlands Group
Trial location(s) Broomehill, WA
Cascade, WA
Coomalbidgup, WA
Dalwallinu, WA
Darkan, WA
Gorge Rock, WA
Hines Hill, WA
Kadathinni, WA
Kalannie, WA
Kojaneerup, WA
Kurrenkutten, WA
Mingenew, WA
Moora, WA
Morawa, WA
Neridup, WA
Salmon Gums, WA
Tambellup, WA
Wadderin, WA
Yealering, WA
Yuna, WA
‘Ripper Gauge’ - Demonstrating the benefits of soil amelioration and controlled traffic practices across a broad range of soil types in Western Australia locations


2018-2020 – Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type

Growers in each port zone will use the demonstration sites to increase knowledge and adoption of deep ripping and controlled traffic farming used for alleviating soil constraints on the main soil types in each port zone and farming systems.

2021-2022 – Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping

To determine the impact of early post emergent deep ripping on plant growth and grain yield compared to the standard grower practice of pre-seeding ripping across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region.

Key messages

Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.

Broomehill WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Broomehill WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Broomehill WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Broomehill WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Broomehill WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Cascade WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Cascade WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Cascade WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Cascade WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Cascade WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Coomalbidgup WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Coomalbidgup WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Coomalbidgup WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Coomalbidgup WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Coomalbidgup WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Dalwallinu WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Dalwallinu WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Dalwallinu WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Dalwallinu WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Dalwallinu WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Darkan WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Darkan WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Darkan WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Darkan WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Darkan WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Gorge Rock WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Gorge Rock WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Gorge Rock WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Gorge Rock WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Gorge Rock WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Hines Hill WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Hines Hill WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Hines Hill WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Hines Hill WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Hines Hill WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kadathinni WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kadathinni WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kadathinni WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kadathinni WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kadathinni WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kalannie WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kalannie WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kalannie WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kalannie WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kalannie WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kojaneerup WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kojaneerup WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kojaneerup WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kojaneerup WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kojaneerup WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kurrenkutten WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kurrenkutten WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kurrenkutten WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kurrenkutten WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Kurrenkutten WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Mingenew WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Mingenew WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Mingenew WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Mingenew WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Mingenew WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Moora WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Moora WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Moora WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Moora WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Moora WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Morawa WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Morawa WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Morawa WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Morawa WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Morawa WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Neridup WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Neridup WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Neridup WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Neridup WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Neridup WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Salmon Gums WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Salmon Gums WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Salmon Gums WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Salmon Gums WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Salmon Gums WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Tambellup WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Tambellup WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Tambellup WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Tambellup WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Tambellup WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Wadderin WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Wadderin WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Wadderin WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Wadderin WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Wadderin WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yealering WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yealering WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yealering WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yealering WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yealering WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yuna WA 2018



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yuna WA 2019



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yuna WA 2020



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yuna WA 2021



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Yuna WA 2022



Soil amelioration is a critical strategy for overcoming soil limitations to crop production in Western Australian farming systems. This project, spanning from 2018 to 2022, was completed in two phases; 2018-2020 focused on Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type and 2021-2022 focused on Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping. The overall aim was to evaluate and demonstrate the benefits of soil amelioration across a diverse range of soil types common to the WA grain-growing region. The study involved a network of demonstration sites established across five port zones, with twenty-four sites set up in the 2018-2020 period by nine collaborating grower groups. The soil types tested ranged from sands to loamy soils, gravel and sand duplexes, forest gravels, and clay-based soils. The project also explored the effects of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping.


2018-2020: Soil Amelioration vs Soil Type


The initial phase of the project focused on evaluating soil amelioration practices across various soil types. Three standard treatments—ripping to 30cm, ripping to 60cm, and a local grower-based solution—were tested against a control (no amelioration). The range of crop species grown included predominantly cereal crops in 2018 and 2019, with half of the sites sown to canola in 2020.


The results showed significant variation in crop response to amelioration between sites, crop types, years, and seasonal conditions. While deep ripping demonstrated consistent benefits on deep sands, the benefits were less clear for other soil types. There was a trend of diminishing benefit for each soil amelioration treatment from 2018 to 2020. Treatments that resulted in a small grain yield benefit (less than 0.5t/ha) or negative yield penalty in the first year generally did not lead to increased grain yield in subsequent years. A key indicator that new soil amelioration practices will be effective in the medium term is a significant (greater than 0.5t/ha) grain yield benefit in the first year.


Economic analysis revealed a positive benefit for 60% of the soil amelioration treatments implemented across all sites after three years. The mean cumulative net return over three years was $164/ha for treatments with a positive return and -$154/ha for those with a negative return. The study concluded that there is a small and inconsistent benefit to deep ripping soil types other than the sandy soil types commonly deep ripped, and this practice should be thoroughly investigated by growers before developing a soil amelioration plan for their property.


2021-2022: Effects of Early Post Emergent Ripping


The second phase of the project evaluated the use of early post-emergent deep ripping as an alternative to traditional pre-seeding deep ripping. This method was explored to address issues such as increased wind erosion from bare and loose soil when deep ripping is completed in the autumn period before seeding.


Four sites were established across the Wheatbelt and Northern Agricultural region of WA to evaluate four timings of deep ripping compared to a control (nil ripping): pre-seeding, 1 week after sowing (1WAS), 3WAS, and 6WAS. Three sites were sown to wheat and one to canola into a moist soil bed to facilitate timely emergence, with each site managed uniformly using district best practice agronomy during each season.


The results indicated that plant establishment and early plant vigour were reduced across all early post-emergent ripping treatments, likely negatively impacting grain yield. Overall, grain yield was increased with the pre-seeding ripping treatment compared to the control, while early post-emergent ripping treatments were similar to the control, and the benefit of deep ripping was not realised. Reduced plant establishment through early post-emergent ripping often led to an increase in weed presence, likely causing management issues in successive crops.


Key Findings and Recommendations


  1. Understand Soil Constraints: Conduct detailed soil analysis to identify specific issues such as compaction, acidity, salinity, or water repellence. Tailor amelioration practices to address these constraints effectively.
  2. Research and Be Open to New Machines: Stay informed about the latest advancements in soil management technologies. Experiment with new machines that offer different modes of soil loosening and mixing to find the most suitable equipment for your soil conditions.
  3. Conduct Trials on Your Soil Type: Before fully committing to any soil amelioration practice, conduct small-scale trials to test different methods and assess their impact on soil health and crop yield. Use empirical data to make informed decisions.
  4. Thoroughly Assess Options: Evaluate the long-term impact of different amelioration techniques on soil health and crop yield. Consider the cost of implementation, expected benefits, and sustainability of the practice. Collect and analyse data to measure the actual benefits.
  5. Progressive Adoption and Investment: Adopt soil amelioration practices progressively across your farm. Start with small areas and expand as you gain confidence in the effectiveness and economic viability of the chosen techniques. Invest gradually based on solid evidence of economic return.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly assess the impact of your amelioration practices on soil health and crop yield. Make necessary adjustments and improvements based on ongoing observations and data collection.
  7. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage with other growers, researchers, and agricultural experts to stay updated on the latest developments in soil amelioration practices. Participate in field days, workshops, and industry conferences to learn from others and share your findings.
  8. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your amelioration techniques do not lead to negative environmental consequences such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, or contamination of water sources. Adopt practices that promote sustainable land management.
  9. Economic Analysis and Planning: Conduct a detailed economic analysis of different amelioration techniques. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for implementation, resources required and expected timeline for achieving results. Regularly review and update this plan based on ongoing observations and data collection.


The ‘Ripper Gauge’ project provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and economic viability of various soil amelioration practices across a diverse range of soil types in Western Australia. While deep ripping has shown benefits on deep sands, its application to other soil types presents challenges and requires thorough investigation. The study highlights the importance of understanding soil constraints, conducting trials, and adopting a data-driven approach to soil amelioration. By following the recommendations outlined, growers can make informed decisions that enhance the productivity and sustainability of their farming operations.

Lead research organisation West Midlands Group
Host research organisation N/A
Trial funding source GRDC 9176102_WMG1803_002SAX
Related program N/A
Acknowledgments N/A
Other trial partners Not specified
Download the trial report to view additional trial information


Crop type Pasture: Mixed species
Treatment type(s)
  • Soil Properties: Compaction
Trial type Demonstration
Trial design Unreplicated

Broomehill 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Broomehill 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Broomehill 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Broomehill 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Broomehill 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Cascade 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Cascade 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Cascade 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Cascade 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Cascade 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Coomalbidgup 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Coomalbidgup 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Coomalbidgup 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Coomalbidgup 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Coomalbidgup 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Dalwallinu 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Dalwallinu 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Dalwallinu 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Dalwallinu 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Dalwallinu 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Darkan 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Darkan 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Darkan 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Darkan 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Darkan 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Gorge Rock 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Gorge Rock 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Gorge Rock 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Gorge Rock 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Gorge Rock 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Hines Hill 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Hines Hill 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Hines Hill 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Hines Hill 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Hines Hill 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kadathinni 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kadathinni 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kadathinni 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kadathinni 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kadathinni 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kalannie 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kalannie 2019

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kalannie 2020

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kalannie 2021

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kalannie 2022

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified
Plot size 100m x 12m minimum size of each plot.
Plot replication Not specified
Psuedoreplication Not specified

Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.


Grower practice at each site.

Soil amelioration

Table of treatments used in the Ripper Gauge project. Any amelioration or combination of treatments could have been used at each site in the project.

Amelioration Treatment

Treatment Group




No soil amelioration method applied

Rip 30cm


Seed treatment Grower practice at each site.
Inoculant Grower practice at each site.
Tillage Grower practice at each site.

Kojaneerup 2018

Sow date Not specified
Harvest date Not specified