Lupins trials

0 results found (Displaying 1 - 50)
Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Analysis of nutrients in lupins, sub-clover, wheat and barley

To conduct a survey of manganese concentrations in harvested grain of lupin, wheat and barley.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1978 Rutherglen VIC
Research organisaton
Foliar manganese for lupins

To determine if and how manganese deficiency in lupins can be overcome.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1982 Struan SA
Research organisaton
Manganese content of cereals, lupins and clover herbage in north eastVictoria

To study the manganese content of cereals, lupin and clover herbage in NE Victoria.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1982 Rutherglen VIC
Research organisaton
Residual effects of fertiliser manganese on a grey sand at lBadgingarra Station WA

To investigate the effects of rates of initial and subsequent applications of manganese on lupin yields grown on Mn deficient soil

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
1982 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Manganese tolerance of two crops

To report on glasshouse and laboratory analysis of the distribution of manganese in the leaves of sunflower and lupin.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1988 Auchmore VIC
Research organisaton
Potential for improvements in lupin yield on sandy alkaline soils

To compare iron fertiliser formulaiotns for luin on an alkaline soil.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1992 Walpeup VIC
Research organisaton
FAST project

To link financial management to the environmental and production aspects of a variety of farming systems in south eastern Australia.

Birchip Cropping Group
1993 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Gross margin calculations for 1994

To provide a gross margin calculation method for 1994.

Birchip Cropping Group
1993 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Legume inoculants and nodulation

To provide quick and easy ways to obtain reliable information in the field for use in the management of legume nitrogen.

Birchip Cropping Group
1993 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Nitrogen balance under long-term rotation trials

To determine the relationship between alternative break crops and root disease.

Birchip Cropping Group
1993 Walpeup VIC
Research organisaton
Crop planning for 1995

To provide some suggestions as additional hints in coping with cropping after drought.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Grain legume harvesting

To discuss grain legume harvesting and way to reduce losses from grain harvesting.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Insect calendar for field crops and medic pastures

To provide a calendar as a guide to insect pests that could be expected during each of hte major crop and pasture growing phases.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Legume herbicide tolerance trial

To provide results of a legume herbicide tolerance trial.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Nutrient strategies for 1995

To discuss nutrient strategies for 1995.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Grain legumes on sandy calcareous soils

To evaluate commercial and new pulse (grain legume) cultivars on sandy, calcareous soils, in terms of both the crop performance and its benefit in a rotation.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Herbicide demonstration in pulses and canola
  • To observe the control of legumes and oilseeds of treatments normally used in cerealy crops applied pre-sowing and early post emergent.
  • To observe the crop effect of a range of products over a range of crops applied post sowing pre-emergent and applied early post emergent.
Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
Herbicide use in pulses

To trial a number of herbicide treatments applied to field peas, chickpeas, lentils and lupins to determine effective weed control and their effects on the crops.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
Practical disease management issues in pulse crops

To discuss practical disease management issues in puluse crops.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Variety demonstration

To report on variety descriptions and characteristics.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Walpeup VIC
Research organisaton
Pulse crops for Central Western NSW

To investigate pulse crops for Central Western NSW.

Central West Farming Systems
1997 Gunningbland NSW
Research organisaton
Advanced lupin variety evaluation

To evaluate improved lupin varieties for the Victorian Mallee.

Birchip Cropping Group
1998 Sea Lake VIC
Research organisaton
Feeding strategies for production and survival

To discuss the question, 'Should you feed in a drought?'

Central West Farming Systems
1998 Armidale NSW
Research organisaton
Raised bed legume evaluation

To investigate the adaptability of a range of grain and forage legumes grown in a raised bed system using a controlled traffic regime. 

Southern Farming Systems
1998 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Evaluation of pulse crop options for Nyngan

To evaluate the pulse crop options suitable for the district not only in terms of their profitability but in terms of their contribution to the performance of subsequent wheat crops.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Nyngan NSW
Research organisaton
Growing pulse crops - a grower experience

To report on a grower experience of growing pulse crops in NSW.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Gunningbland NSW
Research organisaton
Legume rhizobia trial

To demonstrate the need for innoculation with rhizobia in a range of crop legumes.

Southern Farming Systems
1999 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
Lupin time of sowing demostration at Wirrinya and Gunning Gap

To investigate the effects of sowing date on the yield of Lupins.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Wirrinya NSW
Research organisaton
Radish control in broadleaf lupins (Albus type)

To evaluate radish control in broadleaf lupins (Albus type).

Birchip Cropping Group
1999 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
Reliability of pulse crops in central NSW

To provide information about the reliability of pulse crops in central NSW.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Dubbo
Research organisaton
Row spacings and sowing rates on crop yield and quality

To investigate row spacing and sowing rates on crop yield and quality.

Birchip Cropping Group
1999 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Advanced lupin variety evaluation

The aim of this trial was to exaluate and develop improved lupin varieties for the Victorian Mallee.

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Sea Lake VIC
Research organisaton
Grain legume trial

To test a number of grain legume crops grown in a stubble burnt and stubble retained situation and planted with different equipment.

Southern Farming Systems
2000 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
Grain legume trial - Tasmania
Southern Farming Systems
2000 Riccarton (Campbell Town) TAS
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - lupins

To report on DNRE lupin variety trial.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Hamilton VIC
Research organisaton
Euabalong pulse yield comparisons

To develop cropping rotations to include pulse crops.

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Euabalong NSW
Research organisaton
Lupin agronomy trial

To evaluate some simple agronomic changes to lupin sowing rates and fertiliser rates to see if it has an impact on yield. 

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Cavendish VIC
Research organisaton
Rankins Springs CWFS alternative farming systems trial

To examine the long term environmental, biological and economical effects of alternate production systems

Central West Farming Systems
2001 Rankins Springs NSW
Research organisaton
Dual Gold® safe in lupins at Coorow

To assess the potential for the use of Dual Gold® for ryegrass control in lupins.

Liebe Group
2002 Coorow WA
Research organisaton
Evaluation of two new herbicides in the field - Bounty and Aramo

To determine the effectiveness, weed spectrum and crop damage of both Bounty (a broadleaf herbicide for use in lupins) and Aramo (a grass herbicide for use in non-cereal crops), which are due for release on the market in 2003.

Liebe Group
2002 Maya WA
Research organisaton
Spring sowing pulse trial

To evaluate the performance of chick peas, faba beans, lupins and field peas under a spring sowing regime. 

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Using Precision Agriculture and Soil Inoculants to Improve Crop performance and Grower Returns

• To use farmer scale machinery to evaluate the benefits of adopting zone
management farming on a range of soil types over a three year period;
• To increase the output to input ratio for our farming system; and
• To collaborate with, and add value to research in precision agriculture being
undertaken by CSIRO, the Department.of Agriculture and University of Western
Australia (UWA).

Corrigin Farm Improvement Group
2002 Corrigin WA
Research organisaton
Benefit of irrigation for high value grain legumes

To determine yield and quality benefits from irrigation of high value grain legumes. Further studies will determine the most appropriate timing of irrigation.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Symmons Plains TAS
Research organisaton
Crop monitoring

To report on 2003 crop monitoring.

Central West Farming Systems
2003 Tottenham NSW
Research organisaton
Diuron for pre-emergent weed control in lupins

To evaluate Diuron as a broadleaf weed killer pre sowing of lupins and to evaluate some mixing partners to improve the control of grass weeds.

Liebe Group
2003 Coorow WA
Research organisaton
Effect of wide rows on herbicide safety in lupins

To answer the quesiton 'Can higher herbicide rates be used with wide row establishment in lupins?'

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Effects of nutrients on lupin yield and protein

To evaluate a range of nutrients on lupin yield and protein.

Liebe Group
2003 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Effects of variety, planting time and seed rate on lupin yield and protein

To compare agronomic factors on seven lupin varieties for yield and grain protein.

Liebe Group
2003 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Euabalong CWFS site - pulse trial

To assess the value and place of grain legumes in a wheat rotation.

Central West Farming Systems
2003 Euabalong NSW
Research organisaton
Evaluation of wide row lupins

Assess the yield of wide (18 inch) versus narrow (9 inch) lupin rows.

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton