University of Adelaide trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Wheat varieties differ in response to natural heat events during the early reproductive stage

The study determined whether genetic differences in tolerance can be idenified in field grown wheat exposed to natural heat events at the early reproductive stage of development.

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2015 Wagga Wagga ACT
Research organisaton
Testing control of annual ryegrass in the HRZ using faba beans, pre-emergent herbicides and desiccation

To assess cultural control practices in combination with pre-emergent herbicides for the management resistant ARG at the Lake Bolac research site.

Southern Farming Systems
2016 Lake Bolac VIC
Research organisaton
Resistance of wheat varieties to grain shattering in the field

This paper provides preliminary data on the observed relative resistance of Australian wheat varieties to grain shattering in the field at Wagga Wagga and Leeton.

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2016 Leeton NSW
Research organisaton
Controlling ryegrass along fencelines

To investigate the effectiveness of different herbicides on glyphosate resistance ryegrass along a fenceline.

Hart Field Site Group
2008 Hart SA
Research organisaton