Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd trials

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Year Trial site
Growing More Profitable Crops on Chemical Fallow

In these trials Corrigin Farm Improvement Group aimed to test the benefits of growing crops on chemical fallowed soil. The trials specifically compared which crop species were most profitable under a chemical fallowing regime. In season 2013 barley was most profitable and in 2014 albus lupins were the most profitable crop grown on chemical fallow.

This project was designed to test the relative benefit of chemical fallow with a range of different crop types. The trials compared different crop types on chemical fallow with the aim to identify which crop is likely to produce the highest return. The trials was a joint effort with Pulse Australia with the aim also to demonstrate and test pulse species in the Corrigin district.


Corrigin Farm Improvement Group
2013 Corrigin WA
Research organisaton
Should the gravel content of soils impact on your input management decisions?

To determine whether adjustments need to be made to a range of decision support systems (DSSs) to quantitatively account for the effect of gravel on inputs such as fertilisers, lime, pesticides and herbicides.

West Midlands Group
2013 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Profitable Crop Rotation Choices

The aim of this project is for the Corrigin Farm Improvement Group (CFIG) to compare the profitability of a range of crop rotations, including chemical fallowing, on a medium textured, loamy soil type east of Corrigin. Gross returns are assessed both on an annual basis and on an accumulative multi-year basis.

This project was designed to test the relative benefit of chemical fallow with a range of different crop types. The trial compared different crop types on chemical fallow with the aim to identify which crop is likely to produce the highest return. The project also aims to investigate the profitability of different rotations over multiple years which include both chemical fallows and continuous crop.

Corrigin Farm Improvement Group
2016 Corrigin, WA 6375 WA
Research organisaton
COGGO Snails 2020 demonstration

The aim of this trial is to determine and demonstrate if stubble management treatments can lead to a reduction in conical snail numbers.

The trial is based on techniques used in SA where snails on the stubble are knocked to the ground on to days (35 deg +) where they dehydrate and die. 

The trial tested and analysed the effectiveness of three techniques- speed-tilling, cableing and stubble crunching on snail mortality.  

This trial aims to provide growers with a clear percentage of the effect of three stubble management techniques (cabling, stubble crunching and speed tillage) on small conical snail mortality.  

Introduce more ‘tools’ into growers’ repertoire to control snails & reduce reliance on snail baiting. 

Demonstrate the effectiveness of ‘GrainCam’ to identify snail hot spots in paddocks and map their distribution for targeted future management.

Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2020 Mount Barker WA
Research organisaton