Stoke's Bay SA trials

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Trial Contributor
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Year Trial site
Mixed Cover Crops for Sustainable Farming

To support grower groups to identify and demonstrate the establishment and management of suitable multi species cover crops across a range of environments and assess the impacts of cover cropping on soil health, nutrient cycling, organic carbon, invertebrate populations and soil moisture.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2020 Stoke's Bay SA
Research organisaton

The BioAg fertiliser trial was established in 2019. The trial has 6 treatments with 4 replications and compares various BioAg products and rates against an annual application of single super.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2019 Stoke's Bay SA
Research organisaton
The dollars and the sense of liming - the Stanton story

To report on the Stanton's “current strategy to set up a rotation of liming approximately one fifth of the total land base or about 300ha per year to assist in budgeting".

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2017 Stoke's Bay SA
Research organisaton