Badgingarra WA trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Rotary spading and mouldboard ploughing water repellant sandplain soil fulfils promise

To assess the impact of full inversion mouldboard ploughing and partial inversion rotary spading on soil repellance, crop growth and grain yield using large scale on-farm trials.

West Midlands Group
2010 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Interaction between soil water repellence and soil nutrient availability

To determine how soil inversion and banded surfactants change the availability of soil nutrients.

West Midlands Group
2012 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Effect of rates, application timing and soil type on the activity of lure H20 soil wetting agent in West Midlands region

To investigate the influence of rate, application timing and soil type of the activity of Lure H20 as a pre-sow soil wetting agent in the cropping phase.

West Midlands Group
2011 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton