Katanning WA trials

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The effectiveness of on-farm methods of weed-seed collection at harvest time

To discuss benefits and practicalities of individual growers weed management tactics; and to assist others to decide if adopting similar methods would be beneficial on their property.

Southern DIRT
2012 Katanning WA
Research organisaton
Investment in WA-Focused Linseed Agronomy.

The objective of the project is to support the introduction and scale up of commercial cultivation of Linseed in the Great Southern region of Western Australia and will support a larger initiative developed by Southern Dirt to develop a localised Linseed supply chain to take the crop from paddock to consumer on the back of renewed demand for Linseed’s omega 3 oil composition and capturing additional value for local growers.

Consistent supply with volume is imperative to develop a market that has the ability to realise the full value of Linseed produced. In order for growers to take up production it is important they have a full agronomic package available to grow the crop successfully.

Additionally, Linseed needs to generate an equivalent return per hectare of alternative rotational crops such as canola in order to expand into the rotation.

The key objectives of this project are:  

A: To determine if Linseed can be successfully grown under dryland farming conditions in the Great Southern region of Western Australia with the potential to scale up to commercial cultivation.

B: To determine if any investment is required into machinery and infrastructure by growers to grow linseed.

C: To develop basic agronomic guidelines to grow linseed in WA.

D: To assess the yield potential of two commercially available linseed varieties grown under dryland conditions in WA, Croxton and Bilney.

Southern DIRT
2020 Katanning WA
Research organisaton