Cummins SA trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Herbicide matrix

To demonstrate the efficacy of differing registered herbicides on lentils and beans

SARDI - Clare
2021 Cummins SA
Research organisaton

To demonstrate and quantify the benefits of differing inoculants in both dry and wet sown faba beans and lentil

SARDI - Clare
2021 Cummins SA
Research organisaton
Legacies of pulses

To demonstrate and quantify the benefits of growing pulses with alternative broadleaf break crops (canola) 

SARDI - Clare
2021 Cummins SA
Research organisaton
Value of pulse crops

Multiple trials around the theme of improving and quantifying the benefit of pulses to subsequent crops. This will include comparisons of crop types in 2022, followed by cereal crops in 2023, and techniques to increase biomass (early sowing) and increase N fixation (rhizobia studies) 

SARDI - Clare
2022 Cummins SA
Research organisaton
Value of pulse crops to subsequent cereal crop

To determine benefits of various pulses (planted in 2021) compared to canola on plant available water content, mineral N content, and cereal yield. 

SARDI - Clare
2022 Cummins SA
Research organisaton
Value of pulse crops

Multiple trials around the theme of improving and quantifying the benefit of pulses to subsequent crops. This will include comparisons of crop types in 2022, followed by cereal crops in 2023, and techniques to increase biomass (early sowing) and increase N fixation (rhizobia studies) 

SARDI - Clare
2023 Cummins SA
Research organisaton
Value of pulse crops to subsequent cereal crop

To determine benefits of various pulses compared to canola on plant available water content, mineral N content, and cereal yield. 

SARDI - Clare
2023 Cummins SA
Research organisaton