1983 trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Seed coating with manganese sulphate is a method of reducing manganese deficiency and improving early seedling vigour

To explore a seed coating to increase early vigour of barley in manganese deficient soils

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1983 Wangary SA
Research organisaton
Manganese deficiency and the metabolism of nitrogen in wheat

To investigate changes in plant metabolism resulting from manganese deficiency.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1983 Waite Adelaide SA
Research organisaton
Manganese deficiency of oats

To investigate grey speck disease of oats on the south east of South Australia.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1983 Penola SA
Research organisaton
Mn deficiency reduces the tolerance of barley to cereal cyst nematode

To explore the relationship between manganese supply and take all in barley.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1983 Adelaide SA
Research organisaton