East Wubin WA trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Wheat CVT

To evaluate and compare the genetic potential of a range of new and soon to be released local and interstate wheat varieties in the Wubin region.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
WALAN2141, potentially suited to croptopping

To demonstrate the benefit of WALAN2141 for croptopping.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Traffic effects on a heavy soil

To quantify the benefits of Tramline Farming in a low rainfall area.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Summit vigour in wheat

To evaluate the benefits of drilled potassium when used in conjunction with higher phosphorus applications.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Soil amendments

To investigate benefits of soil amendments on acid soil for wheat and triticale.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Response to Pr-70 in wheat

To determine whether the seed inoculant, Pr-70, is economical on acid sands at Jibberding. The inoculant will be used in conjunction with increasing rates of phosphorus to determine the most profitable return for farmers in the region.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Pulse demonstration

To determine the susceptibility of new chickpea varieties and fungicide treatment against Ascochyta Blight. However, due to herbicide damage the chickpeas weren’t harvested, therefore only Lentils and Fenugreek are discussed in this trial.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Practice for Profit 2003

To test the effect of four levels of management inputs on grain yield, quality and profitability.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Lime, gypsum and dolomite for acid soils

To investigate the effects of lime, gypsum and dolomite for wheat and lupin production on an acid soil.

Liebe Group
2004 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Lime, gypsum and dolomite for acid soils

To investigate the effects of Lime, Gypsum and Dolomite on grain production on acid soils.

Liebe Group
2005 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Herbicide tolerance in lupins

To demonstrate the tolerance of WALAN2141 to Metribuzin.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Gross margin analysis for wheat and barley

To compare returns for wheat and barley in their different segregations to determine the most profitable return for farmers.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze: whole farm feed supply - grazing days/season/pasture type

To understand how a range of pasture types combine to form a whole farm feed supply.

Liebe Group
2006 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Grain & graze: whole farm feed supply - grazing days/season/pasture type

To understand how a range of pasture types combine to form a whole farm feed supply.

Liebe Group
2007 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Establishment and persistence of saltland pasture in a saline area
  • To test a range of plants on a saline area to see which is most likely to persist.
  • To introduce safeguard ryegrass into the saltland pasture.
  • To establish lucerne on an elevated area adjacent to the Saltland.
  • To compare the success of nursery raised saltbush seedlings with direct seeding.
Liebe Group
2004 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Effect of wide rows on herbicide safety in lupins

To answer the quesiton 'Can higher herbicide rates be used with wide row establishment in lupins?'

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Conserving soil moisture; does stubble or a fallow help on sandy soil?

To determine if various farm management techniques improve the storage of out-of-season rainfall and whether this leads to improvements in yield.

Liebe Group
2012 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Comparison of N/S and E/W directional seeding

To determine if yield differences can be achieved between a crop seeded in a north-south direction compared to an east-west direction.

Liebe Group
2006 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton