Dalwallinu WA trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Wheat variety trial

To compare wheat varieties and effect of nitrogen on yield and quality.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Practice for Profit 2005

To determine optimal input packages for noodle wheat varieties grown in the Liebe area.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Nitrogen source and placement

To investigate the effects of nitrogen placement and timing in wheat.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Management of wheat leaf disease

This trial was developed to examine the efficacy of seeding and foliar fungicide combinations for control of rust (stripe and leaf rust) and leaf spotting diseases (septoria nodorum and yellow spot) in wheat.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Grazing comparison of improved pastures

To demonstrate the growth rates and carrying capacities of new pasture species and to show options available for improving pasture productivity.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Disease management in wheat and barley

To evaluate and determine the profitability of different strategies of disease management.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Disease and temperature pressure on chickpea yields

To demonstrate the disease resistance of new Sonali, Rupali and Genesis836 and potential releases Genesis90 and Genesis508, chickpea varieties.

Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Defining the relative performance of field peas and Albus lupins on the red earth soils of the low rainfall wheatbelt
  • To compare the yield of the new Albus lupin Andromeda with Kiev Mutant in a low rainfall area.
  • To compare the performance of Kaspa field pea with the trailing types in a low rainfall area.
Liebe Group
2005 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton