Goodlands WA trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Stage 4 lupin crop variety testing

To evaluate new and commonly grown lupin varieties in a low rainfall environment

Liebe Group
2003 Goodlands WA
Research organisaton
Wheat on acid soil variety trial

To conduct further testing of future and existing wheat lines on acid soils.

Liebe Group
2003 Goodlands WA
Research organisaton
Clearfield: a clear winner in brome grass control

To evaluate the efficacy of different formulations of imidazolinones (Group B imi’s) and the sulfonylureas (Group B SU’s) on brome grass.

Liebe Group
2004 Goodlands WA
Research organisaton
Monza compatibility trial

To determine the effect that additions of herbicides and insecticides has on Monza efficacy on brome grass.

Liebe Group
2004 Goodlands WA
Research organisaton