Mt Pollock VIC trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Achieving improved water use efficiency through amelioration of hostile subsoils
Southern Farming Systems
2010 Mt Pollock VIC
Research organisaton
Designing a stubble system to reduce the dependence on burning

To help farmers to gain knowledge about alternate stubble management options. 

Southern Farming Systems
2007 Mt Pollock VIC
Research organisaton
Ameliorating problem subsoils for improved cereal crop production
Southern Farming Systems
2006 Mt Pollock VIC
Research organisaton
Amelioration of hostile subsoil in high rainfall south-west Victoria

Experiments were conducted on two different soil types to test if (a) amelioration of these subsoils with a mix of gypsum and organic peat would increase the ability of the soil to hold more ‘plant available’ water and (b) if this extra water availability, would assist crops to achieve a better yield.

Southern Farming Systems
2005 Mt Pollock VIC
Research organisaton
Stubble management practices in HRZ to minimise the requirement of burning and potential for yield and soil benefits

All four trials were aiming to evaluate what alternative stubble retention practices can be implemented into the cropping system, without
incurring yield penalty or significant cost to the grower.

Southern Farming Systems
2005 Mt Pollock VIC
Research organisaton