Broomehill WA trials

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Demonstrations of Legumes crops for reliable profitability in the western region

To compare three legume crops in farmer scale seeding strip trials at three locations in the Albany Port Zone. Demonstrations will compare several legume crops in different soil types in different micro-environments. The same trial sites will be monitored in 2019 to determine the effects (positive or negative) of the legume break crop on the subsequent barley/wheat crop and soil nitrogen status. The legume demonstration trials will provide growers with current agronomic information for pulses/legumes as a break crop in farming systems for the Albany Port Zone. Information from both the legume demonstration and effect on the subsequent crop will complement the Crop Sequence Calculator Workshops to be run concurrently by Farmanco.  

Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2018 Broomehill WA
Research organisaton
Ripper Gauge demonstration sites- Albany port zone

To evaluate the grain yield and economic benefit of soil amelioration and controlled traffic practices on a broader range of soil types across the grain growing region of WA.

This trial aims to increase the knowldege and adpotion of deep ripping techniques and controlled traffic to allieviate non-wetting soils, compaction and waterlogging. 

The trial aimed to look at the long term effects of ripping on crop yields by monitoring crop performance of the treated plots for three seasons post-ripping. 

The trial aims to raise awareness amoung growers around the decline in the effectivness of ripping over time, and the risk of re-compaction if controlled traffic is not properly implmented. 

Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2020 Broomehill WA
Research organisaton