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To characterise the residual value of different P sources and changes in soil fertility (SOC, CEC, pH, nutrient supply, non-wetting, compaction) after 30 plus years, using soil measurements and bioassay cropping.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Crop Crop Nutrition
Badgingarra, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To assess the performance of current vetch varieties and ANVBP lines.

Hay: Vetch 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Birchip, VIC Clay loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To assess the whole farm implementation of water repellence management strategies.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Farm operations Farm operations Economics Soil Improvement
Badgingarra, WA Pale deep sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To use whole farm soil mapping to rationalize the farm fertilizer programme.

None: No crop specified 3 trials Farm operations Farm operations Other
Waroona, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To shed some light on why cereals yielded so much better compared with pulse crops and canola in the southern Mallee in 2001.

Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To report on Alan’s aim to lime 20% of the farm each year and reprot that now, five years later, that aim is just about achieved. 

Hay: Clover Forage: Ryegrass 2 trials Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
MacGillivray, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate the effectiveness of wide row spacing in Arrino wheat in a low rainfall environment with limited inputs.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Pithara, WA Loamy clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To develop systems to protect grain quality and yield in a low rainfall area. Trying wider rows to conserve moisture instead of fallow.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Properties Soil Properties Type Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Pindar, WA Various
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To observe and record what impact varying stubble heights have on wind speed and therefore soil erosion and crop vigour

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Port Broughton, SA Brown sandy loam over clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


Can cover crops increase infiltration and net water accumulation in pivot-irrigated cotton systems with low (<30%) ground cover?

Yelarbon, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To compare current varieties to potentially new varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where National Wheat Variety trials are not conducted.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Crop Crop Variety
Elliston, SA Witera, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


This was the second year of a three-year trial, funded by the South Australian Grains Industry Trust (SAGIT), to evaluate the nitrogen fixation capabilities of various legume species commonly grown on Kangaroo Island.

In this second year, the trial was set up to answer the following questions:

Seddon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the performance of annual crops when pasture cropped over different perennial species.  

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Management systems Management systems Other
Moora, WA Deep sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To test Yield Prophet for 2005.

: N/A 1 trial Technology Technology Modelling
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine likely nitrogen response at the time of pre-drilling, and at the appearance of the first node (GS31), which coincided with the times at which nitrogen applications took place.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Lubeck, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To ascertain the major differences in soil types in the region, and provide more accurate and timely information on a broad, generic scale that would have better relevance for growers in the region.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 6 trials Technology Technology Modelling
Cadoux, WA Koorda, WA Moningarin, WA South Kumminin, WA South Mt Walker, WA South Shackleton, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source
Anasazi Agronomy


To assess the yield response in barley, canola and lupins to deep ripping over a three year period (2015 – 2017) near Broomehill, WA.

Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Lupins Cereal (Grain): Barley 4 trials Management systems Management systems Soil engineering Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage
Broomehill, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the yield response in barley, canola and lupins to deep ripping over a three year period (2015 – 2017) near Broomehill, WA.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Lupins 12 trials Management systems Management systems Soil engineering Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage
Broomehill, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the yield response to deep ripping depth on a productive sand plain near Kojaneerup, WA.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Oilseed: Canola 6 trials Management systems Management systems Soil engineering Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage
Kojaneerup, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate low risk, best bet strategies for the low rainfall cropping zone.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Type Sowing Sowing Timing
South East Yuna, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To explore low risk, best bet strategies for the low rainfall cropping zone.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
South Yuna, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess whether Zen noodle wheat has a place in rotation when yield and quality are compared to Mace Australian hard wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Dalwallinu, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To compare the effectiveness of dry blend zinc, zinc cote fertilizers and soil applied zinc sulphate. 
  • To evaluate effectiveness of Zinc cote products and DAPS.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Type
Penshurst, VIC Streatham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton