Australian Government trials

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Ag Tools and Tech Demonstration Sites

Varied. Please see article. 

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Seddon SA
Research organisaton
Building Resilience and Profitability of High Rainfall Farmers

This was the second year in a three-year project that is focusing on building resilient farm businesses and strengthening farm decision making.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Stokes Bay Road
Research organisaton
Building Resilient Agricultural Systems on Kangaroo Island

to explore how biological approaches to restoring soil health and holistic grazing practices lead to improved soil health, increased soil carbon, increased soil water holding capacity, improved plant health, improved production, increased on farm diversity and a reduced need for synthetic inputs.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Seddon SA
Research organisaton
Footrot on KI update.

To explore issues of footrot in sheep and goats on Kangaroo Island. 

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Kangaroo Island Feral Pig Eradication – An Update

The KI Feral Pig Eradication project was funded to take advantage of this one silver lining of the fires. The program is a collaboration between PIRSA, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board and KI National Parks and Wildlife Service working together with the KI community, including AgKI, Livestock SA, KI Plantation Timbers and KI Council.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Sheep Blow Fly eradication on Kangaroo Island

heep Blow Fly (SBF) causes significant economic losses for Australian livestock producers. South Australia Research and Development Institute (SARDI) researchers are developing the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) for Sheep Blow Fly.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton

Farmers usually collect top-soil (0-10cm) samples when determining if they need to lime, but soil pH can be quite variable down the soil profile. Will a single sampling depth show up this inherent variability?

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2021 Fryars and Sons Property, Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Mixed Cover Crops for Sustainable Farming

To support grower groups to identify and demonstrate the establishment and management of suitable multi species cover crops across a range of environments and assess the impacts of cover cropping on soil health, nutrient cycling, organic carbon, invertebrate populations and soil moisture.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2020 MacGillivray SA
Research organisaton
Soil Carbon Benchmarking 2020-21

Ten paired monitoring sites were selected to measure soil carbon to 50 cm at strategic locations across the Island with consideration of rainfall, soil type and land use (perennial pasture and continuous no-till stubble retention cropping) compared to annual pasture. Common soil carbon tests were analysed to establish guides for the soils in the region.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2020 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Soil pH Benchmarking 2020-21

Ten paired monitoring sites were selected across the Island with consideration of rainfall, soil type and land use (perennial pasture (Kikuyu) and continuous no-till stubble retention cropping) compared to annual pasture (clover and annual grasses). Soil pH was monitored down to 50 cm.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2020 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Lime Trials

A three-year research trial aims to investigate the impact of precision lime application rate, placement and product on cropping land and will evaluate cost effective ways to ameliorate subsoil acidity.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2019 MacGillivray SA
Research organisaton
Mixed cover crops for sustainable farming

Crop intensive farming systems are running down soil carbon, requiring increased inputs to maintain or increase yield without necessarily improving profitability. Mixed species cover cropping offers a new approach to reverse this trend in the Australian context. It is a key component of some farming systems overseas but is yet to be adopted widely in southern Australia. In the context of this project, mixed species cover crops refers to a diverse mix of plant species grown together but often outside the main growing season to build fertile and resilient soils.

Potential benefits of cover crops include improving soil organic carbon, structure and health, while decreasing weed and disease levels for following crops, but these must be balanced against the cost of growing the cover crop and the water and nutrients it will use. Many potential cover crop options exist and while growers are beginning to investigate these, local guidelines are yet to be developed to inform decisions.


A trial at Minnipa is investigating mixed species cover crops grown over winter. The principle behind growing a mixture of species rather than a monoculture is that it mimics naturally occurring diverse ecosystems. Different root systems host different microorganisms, fungi and soil biota that improve the dynamic properties of soil leading to healthier soil that has higher infiltration rates for water and are better able to retain that moisture. This retained water can potentially be used for the following cereal crops. Different root systems also inhabit different parts of the soil profile and therefore access water and nutrients more completely, so no single section is severely depleted. Organic matter is distributed more evenly throughout the soil profile and more carbon is available to soil organisms. The qualities of two or more different species may also improve the overall productivity. Legumes fix nitrogen that can be used by other plants. Tall plants provide shade for emerging seedlings, reducing their exposure to water and temperature stress. Climbing plants such as peas will often use the taller plants as a trellis. The fibrous root systems of many cereals and grasses bind the soil to protect it from wind erosion, particularly under dry conditions. Brassicas can function as biofumigants, suppressing soil pests, especially root pathogens and plant-parasitic nematodes. Leaving residue on the soil surface lowers the soil temperature, reducing soil water loss through evaporation and providing protection from erosion. A diverse cover crop also offers a more balanced diet to livestock.


SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2019 Minnipa Agricultural Centre SA
Research organisaton
Regional Weather and Climate Guide

A guide to weather and climate on Kangaroo Island

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2019 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Biodiverse carbon credit pilot project

To add income diversification to the other benefits that native vegetation can bring to a property such as improving biodiversity, providing shelter for stock and beneficial insects for crops, protecting eroded or degrading land, protection of watercourses and improving water quality.

Primary Industries and Regions SA
2018 Kingscote SA
Research organisaton
Increasing soil organic carbon with nutrient application: exploring the concept in the laboratory

The purpose of this laboratory-based incubation experiment was to determine if an upper limit to Organic Carbon accumulation in soil was approached with increasing C input in basalt- and granite-derived soils.

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2016 Monaro NSW
Research organisaton
Soil moisture education for landowners to avoid erosion and achieve productivity outcomes

To improve landholder understanding of soil moisture conditions through the use of raw data, the establishment of yield modelling and data analysis and interpretation.

FarmLink Research
2016 Temora NSW
Research organisaton
Modelling soil organic carbon changes in cropping and grazing systems

This project explored the extent to which various crop and pasture management options effected changes in SOC, from sub-tropical to temperate environments. 

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2015 Nyngan NSW
Research organisaton
Practice for Profit trial

To examine the difference in profitability between low and high input cropping practices over an extended period of time and to determine the effect these practices are having on soil carbon.

Liebe Group
2015 East Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Variable rate technology case study 2015

Demonstrate variable rate technology on farm and how it can be applied to manage fertiliser use and to minimise nutrient enrichment or depletion that leads to poor soil health.

West Midlands Group
2015 Dandaragan WA
Research organisaton
Can Tedera establish well on gutless sand?

To determine how much green feed tedera can produce on gutless pale sandy soil and to determine if growing tedera can increase the amount of soil organic carbon in pale sandy soil.

Liebe Group
2014 Watheroo WA
Research organisaton
Changes in soil organic carbon and yield in response to compost and spading on a sand

To assess the effects of physical (spading), chemical (fertiliser) and biological (compost) treatments on soil organic carbon (SOC) in relation to changes in long term crop yields and quality.

Liebe Group
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Does increasing soil organic carbon in sandy soils increase soil nitrous oxide emissions from grain production?

To investigate if increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) increases N2O emissions.

Liebe Group
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Enabling landholders to adopt profitable and sustainable carbon cropping practice

To test the practicality of increasing soil humic carbon on farm.

FarmLink Research
2014 Temora NSW
Research organisaton
Practice for Profit trial

To examine the difference in profitability between low and high input cropping practices over an extended period of time and to determine the effect these practices are having on soil carbon.

Liebe Group
2014 East Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Compaction after mouldboard ploughing

To determine if there are any benefits to be gained from mouldboard ploughing a yellow sandplain soil

Liebe Group
2013 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Comparing the influence of organic matter and fertiliser inputs on soil organic carbon and grain production

To identify on-farm management strategies to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) and quantify any associated risks and benefits in a grain production system. In this trial the NSPNR wanted to detrmine whether: Altering inputs to increase plant biomass would subsequently increase soil carbon, and amending soils with compost would increase soil carbon storage or provide agronomic benefits.

Facey Group
2013 Tincurrin WA
Research organisaton
Impact of biochar on crop yield and nitrogen

To determine the impacts of biochar on crop yield,2.To compare the effectiveness of different methods of applying biochar to the soil.

Liebe Group
2013 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Soil biology trial 2013

To investigate the potential of organic matter inputs to increase yield and improve soil health.

Liebe Group
2013 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Does increasing soil organic carbon alter nitrous oxide emissions?
  • To increase understanding of the interaction between increasing soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. In particular to quantify the influence of soil organic carbon on nitrous oxide and methane emissions in a grains cropping system.
  • To determine whether increasing soil organic carbon lowers the amount of nitrogen fertiliser required for grain production.
2012 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Soil carbon in the Monaro region: a report from ‘Action on the ground’

This project identified and demonstrated farm management practices that could increase soil organic carbon (C) in the Monaro region in southern New South Wales.

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2012 Monaro NSW
Research organisaton
Assessing Yield Prophet as a tool to assist growers in determining crop nitrogen requirements in the West Midlands

To test the Yield Prophet tool to determine its relevance and usefulness to growers of the West Midlands region in determining the most efficient and effective nitrogen strategy.

West Midlands Group
2011 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Optimising returns, reducing risk - a Yield Prophet demonstration

To demonstrate how Yield Prophet can be used to optimise production with reduced risk.

Birchip Cropping Group
2011 Corack VIC
Research organisaton
Reduce risk - mix varieties at sowing

To demonstrate a strategy to reduce the risk of frost and heat shock damage.

Birchip Cropping Group
2011 Corack VIC
Research organisaton
Summer sowing of hard seeded Serradella pod into perennial grasses

To evaluate effectiveness of ‘summer sowing’ hard-seeded serradella pod into established perennial grass pastures.

West Midlands Group
2011 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Wet soil in April - Is early sowing possible?
  • To demonstrate the possibility of sowing long-season wheat and barley varieties when a soil profile is full of water at the beginning of the season.
  • To discover the pitfalls of this practice.
Birchip Cropping Group
2011 Corack VIC
Research organisaton
Agronomic adaptions to a changing climate

To trial and demonstrate two possible agronomic adaptations to a changing climate:

  • to sow wheat varieties earlier to reduce the possibility of heat shock events during grain fill whilst taking into account the frost risk, and
  • to sow more than one variety in the one paddock as a mix to ensure that the whole crop is not susceptable to frost and heat shock at the same time.
Birchip Cropping Group
2010 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Assessing 'Yield Prophet' as a tool to assist growers in determining crop nitrogen requirments in the West Midlands

This trial seeks to test the Yield Prophet tool to determine its relevance and usefulness to growers of the West Midlands region in determining most efficient and effective nitrogen strategy.

West Midlands Group
2010 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Fence-line weeds and glyphosate resistance

To identify weed species that pose the greatest threats to agricultural produciton if incursion an dispersal is allowed to occur from roadsides and fence-lines into farmed land.

Birchip Cropping Group
2010 Sea Lake VIC
Research organisaton
Responsive farming using wheat agronomy

To investigate wheat varieties suitable to adapt to seasonal variability. 

Eyre Peninsula Agricultural Research Foundation
2010 Minnipa Agricultural Centre SA
Research organisaton
Blackleg in canola

To assess the effect of blackleg on canola crops and varieties in the South East of SA.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2009 Struan SA
Research organisaton