0 results found starting with 'D' (Displaying 1 - 50)
Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Development of a new grain legume for SE Australia - narbon bean

To report on the development of a new grain legume for south eastern Australia: narbon bean (Vicia narbonesis).

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Kinnabulla VIC
Research organisaton
Durum wheat

To discuss notes on Durum wheat production.

Birchip Cropping Group
1994 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Developing narbon beans as a commercial crop

To identify narbon bean varieties suited to the Mallee and Wimmera.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Development of a fungicide spray for the control of Ascochyta blight in grain legumes

To test a new AgrEvo product on fieldpeas and lentisl for Ascochyta control activity.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Horsham VIC
Research organisaton
Durum wheat variety demonstration

To trial a number of Durum wheat varieties in a demonstration.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Culgoa VIC
Research organisaton
Demonstration of varieties of hay

To compare a number of different varieties  which could be used for making hay.

Birchip Cropping Group
1996 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
Developing lentils for profitability in Australia

To discuss a project involved in developing lentisl for profitability in Australia.

Birchip Cropping Group
1997 Rosebery VIC
Research organisaton
Durum (cv. Wollaroi) comparison to Janz in the Forbes district - Gunning Gap

To report on trial results comparing the performance of Wollaroi and Janz in the Forbes district in 1999.

Central West Farming Systems
1999 Mulyandry NSW
Research organisaton
Development of sustainable mixed farming systems for the high rainfall southern Australia

To identify the best rotation (or system) for the region, that will also prevent the degradation or loss of soil chemical, physical and biological characteristics. 

Southern Farming Systems
2000 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials
Southern Farming Systems
2000 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials
Southern Farming Systems
2000 Penshurst VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials
Southern Farming Systems
2000 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Does a zinc-based foliar spray reduce the crop effect of some herbicides?

To observe whether additions of a zinc based liquid fertiliser to a herbicide reduces the crop effect often seen when using broadleaf and grass herbicides in cereals.

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
Desiccation of lentils to improve harvestability

To determine whether desiccation of lentils helps with harvestability.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Developing a fungicide strategy to control SFNB in Gairdner barley

To establish a fungicide strategy to control spot form of net bllotch in Gairdner barley.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Rupanyup VIC
Research organisaton
Disease control in field peas

To compare two new field pea varieties (Parafield and Kaspa) to Dundale.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Woomelang VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - Balliang barley

To present reults of the DNRE Balliang barley vareity trial.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Balliang VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - long season barley

To report on the DNRE long season barley variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - lupins

To report on DNRE lupin variety trial.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Hamilton VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - mid canola

To report on DNRE mid canola variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Hamilton VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - peas

To report on DNRE pea variety trial.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - triticale

To report on the DNRE triticale variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - TT canola

To report on DNRE TT canola variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - wheat

To report on DNRE wheat variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2001 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Does size really matter - granule size and nutrient availability?

To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Woomelang VIC
Research organisaton
Does size really matter - granule size and nutrient availability?

To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Does size really matter - granule size and nutrient availability?

To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Rupanyup VIC
Research organisaton
Direct drilling of canola
Southern Farming Systems
2002 Riccarton (Campbell Town) TAS
Research organisaton
Disease issues with pulse-on-pulse cropping

To discuss disease issues with pulse-on-pulse cropping.

Birchip Cropping Group
2002 Horsham VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - barley

To report on the DNRE long season barley variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - mid season canola

To report on DNRE mid season canola trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - oats

To report on the DNREoat variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - triticale

To report on the DNRE mid season tritical trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - TT canola

To report on the canola variety trials.

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DNRE variety trials - wheat

To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release. 

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Drought - the catalyst for change

To present ideas around drought being a catalyst for change.

Birchip Cropping Group
2002 Bendigo VIC
Research organisaton
Dual Gold® safe in lupins at Coorow

To assess the potential for the use of Dual Gold® for ryegrass control in lupins.

Liebe Group
2002 Coorow WA
Research organisaton
Dual purpose cereal trial

To assess new dual purpose wheat and triticale cultivars for dry matter production and grain yield in comparison with Bass oats. 

Southern Farming Systems
2002 Riccarton (Campbell Town) TAS
Research organisaton
Demonstrating the effect of water quality on glyphosate efficacy

To investigate the effect of water quality on glyphosate efficacy when used in a spring-spraying knockdown scenario.

Birchip Cropping Group
2003 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Diuron for pre-emergent weed control in lupins

To evaluate Diuron as a broadleaf weed killer pre sowing of lupins and to evaluate some mixing partners to improve the control of grass weeds.

Liebe Group
2003 Coorow WA
Research organisaton
DPI - long season barley

To identifying high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Hamilton VIC
Research organisaton
DPI - long season canola

To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DPI - long season oats

To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
DPI - long season triticale

To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
DPI - long season wheat

To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

Southern Farming Systems
2003 Gnarwarre VIC
Research organisaton
Durum wheat agronomy demonstration

To conduct a Durum wheat agronomy demonstration,

Birchip Cropping Group
2003 Lubeck VIC
Research organisaton
Demonstrating the metribuzin tolerance of Mandelup

To demonstrate the metribuzin tolerance of the new lupin variety Mandelup.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Demonstration of new annual pasture legumes

To demonstrate the productivity and persistence of annual pasture legumes (NAPLIP cultivar/species) on several soil types in the medium–low rainfall wheat belt environment.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Demonstration of seeders for direct-drilled crops in the Mallee

To compare three direct drill seeders for wheat crop establishment; crop yield; and incorporation efficiency of group D herbicides.

Birchip Cropping Group
2004 Hopetoun VIC
Research organisaton
Demonstration of yellow leaf spot management in direct-drilled crops in the Mallee

To investigate some practical options for direct drilling wheat into wheat stubbles in the Mallee.

Birchip Cropping Group
2004 Hopetoun VIC
Research organisaton