2012 trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
2012 Syngenta Barley Crop Enhancement Trial

To assess the crop enhancement effects of Moddus Evo and Amistar Xtra when used in combination. Whilst Moddus Evo is a PGR that is pending registration for anti-lodging and Amistar Xtra is a superior fungicide both these products have been shown to individually contribute to yield increases beyond anti lodging and disease control respectively. In addition trial work has previously shown the combination of these two products to be synergistic with respect to the crop enhancement affect. The aim of this trial was to explore these affects in more detail.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Conmurra SA
Research organisaton
Achieving better balance through biodynamics

To deal with the issue of sustainable agriculture.

South West Catchments Council
2012 Bunbury WA
Research organisaton
Adult plant resistance and strategic fungicide use for integrated management of cereal rust

• To define the expression of Adult Plant Resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage.
• To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the strategies to industry stakeholders.

Southern Farming Systems
2012 Westmere VIC
Research organisaton
Agpipe drainage investigation
  • To investigate the use of slotted drainpipe (Agpipe) for removal of water from waterlogged crops.
Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2012 Birchmore Road SA
Research organisaton
Agronomy and disease management to improve profitability in wheat on wheat systems

To determine the value of nitrogen and fungicide on the profitability of new wheat varieties with different disease resistances in wheat on wheat system.

Facey Group
2012 Corrigin WA
Research organisaton
Amelioration strategies for non-wetting gravel soils in a high rainfall area

To trial a range of non-wetting treatments on non-wetting forest gravel soils in the south west, in a high rainfall area, to determine which, if any, will increase water penetration and what soil characteristics have altered as a result of the treatment.

Shire of West Arthur
2012 Cordering WA
Research organisaton
Are canola and nitrogen good 'seed bed' fellows
To determine the effect that urea and GranAm (SOA), deep banded at different rates, has on canola establishment.
Birchip Cropping Group
BCG members
2012 Sea Lake VIC
Research organisaton
Are early fungicide applications effective for yellow spot and Stagonospora nodorum in the low rainfall zone?

To assess the efficacy of foliar fungicide application prior to stem extension for control of yellow spot or stagonospora nodorum in wheat in low rainfall zones.

North East Farming Futures
2012 Mullewa WA
Research organisaton
Are early fungicide applications effective for yellow spot and Stagonospora nodorum?

To assess the efficacy of foliar fungicide application prior to stem extension for control of yellow spot or stagonospora nodorum in wheat in low rainfall zones.

North East Farming Futures
2012 Nabawa Road East WA
Research organisaton
Bacterial blight in field pea

To report on bacterial blight in field pea.

Hart Field Site Group
HFSG members
2012 Hart SA
Research organisaton
Barley agronomy – deep sowing barley

To demonstrate best management practices that can give barley the best possible start from deeper sowing.

Hart Field Site Group
2012 Hart SA
Research organisaton
Barley agronomy – nitrogen management in new barley varieties

To examine the nitrogen responses of new malt and food barley varieties and determine appropriate N management strategies for maximum yield and quality.

Hart Field Site Group
2012 Hart SA
Research organisaton
Barley agronomy - maximising yield potential and quality
  • To observe how such treatments affect yield and grain quality at low, medium and high levels.
Southern Farming Systems
2012 Inverleigh VIC
Research organisaton
Barley agronomy trials (nitrogen rate fungicide variety) - Wolseley

To assess the yield of a number of agronomic treatments on barley varieties.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Wolseley SA
Research organisaton

This research aims to evaluate all new varieties in the NVT program.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Kybunga SA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Beaumont

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Beaumont WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Cascade

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Cascade WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Coomalbidgup

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Coomalbidgup WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Grass Patch

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Grass Patch WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Hopetoun

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Hopetoun WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Kumarl

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Kumarl Road WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Lake King

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Lake King WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Neridup

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Neridup WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Ravensthorpe

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Ravensthorpe WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Scaddan

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Scaddan WA
Research organisaton
Bean variety trial - Conmurra

To report on a bean variety trial.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Bool Lagoon SA
Research organisaton
Best establishment and management of new varieties of phalaris

Demonstrate best practice phalaris establishment and management at the PPS/EverGraze site at Mooneys Gap which should provide information to producers to give them confidence to increase phalaris use.

Perennial Pasture Systems
2012 Mooney's Gap VIC
Research organisaton
Big lupin responses to amelioration of repellent soil

To assess water repellent soil amelioration options and to determine whether a one-way plough can be used to ameliorate non-wetting sand for much lower cost than mouldboard ploughing or rotary spading.

West Midlands Group
2012 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Biochar ... an alternative carbon source

To determine the effectiveness of biochar on increasing soil carbon and soil stability.

Facey Group
2012 Corrigin WA
Research organisaton
Biochar investigation - John Auld

To demonstrate if there are any benefits of applying biochar to increase crop and pasture production in the West Midlands

West Midlands Group
2012 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Botryosphaeria Mould in Wheat - Inglestone

To screen a range of fungicides for efficacy against Botryosphaeria (white grain) in wheat.

Northern Grower Alliance
2012 Inglestone QLD
Research organisaton
Break crop research with FarmLink to manage grass weeds

To investigate whether a break crop can be used to manage weeds.

FarmLink Research
2012 Eurongilly NSW
Research organisaton
Break crops in cropping systems: impacts on income, nitrogen and weeds

To determine the effect of different cropping sequences to continuous cropping.

Riverine Plains
2012 Yarrawonga South VIC
Research organisaton
Break crops pay in the Mallee

To identify low risk, profitable break crops and end-uses for the Mallee region, and quantify their benefits to subsequent wheat crops.

Birchip Cropping Group
2012 Hopetoun VIC
Research organisaton
Break crops pay in the Mallee

To identify low risk, profitable break crops and end-uses for the Mallee region, and quantify their benefits to subsequent wheat crops.

Birchip Cropping Group
2012 Hopetoun VIC
Research organisaton

This trial was initiated at the request of growers, to screen alternative post-emergent herbicides that may be effective in controlling weeds in this crop in the future.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Conmurra SA
Research organisaton
Broad beans - potential for KI?

To report on results of a visit by Wayne Hawthorne (esteemed pulse expert from Pulse Australia) to Kangaroo Island.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2012 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Brome grass management following various cultural practices

To measure differences in yield and brome grass control following a numerous years of cultural practice on commercial size trial

Northern Sustainable Soils
2012 Port Broughton SA
Research organisaton
Brown manuring - evaluation of new pulse varieties in a brown manure system and their role in a crop sequence- Wagga Wagga NSW
  • To compare three time of sowing dates across five newly released and commercial varieties of field peas, lupins and vetch and evaluate their contribution to soil nitrogen and the benefits to the following wheat crop.
Southern Pulse Agronomy
2012 Wagga Wagga NSW
Research organisaton
Can resistant ryegrass be managed cost-effectively under break crops?

To compare the productivity and profitability of cropping in the presence of a background of herbicide resistant ryegrass, and to assess the implications of various low or high input grass control options applied to wheat and break crops on production costs and ryegrass management.

FarmLink Research
2012 Eurongilly NSW
Research organisaton
Can soil organic carbon be increased in a continuous cropping system in the low to medium rainfall zone?

To determine whether soil organic carbon be increased in a continuous cropping system in the low to medium rainfall zone.

Hart Field Site Group
2012 Hart SA
Research organisaton
Can we economically increase grain protein at flowering?

To increase grain protein (%) in wheat and barley by means of late applications of nitrogen (N) applied as UAN.

Birchip Cropping Group
BCG members
2012 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Can we extend the 'haircut' window?
  • To test if the ‘window’ is broadened due to seed coating.
  • To test the effect on yield due to timing of ‘haircut’.
Liebe Group
2012 East Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Can you afford to lime?

To answer the question: can you affod to lime?

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2012 Kangaroo Island SA
Research organisaton
Canola (Clearfield) variety trial - Hopetoun

To conduct a canola (Clearfield) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Hopetoun WA
Research organisaton
Canola (Clearfield) variety trial - Ravensthorpe

To conduct a canola (Clearfield) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Ravensthorpe WA
Research organisaton
Canola (Roundup Ready) variety trial - Munglinup

To conduct a canola (Roundup Ready) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Munglinup WA
Research organisaton
Canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial - Ravensthorpe

To conduct a canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Ravensthorpe WA
Research organisaton
Canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial - Salmon Gums

To conduct a canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Salmon Gums WA
Research organisaton
Canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial - Wittenoom Hills

To conduct a canola (Triazine Tolerant) variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2012 Wittenoom Hills WA
Research organisaton