Sand over gravel trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Wheat variety demonstration - East Wubin

To determine yield and quality of three new wheat varieties, sown using farmer equipment.

Liebe Group
2009 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Wheat variety demonstration

To assess the potential of new and existing wheat varieties east of Buntine.

Liebe Group
2003 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Wheat variety demonstration

To determine the yield and quality performance of different wheat varieties when sown on a small paddock scale using farmer equipment.

Liebe Group
2010 Watheroo WA
Research organisaton
Wheat seeding rate demonstration in a low rainfall zone

To compare three different sowing rates (in a low rainfall zone) in a farmer sized trial and monitor these plots throughout the growing season.

Liebe Group
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Wheat Practice for Profit

To examine the effect of increasing inputs to four commonly grown wheat varieties on profitability for growers.

Liebe Group
2008 East Marchagee WA
Research organisaton
Varying inputs to improve profitability of cropping on shallow gravel soils

To assess and demonstrate the benefits of varying fertiliser inputs across a range of productivity zones from a poor performing shallow gravel to a good performing loamy earth.

Liebe Group
2008 Miling WA
Research organisaton
Timing of Nitrogen in Low Rainfall Canola

To investigate the response to changing the nitrogen rate and changing the time of application.  Canola yield and oil will be measured and RR hybrids will be compared with open-pollinated TT types (OP TT).

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Timing of nitrogen for canola grown in the lower rainfall areas of Western Australia

To investigate the nitrogen rate and time of application response of canola varieties to yield and oil content of Triazine Tolerant (TT) and Roundup Ready (RR) hybrids in comparison with open-pollinated (OP) types to:

  1. Provide growers in lower rainfall environments with guidelines on times of application to maximise grain and oil yields.
  2. Determine if the management of hybrid canola nutrition is different to that of OP varieties due to different responses to N rates and timing.
Liebe Group
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Time to lime trial 96MO5 - Mal King Bindi Bindi

The key aim was to compare the rate of lime movement down the soil profile and the change in pH down to a depth of 30cm.

Liebe Group
2015 Bindi Bindi WA
Research organisaton
Time of deep ripping

To assess the benefits and possible crop damage effects of deep-ripping post-seeding.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
The effects of sowing time and radish denisty on lupin yield

The aim was to assess the impacts of delayed sowing and radish infestation on lupin yield. By doing this we can better understand the extra weed control required to make delayed sowing profitable

Liebe Group
2007 Wongan Hills WA
Research organisaton
Soil health satelitte site, West Maya

To establish if the current wheat yield could reach potential yield by extra N fertilisation and to identify potential constraints of 8 Satellite Sites throughout the Liebe area

Liebe Group
2003 Maya WA
Research organisaton
Slender iceplant herbicide trials

To investigate herbicide control options for Slender Iceplant (Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum). The focus is on finding possible herbicide options that may allow for legume and grass pastures between bluebush or saltbush.

Liebe Group
2007 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Skip row spacing in Mandelup lupins

To evaluate the effectiveness of skip row spacing of lupins in a medium to low rainfall environment

Liebe Group
2008 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Potassium strategies

To compare potassium (K) strategies over 3 years.

West Midlands Group
2016 Waddington WA
Research organisaton
Perennial pasture demonstration

To evaluate new fodder shrubs on poor performing areas.

Liebe Group
2009 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Perennial pasture demonstration

To evaluate new fodder shrubs on poor performing areas.

Liebe Group
2010 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Nitrogen demonstration

To evaluate the effects of different nitrogen rates over a two year period on a broadacre scale and to assess if lower N inputs depletes the soil of plant available nitrogen.

Liebe Group
2011 Waddy Forest WA
Research organisaton
Nitrogen and potassium applications for wheat

To compare N x K applications and in-furrow fungicides for wheat.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Negatives and positives of cropping traffic

To evaluate benefits and penalties of cropping traffic on deep ripping.

Liebe Group
2004 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
N x P wheat vs canola

To demonstrate and compare nitrogen and phosphorus responses in wheat and canola side by side.

Liebe Group
2008 East Marchagee WA
Research organisaton
Metribuzin pre-sowing: safe on Mandelup lupins again

GRDC are providing funding to attempt to discover alternative herbicides for wild radish control in lupins. So far we have found no new herbicides for this purpose but we have had some success with improving wild radish control with currently registered herbicides. Mandelup lupins appear to be tolerant of metribuzin pre-sowing of lupin. This data (along with other trial data) will be submitted to the APVMA with the aim of registering metribuzin for use pre-sowing of lupin.

Liebe Group
2010 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Metribuzin and other herbicides pre-sowing

Discover alternative herbicide options for wild radish, annual ryegrass and doublegee control in lupins.

Liebe Group
2007 Coorow WA
Research organisaton
Lupin CVT trial

To conduct a field evaluation of the stage 3 lupin cultivars and breeding lines.

West Midlands Group
2012 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Long season wheat variety trial - Condingup

To conduct a long season wheat variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2018 Condingup WA
Research organisaton
Kill half leaf ryegrass with Spray.Seed® at night

To determine which knockdown herbicide is best for small grass.

Liebe Group
2002 East Marchagee WA
Research organisaton
Interaction of time of sowing and weed management on lupin yield
  • To better understand the trade-offs between lupin yield and weed management when lupins are sown using different strategies; dry sowing vs delayed sowing.
  • To investigate if shielded spraying can effectively control the large weed populations that often arise after dry sowing.
Liebe Group
2007 Winchester WA
Research organisaton
In-furrow liquid lime demonstration

To assess the effect of different rates of CalSap® applied in-furrow on an acidic sand over gravel.

Liebe Group
2014 east Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Gross margin analysis for wheat and barley

To compare returns for wheat and barley in their different segregations to determine the most profitable return for farmers.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze, quantity and quality perennial grass trial, Buntine

To measure the persistence and seasonal production in terms of both quantity and quality for a range of sub-tropical perennial grasses and legumes

Liebe Group
2006 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze sub-tropical perennial grass variety trials

To determine the suitability of a range of sub-tropical perennial grasses to the medium rainfall zone of the NAR.

Liebe Group
2004 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Effects of cultivation on yield

To compare and evaluate the yield effect from cultivation, before seeding versus a full cut system in a wheat crop.

Liebe Group
2014 east Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Effect of seed size on wheat response to sowing depth

To test the interaction between wheat variety and seed size on the ability to emerge from deep sowing.

Liebe Group
2014 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Deep ripping dry compact sand in two bites

To demonstrate more efficient deep ripping of a dry compact sandy soil and to assess any benefits of improved rain infiltration and crop yield.

Liebe Group
2014 east Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Deep ripping and deep placement of lime

To improve grain production by ameliorating subsurface compaction and subsurface acidity.

Liebe Group
2005 West Maya WA
Research organisaton
Conserving soil moisture; does stubble or a fallow help on sandy soil?

To determine if various farm management techniques improve the storage of out-of-season rainfall and whether this leads to improvements in yield.

Liebe Group
2012 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Comparison of N/S and E/W directional seeding

To determine if yield differences can be achieved between a crop seeded in a north-south direction compared to an east-west direction.

Liebe Group
2006 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Canola variety demonstration - Dalwallinu

To compare yield and quality of new and existing canola varieties in a paddock scale demonstration trial.

Liebe Group
2012 Dalwallinu WA
Research organisaton
Biochar investigation - John Auld

To demonstrate if there are any benefits of applying biochar to increase crop and pasture production in the West Midlands

West Midlands Group
2012 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
Best bet management of nutrition on ameliorated non-wetting soils in the Geraldton Port Zone - Eneabba

To determine the most effective way to apply nutrients (granular, banded, top dressed or liquid) on non-wetting soils after amelioration, in the Geraldton Port Zone.

Liebe Group
2017 Eneabba WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety trial - Condingup

To conduct a barley variety trial.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2018 Condingup WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety demonstration

To assess the yield and quality of a number of barley varieties in the medium rainfall zone.

Liebe Group
2004 Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Barley agronomic strategies for the Geraldton Port Zone

This project sought to maximise the profitability of barley in the northern Geraldton Port Zone by providing information to growers to allow them to make informed decisions around barley variety choice, sowing time, in season management and management of their rotations in order to maximise barley productivity and improve the overall profitability of their farming business.

The project sort to answer specific questions of -

Do barley’s have specific adaptation which can be exploited.

Can varieties attain malt quality in the Geraldton Port zone.

Do variety maturity and planting times influence yield and grain quality, particularly with early sowing opportunities.

Does barley out yield wheat, sown early, or sown late.

Was barley profitable compared to wheat.

Can early sowing of short season varieties provide a maturity window and low risk option to avoid late season hot/dry finishes and produce a profitable yield.

To gather data on barley performance when late sowing on ameliorated soils. Can barley provide a more profitable option than wheat for late sowing on ameliorated soils?

Gain a better understanding of nitrogen management with different rotations or soil types (including soil amelioration) for barley yield with feed quality and for malt production.

Did barleys differ in their response to nitrogen.

Can early sowing and fertilising for high yield feed deliveries be more profitable than wheat.

Did project sample an adequate range of seasons.

Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd
2020 West Casuarinas WA
Research organisaton
Alternative soil ameliorants

To investigate the benefits of Kelpak, seaweed extract containing high concentrations of auxin, a plant growth hormone.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton