Stuart McColl


BCG (8) CESAR Consultants (1)
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6,411 trial projects found Matching active filters and within map area

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  • To investigate if optimum disease management strategies change in different row spacings across a range of chickpea varieties, differing in ascochyta blight susceptibility.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Vectis, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate if optimum disease management strategies change in different row spacings across a range of faba bean genotypes, differing in ascochyta blight and chocolate spot susceptibility.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Vectis, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate the effect of chocolate spot and rust management strategies across a range of faba bean varieties.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Westmere, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate if optimum chocolate spot management strategies change in different row spacing’s and standing and burnt residue across a range of faba bean varieties.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate the adaptability of a range of field pea varieties to varying disease management strategies.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To compare current and potential fungicide options for the control of blackspot in field pea.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate the effect of chocolate spot and rust management strategies across a range of faba bean varieties in standing and slashed stubble treatments.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Pimpinio, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate optimum disease management strategies across a range of chickpea varieties, differing in ascochyta blight susceptibility.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Pimpinio, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To investigate if optimum disease management strategies change in different row spacings in standing and burnt residue across a range of chickpea varieties, differing in ascochyta blight susceptibility.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate and determine the profitability of different strategies of disease management. 

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Type
Dalwallinu, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons


To investigate the impact of early sowing and fungicide strategies on disease development in vetch 

Hay: Vetch 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Kalkee, VIC Dark cracking clay
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To report on the 2016 season assessment of the capability of this test to:

  • detect Pm in soil from commercial paddocks, and
  • predict the risk of PRR disease and potential yield losses in chickpea.
  • Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Irrigation Irrigation Type Pest Management Pest Management Other Pests
    Hermitage Research Station, QLD
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To compare current released varieties at two locations on Eyre Peninsula.

    Oilseed: Canola 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
    Minnipa, SA Witera, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To compare current varieties to ones which are not commonly grown in the district, and to compare varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where National Wheat Variety trials are not conducted.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Elliston, SA Franklin Harbour, SA Mt Cooper, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Mount Cooper, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Elliston, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Wharminda, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Cowell, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local Agricultural Bureaux to compare current varieties to ones which are not commonly grown in their respective districts, and to compare varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Port Kenny, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local Agricultural Bureaux to compare current varieties to ones which are not commonly grown in their respective districts, and to compare varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Cowell, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    The wheat and barley variety demonstrations were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureaus to compare current varieties to potential new varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Witera, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Port Kenny, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Cowell, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Elliston, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    These variety trials were identified as priorities by local agricultural bureau groups to evaluate commonly grown varieties, compare them to newly released varieties and provide further information on varietal performance in soil types and rainfall regions where wheat and barley National Variety Trials (NVT) are not conducted.

    Wharminda, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To compare current varieties to varieties which are not commonly grown in the district, and to compare varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where National Wheat Variety trials are not conducted.

    Franklin Harbour, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To compare current varieties to varieties which are not commonly grown in the district, and to compare varieties in soil types and rainfall regions where National Wheat Variety trials are not conducted.

    Port Kenny, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To evaluate Diuron as a broadleaf weed killer pre sowing of lupins and to evaluate some mixing partners to improve the control of grass weeds.

    Grain Legume: Lupins 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Coorow, WA Red loam
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    • To assess the biodiversity values of stock water points in the Wimmera Mallee Channel/Dam region and the Northern Mallee Pipeline region.
    • To determine whether biodiversity and the environmental values of open water can be maintained in a farming landscape through the use of purpose-built water points for wildlife.
    • read more

    None: No crop specified 1 trial Farm operations Farm operations Other
    Birchip, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To sample fauna distribution, abundance and habitat use at the different water access points.

    None: No crop specified 1 trial Farm operations Farm operations Other
    Birchip, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
    Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    Cereal (Grain): Oats 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
    Penshurst, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    Balliang, VIC Gnarwarre, VIC Lake Bolac, VIC Penshurst, VIC Streatham, VIC Tarrington, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To present reults of the DNRE Balliang barley vareity trial.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
    Balliang, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the DNRE long season barley variety trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the DNRE long season barley variety trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE lupin variety trial.

    Grain Legume: Lupins 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE mid canola variety trials.

    Oilseed: Canola 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE mid season canola trials.

    Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
    Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the DNREoat variety trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Oats 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE pea variety trial.

    Grain Legume: Field peas 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the DNRE triticale variety trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Triticale 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the DNRE mid season tritical trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Triticale 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE TT canola variety trials.

    Oilseed: Canola 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on the canola variety trials.

    Oilseed: Canola 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To report on DNRE wheat variety trials.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Lake Bolac, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release. 

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    A high input trial was created in 2012, with the aim of demonstrating that a crop will continue to respond to nitrogen if the season is suitable, leading to higher yields.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
    Westmere, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To quanitfy the role of livestock in the financial performance of Wimmera and Malle farming systems.

    None: No crop specified 1 trial Grazing Grazing Application Method
    Birchip, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To determine whether rotational benefits of break crops improve the profitabiliyt of first wheat after break crops.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Rotation Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
    Junee Reefs, NSW
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    To discuss the costs of fertilisers.

    None: No crop specified 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
    Horsham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To observe whether additions of a zinc based liquid fertiliser to a herbicide reduces the crop effect often seen when using broadleaf and grass herbicides in cereals.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Watchupga East, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


     To treat the canola as a forage brassica until autumn, when it would be locked up to be carried on to produce grain at harvest 2012.

    Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Grazing Grazing Application Method
    Dunkeld, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    • Assess the influence of soil renovation treatments on soil borne diseases.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 4 trials Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management Soil Improvement
    Kendenup, WA Salmon Gums, WA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    To look at grinding our local limesands to see if it made them more effective.

    None: No crop specified 3 trials Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Form Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate
    Kangaroo Island, Kingscote, SA Parndana, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To look at the effectiveness of grinding our local limesands and comparing the changes in soil pH against unground lime.

    None: No crop specified 8 trials Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Form Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate
    Kingscote, SA Parndana, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    It assess the impact of repeat applications of herbicide on residue levels and the impact on soil biology and crop production.

    Cereal (Grain): Canary seed Cereal (Grain): Wheat Grain Legume: Lupins 3 trials Herbicide Herbicide Application Method
    Temora, NSW
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    • To increase understanding of the interaction between increasing soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. In particular to quantify the influence of soil organic carbon on nitrous oxide and methane emissions in a grains cropping system.
    • To determine whether increasing soil organic carbon lowers the amount of nitrogen … read more

    Oilseed: Canola Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Oats 3 trials Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate
    Buntine, WA Deep sand
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    To investigate if increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) increases N2O emissions.

    Cereal (Grain): Oats 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage
    Buntine, WA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    To re-examine the effect of N rate and application timing on canola yield, seed oil and protein content, and apparent N fertiliser efficiencies.

    Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
    Westmere, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To compare conventional practice with an alternative pre-plant N fertiliser placement in relation to the irrigated furrow, to investigate the potential impact on soil mineral N concentrations and consequent N2O emissions.

    Other crop: Cotton 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Irrigation Irrigation Type
    Gunnedah, NSW Black vertisol
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    To compare conventional practice with two alternative pre-plant N fertiliser placements in relation to the irrigated furrow, to investigate the potential impact on soil mineral N concentrations, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and cotton production.

    Other crop: Cotton 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Irrigation
    Moree, NSW Black vertisol
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 9 trials Crop Crop Type Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Form Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
    Birchip, VIC Rupanyup, VIC Woomelang, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

    Birchip, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To investigate whether fertiliser granule size influences nutrient availability to plants.

    Rupanyup, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To assess the effect that N fertiliser timing (all applied pre-planting vs pre-planting + in-crop) had on soil N2O emissions and cotton production.

    Other crop: Cotton 2 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
    Gunnedah, NSW Emerald, QLD Vertisol
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    To answer the question 'Does stubble height matter?'

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
    Weethalle, NSW
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    The aim of this work was to better understand the impact of stubble management on in-canopy temperatures and the associated risk of frost in cropping environments with high yields and high stubble loads.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Adverse Effects Management Adverse Effects Management Frost Stubble Stubble Management
    Mulwala, NSW
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To determine whether UAN as a carrier, rather than just water, increases the efficacy of grass selective herbicides on ryegrass control.

    Hay: Vetch 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Herbicide Herbicide Type
    St Arnaud, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To evaluate double knock timing and options for button grass control.

    Other crop: Grasses 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Chinchilla, QLD
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To evaluate double knock timing and options for button grass control.

    Other crop: Grasses 2 trials Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Chinchilla, QLD
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To evaluate double knock timing and options for button grass control

    Other crop: Grasses 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Springvale , QLD
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To evaluate double knock timing and options for button grass control

    Other crop: Grasses 2 trials Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Springvale , QLD
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identifying high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

    Balliang, VIC Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

    Oilseed: Canola 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

    Cereal (Grain): Oats 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

    Cereal (Grain): Triticale 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To identify high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the region's long cool season conditions. Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Gnarwarre, VIC Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To gather information from the experiments for use to select material for commercial release and provide current information to crop advisers and farmers.

    Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC Inverleigh, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    Information from the experiments is used to select material for commercial release and provide current information to crop advisers
    and farmers.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Inverleigh, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    Crop evaluation experiments are conducted by Department of Primary Industries every year with the aim of identifying high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the regions long cool season conditions.

    Cereal (Grain): Triticale 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Inverleigh, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
    High rainfall
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    Cereal (Grain): Triticale 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Inverleigh, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
    High rainfall
    Research organisaton


    Crop evaluation experiments are conducted by Department of Primary Industries every year with the aim of identifying high yielding varieties that meet specific grain quality requirements and are suitable for the regions long cool season conditions.

    Oilseed: Canola 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
    Hamilton, VIC Streatham, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To allow grain growers to assess the grain yields of released and upcoming wheat varieties under “with
    fungicide” and “without fungicide” management regimes.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
    Hamilton, VIC Inverleigh, VIC Mininera, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To present ideas around drought being a catalyst for change.

    None: No crop specified 1 trial Adverse Effects Management Adverse Effects Management Drought
    Bendigo, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To investigate the dry matter (DM) productivity and nutritive value (NV) of a range of pasture species sown independently or in conjunction with Fathom barley at Hart in winter and summer.

    Hart, SA Calcarosol
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton


     To investigate the effectiveness of weed control techniques using herbicide treatments and crop population. 

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Timing
    Lake Bolac, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisaton


    To evaluate the effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicides and crop safety in dry sowing conditions.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Timing Sowing Sowing Dry sown
    Hart, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    Part 1: Medic cultivars were grown in soil with high boron levels in a glasshouse, leaf damage symptoms recorded and cultivars allocated to different tolerance groups (Howie 2012). 

    Part 2: The above identified that all spineless burr medic cultivars are susceptible to high boron levels. Screening wild accessions (supplied by… read more

    Forage: Medic 1 trial Crop Crop Type Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    In southern Australian mixed farming systems, there are many opportunities for pasture improvement. The Dryland Legume Pasture Systems (DLPS) project aims to boost profit and reduce risk in medium and low rainfall areas by developing pasture legumes that benefit animal and crop production systems. A component of the DLPS project aims t… read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    Legume pastures have been pivotal to sustainable agricultural development in southern Australia. They provide highly nutritious feed for livestock, act as a disease break for many cereal root pathogens, and improve soil fertility through nitrogen (N) fixation. Despite these benefits, pasture renovation rates remain low and there are opportunitie… read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    Legume pastures have been pivotal to sustainable agricultural development in southern Australia. They provide highly nutritious feed for livestock, act as a disease break for many cereal root pathogens, and improve fertility through nitrogen (N) fixation. Despite these benefits pasture renovation rates remain low and there is opportunity to impr… read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    Legume pastures have been pivotal to sustainable agricultural development in southern Australia. They provide highly nutritious feed for livestock, act as a disease break for many cereal root pathogens, and improve fertility through nitrogen (N) fixation. Despite these benefits pasture renovation rates remain low and there is opportunity to impr… read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    There are reports of low grain protein levels in wheat following medic pastures and many observations of poor medic nodulation. Previous work has shown that rhizobial inoculation can improve the nodulation of medics in the SA and Victorian Mallee, and that more generally about 50% of the populations of medic rhizobia in soils are subop… read more

    Forage: Medic 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    Over the past three decades there has been a shift from integrated crop-livestock production to intensive cropping in dry areas, which has significantly reduced the resilience of farms in low to medium rainfall areas. Intensive cropping is prone to herbicide resistant weeds, large nitrogen fertiliser requirements, and major financial shocks due… read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 2 trials Crop Crop Type
    Lock, SA Wirrulla, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    This article will report on findings from two pasture trials conducted on the lower Eyre Peninsula in the 2019-2021 growing seasons. The trials are part of the demonstration component of the Dryland Pasture Legume Systems (DLPS) project developed with the former LEADA committee/AIR EP Medium Rainfall RD&E committee to answer several questions a… read more

    Cereal (Grain): Mixed 2 trials Crop Crop Type
    Butler, SA Lipson, SA
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding source


    In southern Australian mixed farming systems, there are many opportunities for pasture improvement, providing positive impacts to both cropping and livestock systems. Dryland legume pastures are necessary in low to medium rainfall zones to support productive and healthy livestock, along with optimal production in crops following these pastures. … read more

    Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons
    Funding sources


    Legume pastures have been pivotal to sustainable agricultural development in southern Australia. They provide highly nutritious feed for livestock, act as a disease break for many cereal root pathogens, improve fertility through nitrogen (N) fixation and mixed farming reduces economic risk. Despite these benefits, pasture renovation ra… read more

    Forage: Medic 1 trial Crop Crop Type Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
    Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding sources


    This project is primarily about understanding more about the size of the water bucket (Plant Available Water as a crop input),
    and how that may impact our management decisions and the final result of our crops for the season.

    Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 8 trials Crop Crop Type Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
    Bool Lagoon, SA Conmurra, SA Millicent, SA Frances, VIC
    Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
    Research organisaton
    Funding source


    To assess the potential for the use of Dual Gold® for ryegrass control in lupins.

    Grain Legume: Lupins 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
    Coorow, WA
    Trial Report Unavailable
    Research organisatons