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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
'Balance' on chickpeas (Aventis)

To demonstrate the new chickpea herbicide Balance from Aventis for broadleaf weed control.

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Bendigo VIC
Research organisaton
'BTH' (Novartis) on wheat, canola, lentils and field peas

To investigate the effectiveness of BTH (benzothiadiazole) to increase a crops resilience to disease.

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
'Good Clover, Bad Clover' MLA Producer Demonstration Site

To Increase producer awareness of the potential issues and management strategies to deal with oestrogenic clover.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2017 Furner SA
Research organisaton
'Hussar' (Aventis) and 'Affinity' (CropCare) in cereals demonstrations

To demonstrate a new wheat herbicides Hussar® from Aventis, and Affinity® from CropCare for grass and broadleaf weed control.

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
'Paragon' and 'Raptor' (Cyanamid) demonstrations

The aim was to demonstrate a new cereal broadleaf weed herbicide 'Paragon' from Cyanamid

Birchip Cropping Group
2000 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
'Sick crops' in the southern Mallee in 1995

To answer the question 'Why are there so many sick crops in the Victorian Southern Mallee in 1995?'

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
“Crop Sequencing trials 2013, Lochaber”

The trial aims to explore rotational options for the South-East region with the aim of improving yield and water use efficiency of these and the subsequent crops.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2013 Lochaber SA
Research organisaton
‘Paddock to plate’ value chain for high rainfall zone noodle wheat
  • To prove that the High Rainfall Zone (HRZ South) can produce high quality Udon Noodles and increase the continuity of supply in an exclusive market. The MRZ and LRZ of Western Australia have to date been the exclusive Udon Noodle supply areas to international markets. WA is the only external source of wheat grain for Udon Noodle manufacture for Japan and Korea.
  • To provide greater longer-term diversity and options for crop rotations in the southern HRZ. NOTE: the current dominant rotation of YIYO canola: barley is under threat with more disease and chemical resistance.
Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2016 Kendenup WA
Research organisaton
10Z and 10Z blends for 2006

To test new fertilisers at Marnoo.

Birchip Cropping Group
2005 Marnoo VIC
Research organisaton
17ES17 Retaining canola seed
  • To determine if retaining canola seed leads to reduced yield, oil and financial return.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2017 Grass Patch WA
Research organisaton
1995 US farm bill

To inform about the 1995 farm bill.

Birchip Cropping Group
1995 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
2003 - the year that was
Birchip Cropping Group
2003 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
2006 - A year to leave behind but not to forget

To comment on the year that was 2006.

Birchip Cropping Group
2006 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
2007 Seasonal outlook

To review the broadscale weather pattern and summarise implications for the 2007 cropping season, i.e. May-October.

Birchip Cropping Group
2006 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
2012 Syngenta Barley Crop Enhancement Trial

To assess the crop enhancement effects of Moddus Evo and Amistar Xtra when used in combination. Whilst Moddus Evo is a PGR that is pending registration for anti-lodging and Amistar Xtra is a superior fungicide both these products have been shown to individually contribute to yield increases beyond anti lodging and disease control respectively. In addition trial work has previously shown the combination of these two products to be synergistic with respect to the crop enhancement affect. The aim of this trial was to explore these affects in more detail.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2012 Conmurra SA
Research organisaton
2013 Syngenta Barley Fungicide & Plant Growth Regulator Trial – Conmurra,SA

To assess the yield of the plant growth regulator (PGR), Moddus Evo and foliar fungicides Amistar Xtra, Cogito and experimental in furrow fungicide SYNSIF1 when used in barley. Previous work has shown that when combining PGRs with good quality fungicides yield and return on investment can be significantly enhanced in cereal crops grown in high rainfall environments. The aim of this trial was to explore these affects in more detail.

MacKillop Farm Management Group
2013 Conmurra SA
Research organisaton
2014 Rural Finance crop challenge

To report on the outcomes of the 2014 Rural Finance Crop Challenge.

Southern Farming Systems
2014 Inverleigh VIC
Research organisaton
2016 Lentil in Esperance region

There appears to be renewed interest from growers and the agricultural community in legume break crops to complement canola and cereals in the rotation. For example in the Esperance region a number of farmers bulked up lentil seed in 2016 in anticipation of sowing larger areas in 2017. This paper summarises some of the experiments conducted in 2016 by DAFWA in partnership with the GRDC via the Tactical Break Crop Agronomy Project DAW00227 which supports the growing interest in legume crops.

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Wittenoom Hills WA
Research organisaton

The trial has 6 treatments with 4 replications and compares various BioAg products and rates against an annual application of single super.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2019 Parndana SA
Research organisaton

The BioAg fertiliser trial was established in 2019. The trial has 6 treatments with 4 replications and compares various BioAg products and rates against an annual application of single super.

Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated
2019 Stoke's Bay SA
Research organisaton
Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia
2020 Peechelba East VIC
Research organisaton
2022 Hill River Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Hill River SA
Research organisaton
2022 Kalangadoo Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Kalangadoo SA
Research organisaton
2022 Keith Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Keith SA SA
Research organisaton
2022 Maitland Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Maitland SA
Research organisaton
2022 Maitland Strategy

Investigate strategies for correcting K deficiency in broad-acre crops.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Maitland SA
Research organisaton
2022 Malinong Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Malinong SA
Research organisaton
2022 Marrabel Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Marrabel SA
Research organisaton
2022 Petersville Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Petersville SA
Research organisaton
2022 Rendelsham Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Rendelsham SA
Research organisaton
2022 Streatham Response

To identify the severity of K deficiency in broad-acre crops in respect to the Colwell K level in the top 10 cm of soil.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2022 Streatham VIC
Research organisaton
A best bet managment of ameliorated non-wetting soils for the Geraldton Port Zone

To determine what is the best way to apply nutrients on non-wetting soils after amelioration in the
Geraldton port zone (GRDC RCSN project).

Mingenew-Irwin Group
2018 Irwin WA
Research organisaton
A century of wheat

To observe the development of wheat varieties through breeding over the last 100 years.

Birchip Cropping Group
2008 Manangatang VIC
Research organisaton
A comparison of commercially available products, applied on seed or post emergent, to control Ground Lark damage in canola

To est alternative products to Mesurol that are commercially available both in Australia and overseas, to assess their effectiveness as bird deterrents.

Southern Farming Systems
2011 Inverleigh VIC
Research organisaton
A comparison of farming systems profitability: 2002-2006

To capture some of these realities and provide an indication of how the different systems compare in physical and economic terms.

Central West Farming Systems
2006 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
A comparison of potassium rates and timings in canola

This was the first year of an intended long term trial investigating the effect of K nutrition on sandplain. Potassium was applied at rates between zero and 100 kg/ha IBS and banded in the forms of MOP and compound NPK product (Vigour).

West Midlands Group
2009 West Moora WA
Research organisaton
A cropping systems simulator - investigating the impact of subsoil constraints

The aim of this investigation was to use the cropping systems simulator APSIM to assess the impact of high levels of sodicity chlorine, electrical conductivity and boron on the growth and yield of a wheat crop (cv. Yitpi) grown in the BCG Systems Trial.

Birchip Cropping Group
2001 Watchupga East VIC
Research organisaton
A database of trace element research in south-eastern Australia

To produce an Endnote-generated txt file database of research on trace elements in cropping systems of south eastern Australia.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
2017 Adelaide SA
Research organisaton
A field scale survey of soil crop relationships on a water repellent sandy gravel soil

To quantify the main factors limiting grain yield in a water-repellent sandy gravel soil.

West Midlands Group
2015 Badgingarra WA
Research organisaton
A lesson in perennial pastures: case study from Winterbrook Farm

To report on a case study of lessons learned about growing perennial pastures.

South West Catchments Council
2016 Bunbury WA
Research organisaton
A new test to accurately predict phosphorus fertiliser requirements

To determine if DGT could predict P fertiliser requirements for the field and to compare results from the DGT soil P test with other common soil P testing techniques (Colwell P and resin).

Birchip Cropping Group
2007 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
A petal survey for Sclerotinia in canola across NSW and northern Victoria

Some districts in NSW and Victoria are known to frequently develop Sclerotinia stem rot. The purpose of conducting the petal survey was to identify if there are significant differences in the level of petal infestation between districts where the disease develops frequently, compared with those districts where the disease develops once every few years. This information will indicate what influences disease development, background inoculum levels or environmental conditions, or both. 

Department of Primary Industries NSW
2015 Condobolin NSW
Research organisaton
A review of sheep management in 2010

To completely review the standard approach to the sheep enterprise.

SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre
2010 Port Lincoln SA
Research organisaton
A six tonne per hectare wheat crop

To work out what the limiting factors to production are on the sodic soils of the Tyrell land system.

Birchip Cropping Group
1996 Ouyen VIC
Research organisaton
A three year strategy to manage clethodim resistant ryegrass without oaten hay

To report on a three year strategy to manage clethodim resistant ryegrass without oaten hay.

Hart Field Site Group
2016 Hart SA
Research organisaton
Abiotic stresses of cool season pulses in Australia

To discuss abiotic stresses of cool season pulses in Australia.

Birchip Cropping Group
1999 Birchip VIC
Research organisaton
Accelerating barley harvest timing

To test pre-harvest treatments in order to accelerate the ripening and harvest of barley in a double cropping sitution.

Irrigated Cropping Council
2014 Numurkah VIC
Research organisaton
Achieving better balance through biodynamics

To deal with the issue of sustainable agriculture.

South West Catchments Council
2013 Bunbury WA
Research organisaton
Achieving improved water use efficiency through amelioration of hostile subsoils

To provide information for the growing farmer interest in subsoil manuring during the year with data and information on demonstration trials on subsoil manuring on heavy clay and duplex soils where the plant available water capacity at depth is restricted by low porosity, water extraction and root growth.

Southern Farming Systems
2010 Derrinallum VIC
Research organisaton
Acid and aluminium tolerant barley varieties

To evaluate the acid and aluminium tolerance of new and existing barley varieties.

Liebe Group
2005 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton