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Trial Contributor
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Yuna trial results - RR vs TT canola

To compare the profitability between the RR and TT system as well as between OP and Hybrid varieties within these two systems.

North East Farming Futures
2011 Yuna WA
Research organisaton
Yuna trial results - RR vs TT canola Roundup Ready

To compare the profitability between the RR and TT system as well as between OP and Hybrid varieties within these two systems.

North East Farming Futures
2011 Yuna WA
Research organisaton
Yuna trial results - RR vs TT canola Triazine Tolerant

To compare the profitability between the RR and TT system as well as between OP and Hybrid varieties within these two systems.

North East Farming Futures
2011 Yuna WA
Research organisaton
Yardstick trials


The aim of the ‘Yardstick’ project is conduct agronomy demonstrations that will enable growers to reduce crop selection risk through better understanding of crop performance with different crop types/varieties, timings of sowing and nutrition.

Living Farm
2018 York WA
Research organisaton
Growing wheat and barley after serradella – does extra nitrogen help?
  • How will the barley and wheat perform side by side after a serradella phase?
  • How much N do we need to apply to each crop type after a serradella phase, and which is the most profitable?
  • Will there be Imazethapyr residue from April 2017, and will it affect the non-CL® variety?
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2017 Yallabatharra WA
Research organisaton
Dual purpose cereals
  • To measure the productivity and recovery of cereals under simulated grazing regimes.
  • To determine the number of times cereals can be grazed without affecting yield.
Liebe Group
2007 Xantippe WA
Research organisaton
Wheat after pasture (Benefit Trial)

To establish and manipulate 3 varieties of pasture and determine their effect on the following wheat crop.

Liebe Group
2005 Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Determining the economic impact of Native Budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) in cereal crops in the Western Region

Native budworm actively feeding on cereals has not been an issue for growers or industry in the past, and considering the recent detections, growers and western region industry networks have voiced that they would like support on this issue, especially regarding sampling techniques and spray thresholds. To achieve this, we investigated this new behavioural trend and the population numbers required to cause economic yield losses to determine if and when management is required in non-traditional cereal hosts.

Through pheromone-based moth trapping, crop inspections, glasshouse trials and a field cage trial, we investigated the behaviour of H. punctigera moths and larvae on, and potential economic damage to, wheat in the northern grainbelt of Western Australia. 

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2021 Woorree WA
Research organisaton
Agronomy for early sown canola

To consolidate information and provide guidelines for best bet management of canola sown at or before mid-April.

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Wongan Hills WA
Research organisaton
Effect of lime and herbicide on the control of annual ryegrass in a wheat-wheat-lupin-barley rotation

A four-year study has investigated if lime applied in a low pH soil could enhance the efficacy of herbicides on weeds (ryegrass and barley grass) and improve crop performance in a wheat-wheat-lupin-barley rotation at the Wongan Hills Research Station, Western Australia.

Liebe Group
2013 Wongan Hills WA
Research organisaton
Effect of lime and herbicide on the control of wild radish in a wheat-wheat-lupin-barley rotation

A four-year study has investigated if lime applied in a low pH soil could enhance the efficacy of herbicides on wild radish and improve crop performance in a wheat-wheat-lupin-barley rotation at the Wongan Hills Research Station, Western Australia (WA).

Liebe Group
2013 Wongan Hills WA
Research organisaton
Very Early Sown Canola Variety Trial
  1. To obtain data on late March and early April sowing of canola varieties.
  2. To determine if changing variety to better match season length improves yield.
Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Wongan Hills WA
Research organisaton
Agronomic strategies for water repellant soils in WA - mouldboard ploughing, deep ripping and lime incorporation

To determine if the addition of lime and its method of incorporation (mouldboard ploughing or deep ripping) has an effect on the soil pH profile, topsoil water repellence and crop productivity.

Facey Group
2016 Wickepin WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze 3 - Grazing crops and frost

To assess the impact of (and interaction between) grazing and frost damage on the grain yield and quality of a range of winter and spring cereal varieties sown at two times of sowing.

Facey Group
2014 Wickepin WA
Research organisaton
Increasing the profitability of the double break roatation of the MRZ of WA Wheatbelt through incorporation of an early sown high value pulse.

To demonstrate that growing canola (with effective weed control options) followed by a high value legume (with higher economic value) can lead to an effective and profitable double break crop sequence. The contribution of an early sowing date to increase the profitability of these crops will also be evaluated.

Facey Group
2020 Wickepin WA
Research organisaton
Summer grazing options

To provide farmers in the Facey Group grower region with new options for sustainable grazing and summer pasture species. Growers have identified the need for drought tolerant summer grazing options rather than traditional options more suited to higher rainfall zones. This trial aims to compare tedera to the more commonly used annual pasture species – annual ryegrass, serradella and subterranean clover to fill the summer and autumn feed gap.

Facey Group
2016 Wickepin WA
Research organisaton
Various oat seeding rate v yield

To determine yield against various seeding rates for oats.

Facey Group
2016 Wickepen WA
Research organisaton
Early seeding - a climate change adaptation method in the North Eastern (NE) Agricultural Region of Western Australia (WA).

Compare the yield responses of wheat varieties sown at three sowing dates (9 April, 23 April and 12 May) and two plant densities.

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2015 Western Australia WA
Research organisaton
Demonstration of new annual pasture legumes

To demonstrate the productivity and persistence of annual pasture legumes (NAPLIP cultivar/species) on several soil types in the medium–low rainfall wheat belt environment.

Liebe Group
2004 West Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Windrow burning as a tool for snail control - Barley

To determine the impact of stubble burning on snail populations in a canola paddock

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Wellstead WA
Research organisaton
Windrow burning as a tool for snail control - Canola

To determine the impact of stubble burning on snail populations in a canola paddock

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Wellstead WA
Research organisaton
Can Tedera establish well on gutless sand?

To determine how much green feed tedera can produce on gutless pale sandy soil and to determine if growing tedera can increase the amount of soil organic carbon in pale sandy soil.

Liebe Group
2014 Watheroo WA
Research organisaton
Pasture legume biomass and seed (pod) yield and the ipact of budworm at Warradarge

This trial aimed to compare the production of different annual legumes in the West Midlands and the associated seed loss to native budworm particularly in regards to serradella.

West Midlands Group
2014 Warradarge WA
Research organisaton
Improving paddock productivity using renovation cropping techniques

To discuss alternative options to increase organic matter; improve soil properties and provide additional non-chemical control options for weed management, whilst providing a break crop effect.

2003 University of Western Australia WA
Research organisaton
Can increasing row spacing reduce the disease incidence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum stem rot in canola (2018)

Investigate the effect of row spacing up to 66cm in two hybrid varieties at two different seeding rates to determine if row spacing or plant density can ameliorate the effect of sclerotinia stem rot, with or without fungicide application.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2018 Toodyay WA
Research organisaton
Mullewa trials - oilseeds of WA canola varieties

To compare various canola varieties including RR (Roundup Ready) and TT (Triazine Tolerant) lines.

North East Farming Futures
2010 Tenindewa WA
Research organisaton
Seed Quality and Depth for the Best Bet Canola Establishment
  1. To refine canola establishment methods for early sowing.
  2. To see if it is possible to chase moisture at depth with canola.
Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2016 Strawberry WA
Research organisaton
Optimising profitability of high rain fall zone farming systems.

By 2023, growers will have increased the value of the cropping phase in the HRZ farming system by 10% by addressing both crop yield potential and the gap between potential and realised yields.

This trial aims to explore ways to optimise crop production in the HRZ. 
This trial looks at verity types, deep ripping and sowing times as ways to maximise yields in the HRZ. 

This trial aims to assess different treatments and there effectiveness in maximising water limited yield potentials.  


Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2020 South Stirlings WA
Research organisaton
Optimizing the profitability of high rainfall zone farming systems - survey, farmerscale demonstration trials and field days

By 2023, growers will have increased the value of the cropping phase in the HRZ farming system by 10% by addressing both crop yield potential and the gap between potential and realised yields.

Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2020 South Stirlings WA
Research organisaton
UAV rhizo summary

To provide the UAV rhizo summary.

Stirlings to Coast Farmers
2016 South Stirlings WA
Research organisaton
Yuna trial results - fallow

To investigate low risk, best bet strategies for the low rainfall cropping zone.

North East Farming Futures
2010 South East Yuna WA
Research organisaton
Optimising benefits from soil amelioration using pulses and oilseeds

To evaluate different sequences of pulses and canola after soil amelioration when transitioning into cereal cropping to capture maximum benefit from amelioration.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2019 South Burracoppin WA
Research organisaton
Optimising benefits from soil amelioration using pulses and oilseeds

To evaluate the rotational benefit of different sequences of pulses and canola after soil amelioration when transitioning back into cereal cropping following amelioration.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2018 South Burracoppin WA
Research organisaton
Grower tools – yield predictive devices for making in-season management decisionst

To investigate available technology tools for farmers to make in-season management decisions for grain farming in the Esperance Port Zone (EPZ). Until recently, Yield Prophet was the most well-known yield estimation tool, however there are now other options becoming available. SEPWA looked at how other in-season management tools measure up in a comparability study, looking predominately at five tools used to forecast yield and manage inputs.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2015 Scaddan WA
Research organisaton
Plant density in low rainfall canola

To investigate the plant density response to yield and oil content of TT and RR hybrid canola in comparison with open-pollinated canola.

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2014 Salmon Gums WA
Research organisaton
Establishing various salt tolerant species on salt land areas inaccessible by machinery

To re-establish plant diversity on salt affected soils on a large farm scale trial using “seeded” clay balls.

North East Farming Futures
2017 Rothsay Road WA
Research organisaton
Lupin bud trial

To test ‘Lupin Bud’ for improvement in the main stem pod set in lupins.

West Midlands Group
2013 Regans Ford WA
Research organisaton
Reduce acidity and choose a suitable wheat variety, Dandaragan
  • To identify impact of amelioration on maintaining productivity of adapted varieties in a district.
  • To compare effect of amelioration on soil pH.
West Midlands Group
2013 Regans Ford WA
Research organisaton
Serradella in sub tropical pastures 2013 vs 2015

To determine how serradella performs when introduced to a sub tropical pasture stand.

West Midlands Group
2015 Regans Ford WA
Research organisaton
Legumes for Profitability in the Esperance Port Zone

This project set out to contribute to an understanding of legume agronomic and financial management in the Esperance Port Zone in an effort to support the decision-making process undertaken by growers in deciding the best crop sequence for their farms, including which break crop best suits their needs.

This project aims to:

  1. Contribute to the agronomic understanding of best practice pulse agronomy in the EPZ.
  2. Contribute to the financial decision-making process undertaken by growers in deciding the best crop sequence for their farms, including which break crop is the best option to suit their needs.
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2018 Ravensthorpe WA
Research organisaton
Effect of liming on wild radish control

Liming is proven to be beneficial to our cropping and pasture systems in WA; is improved radish control an added gain?

Liebe Group
2009 Pithara WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze sub-tropical perennial grass variety trials

To determine the suitability of a range of sub-tropical perennial grasses to the medium rainfall zone of the NAR.

Liebe Group
2004 Pithara WA
Research organisaton
Grain & Graze: whole farm feed supply - grazing days/season/pasture type

To understand how a range of pasture types combine to form a whole farm feed supply.

Liebe Group
2007 Pithara WA
Research organisaton
Early seeding - a climate change adaptation method in the North Eastern (NE) Agricultural Region of Western Australia (WA).

Compare the yield responses of canola varieties sown at three sowing dates (9 April, 23 April and 12 May).

Department of Agriculture and Food WA
2015 Pindar WA
Research organisaton
Stubble management to reduce the impact of frost to crops in the Albany and Kwinana West port zones of WA

To investigate the impact of stubble on frost severity and duration.

Southern DIRT
2014 Nyabing WA
Research organisaton
Grain and Graze 3 - Grazing crops and frost

The trial aims to see the benefits of crop grazing at various times of sowing, to increase feed availability for stock, while retaining winter pastures and to find out whether crop grazing can be utilised in delaying the flowering window to reduce the impact of frost. It also aims to assess the impact of grazing times against the grain yield and quality across various species and varieties.

Facey Group
2016 North Wickepin WA
Research organisaton
Grower tools – yield predictive devices for making in-season management decisions

To investigate available technology tools for farmers to make in-season management decisions for grain farming in the Esperance Port Zone (EPZ). Until recently, Yield Prophet was the most well-known yield estimation tool, however there are now other options becoming available. SEPWA looked at how other in-season management tools measure up in a comparability study, looking predominately at five tools used to forecast yield and manage inputs.

South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2015 Neridup WA
Research organisaton
Monitoring soilborne disease after the legume pasture, Sothis

To monitor the presence of soilborne disease levels in the farming system following the legume pasture, Sothis.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
2017 Nabawa WA
Research organisaton
Comparison of different green manure crops as tools for renovation cropping and evaluating economic benefits at Mullewa on a heavy soil

This research determines to assess the benefits (economic and environmental) of a green manure phase under current cropping systems in areas with a poor nutritional status. 

To evaluate crop types and incorporation techniques to rejuvenate poor performing soils using a green manure phase, as well as to identify and evaluate the potential longevity of benefits on a heavy loam soil in Mullewa, Western Australia over five years.

1998 Mullewa WA
Research organisaton
Summer Cropping Demonstrations in the Western Region

This GRDC investment aims to look at the impact of summer cropping on waterlogged winter soils and the resultant impact on crop growth and yield in the next winter growing season. Stirlings to Coast Farmers member Steve Lynch has been growing summer crops for the sole purpose of drying his soil profile in the summer to reduce the risk of waterlogging in the winter-time. Without livestock to benefit from the summer feed, Steve still believes the reduced risk of water-logging is a tangible benefit to his winter crop yields as well as providing diversity into the cropping system. Simon Harding’s (Williams demonstration host) intentions with the summer crop was to reduce his waterlogged areas within his farming practice. The area chosen suffers severe winter waterlogging that impacts on winter crop production and profitability.

Southern DIRT
2019 Mt Barker WA
Research organisaton