To evaluate fungicide efficacy against net form net blotch (NFNB) of barley and investigate application strategies for efficient control of the disease.
To evaluate fungicide efficacy against net form net blotch (NFNB) of barley and investigate application strategies for efficient control of the disease.
A field experiment was conducted in the summer of 2015–16 at the NSW DPI Leeton Field Station to investigate the effect of powdery mildew and four fungicide treatments on the grain yield of two commercial soybean varieties (Djakal and SnowyA) and two unreleased breeding lines (N005A-80 and P176-2).
To determine the effectiveness of cut stump treatments for control of ratoon cotton
To compare the effect of different pre-emergent herbicides applied pre sowing and post sowing on wheat
establishment and ryegrass control and to specifically improve the control of ryegrass in the crop row.
To compare the effect of different pre-emergent herbicides and 2 seeding systems on wheat establishment and ryegrass control.
To present information about controlled traffic farming.
To report on crop expansion and improved yields with reduced risk through the development of cheap and effective drainage techniques suitable for south west Victoria.
To focus on the impact of trafficking by heavy vehicles on crop production and soil condition, as well as monitoring how quickly LRZ soils will "self-repair" if heavy trafficking is stopped. Issues of implementing CTF and managing permanent wheel tracks are being addressed in other components of the project.
To determine the effects of machinery trafficking on soil properties and crop performance on a deep sand in the LRZ of south-eastern Australia.
Soil compaction affects soil aeration and gas diffusivity, and thus has a major impact on the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from fertilised soils. Controlled traffic farming (CTF) systems reduce the area of compacted soil by confining all field traffic to permanent traffic lanes, and a pilot trial at one long-term CTF site provided evid… read more
Herbicide and application timing alternatives to control annual ryegrass and other weeds in fence lines and prevent the onset of resistance.
To explore herbicide and application timing alternatives to control annual ryegrass and other weeds on fencelines and prevent the onset of resistance. wns Research Station, Gibson (SEPWA).
To answer the questions of whether applying a preventative spray regardless of conditions was good practice (i.e. does it help in controlling disease?) and was it cost effective?
To answer the questions of whether applying a preventative spray regardless of conditions was good practice (i.e. does it help in controlling disease?) and was it cost effective?
To answer the questions of whether applying a preventative spray regardless of conditions was good practice (i.e. does it help in controlling disease?) and was it cost effective?
To investigate the impact of seed dressings on foliar disease in malt barley in the central Mallee.
The aim was to investigate whether Atrazine has the effect of reducing disease incidence in TT canola.
To determine the most effective herbicides for controlling Flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis).
To identify the most effective herbicide product and mixes to control hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds in the Wimmera.
To investigate best bet options for controlling medic prior to sowing lentils.
To identify some herbicide options for controlling Rosinweed.
To investigate the effectiveness of different herbicide mixes at controlling glyphosate resistant ryegrass along fencelines.
To investigate the effectiveness of different herbicides on glyphosate resistance ryegrass along a fenceline.
To investigate pre-emergent trifluralin mixes for the control of Group A resistant ryegrass.
To investigate pre-emergent trifluralin mixes for the control of Group A resistant ryegrass.
To assess the ryegrass control ability of crop rotation, in combination with pre- and post- emergent herbicides.
The aim was to investigate as many possible factors which limit wheat yield.
To evaluate the effect of long term management strategies on the wild oat seedbank and measure the efficacy of various control techniques.
To evaluate the effect of long term management strategies on the wild oat seedbank and measure the efficacy of various control techniques.
To control the population of wild radish in wheat, reducing its competitive effect and subsequent plant numbers prior to flowering. Once at floweringthe control of seed set using a phenoxy herbicide will be most successful.
To investigate the effect of rainfall on farm gross income in the southern Mallee.
To discuss how to cope with stress in rural communities.
Copper,required and residual effects required for maximum clover ley grown on brown very gravelly sand/loamy sand
This project aimed to explore different management strategies to overcome copper deficiency in cereals. The project compared the effectiveness of copper sulfate and copper chelate applied either as liquids banded at seeding or as a foliar spray. The project also evaluated the effect of different timings of application of the foliar sprays and th… read more
To evaluate copper nutrition responses in wheat to soil and foliar application.
To measure the grain yield increase to copper fertiliser applied as a granule, seed dressing and foliar application
Measure the grain yield increase to copper fertiliser applied as a granule, seed dressing and foliar application
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of barley following clover ley grown on new light land at Indarra
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on brown sand loam at Kalannie
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on sand 15 -30 cm) over orange brown sandy clay at Newdegate demonstration farm.
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on orange brown gravellysand over consolidated ironstone
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on yellow acidic sand "wodgil" at Hyden
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on brown gravelly loamy sand over consolidated ironstone
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley at Dandaragan.
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley at Esperance Plain Research Station.
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley at Kellerberrin
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on orange brown gravellysand over consolidated ironstone
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley at Dandaragan.
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley grown on sand 15 -30 cm) over orange brown sandy clay at Newdegate demonstration farm.
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat grown on yellow sand following clover ley at Ardath
Copper, Zinc and nitrogen required for maximum grain yield of wheat following clover ley at Wongan hills Station.
To report on activities and results from the core site in 2005.
To investigate the management, profitability and sustainability of four farming systems.
To investigate the efficiencies of CoRoN, a slow release liquid nitrogen source, on Emu Rock wheat at flag leaf emergence
To determine the place and profitability of winter crops in a double cropping rotation.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of Cosmos seed dressing on canola for the control of insect pests such as wireworm and red legged earth mite.
To assess the financial consequences of changing farming systems and inputs, specifically investigating the impact of changing break crop type and reduced fertiliser inputs on subsequent wheat yields and longer term profitability.
To screen a range of herbicide treatments for cotton regrowth management via a 'cut stump' application.
To assess the impact on Pratylenchus thornei multiplication from a range of cotton varieties.
To assess the impact on Pratylenchus thornei multiplication from a range of cotton varieties.
To assess the impact on Pratylenchus thornei multiplication from a range of cotton varieties.
To assess the impact on Pratylenchus thornei multiplication from a range of cotton varieties.
To examine the consequences of climate change for the production and water demand of irrigated cotton and compares its performance throughout NSW.
This experiment aimed to improve the infiltration and water holding capacity of red–brown earth irrigated by furrow.
To comment on Crambe - a new crop with potential in southern Australia.
To discuss the effects of drought and other pressures upon farming families in the Wimmera Southern Mallee region.
This research aimed to determine the external critical phosphorus (P) requirement (i.e. the soil extractable-P concentration required to achieve 90% of maximum yield) of a range of pasture legume species under field conditions. This information can be used as a benchmark for soil testing and soil P fertility management on farms.
To discuss the critical growth stages for maintaining sound nutrition of crops on Upper EP.
Diagnosing copper deficiency by plant analyses for wheat under field conditions.
Diagnosing zinc deficiency by plant analyses for wheat under field conditions.
Diagnosing zinc deficiency by plant analyses for wheat under field conditions.
Diagnosing zinc deficiency by plant analyses for wheat under field conditions.
Calibration of plant test for diagnosing zinc deficiency in wheat grown on Zn responsive soils in the Newdegate -Lake Grace district
Calibration of plant test for diagnosing zinc deficiency in wheat grown on responsive soils of the Esperance sandplain
Calibration of plant test for diagnosing zinc deficiency in wheat grown on responsive soils under field condition
To ascertain whether Impact in furrow for diseases in Barley will give economic yield benefit.
To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.
To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.
To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.
To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.
To investigate whether competitiveness can be increased in chickpea and faba bean to reduce sowthistle biomass and seed production, and how this affects crop yield.
The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more
The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more
Issue EP farmers identified as a problem with stubble retained systems was sowing into non-wetting sands and the resulting uneven germination. The trial at Murlong (near Lock) was established in 2013 to compare how crop establishment is affected by time of sowing, sowing rate, and seed position and depth on a non-wetting sand.
The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more
To provide growers with the tools needed to adopt site-specific weed management (SSWM) strategies as a result of a commercially viable weed ID and mapping system being demonstrated.
To evaluate the effect of irrigation and quantity of applied N on grain yield and WUE of barley grown in southern Tasmania following forage rape or a perennial ryegrass pasture.
To report on 2003 crop monitoring.
To report on the CWFS Crop Monitoring project.
To compare the performance of wheat crops grown using normal farming practices and inputs, to those grown with 2 x 250 mL/ha applications of the biological stimulant TM21 in addition to the normal farming practices and inputs.
To provide some suggestions as additional hints in coping with cropping after drought.
To discuss crop problems.
To monitor crop production and economic outcomes from applying P at nil, replacement, average and twice average rates on both a deep sandy loam and a shallow constrained soil.
To investigate the merit of fodder crops in the crop rotation, with particular interest in weed control, nitrogen and gross margin.
To examine crop safety and broadleaf weed control implications for various herbicides and combinations in lentils.
To investigate the crop safety of new products Boxer Gold (Syngenta) and Crusader (Dow).
To demonstrate the crop safety, extended incorporation time and efficacy of Sakura 850WG pre-emergent herbicide on annual ryegrass in wheat compared to Boxer Gold.