Acidic sand trials

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Trial Contributor
Funding sources
Year Trial site
Deep ripping and deep placement of lime

To improve grain production by ameliorating subsurface compaction and subsurface acidity.

Liebe Group
2005 West Maya WA
Research organisaton
Can Tedera establish well on gutless sand?

To determine how much green feed tedera can produce on gutless pale sandy soil and to determine if growing tedera can increase the amount of soil organic carbon in pale sandy soil.

Liebe Group
2014 Watheroo WA
Research organisaton
Cereal Practice for Profit on acidic sand 2009

To examine the effect of increasing inputs for crop varieties representing APW wheat, oats, triticale and a new wheat investigating the prospects for ethanol production from wheat, on profitability for growers on a sandy soil with a highly acidic subsoil in the Liebe Group area.

Liebe Group
2009 Watheroo WA
Research organisaton
Barley variety x fungicide

To compare new and existing barley varieties and their response to different fungicides.

Liebe Group
2009 Pithara WA
Research organisaton
Effect of liming on wild radish control

Liming is proven to be beneficial to our cropping and pasture systems in WA; is improved radish control an added gain?

Liebe Group
2009 Pithara WA
Research organisaton
Grain yield increases from overcoming subsoil compaction and acidity
  • To assess the effectiveness of surface and deep placed lime to overcome subsoil acidity.
  • To assess role of deep ripping in overcoming compaction and tramline farming to prevent compaction.
Liebe Group
2008 Maya WA
Research organisaton
Deep placed lime increases crop yield in a dry season

To assess the capacity of surface applied and deep placed lime to improve subsoil pH and productivity of deep acid (Wodjil) sand.

Liebe Group
2007 Latham WA
Research organisaton
Deep ripping and deep placement of lime

To improve grain production by ameliorating subsurface compaction and subsurface acidity.

Liebe Group
2005 Latham WA
Research organisaton
Barley tolerance to acid/aluminium

To evaluate tolerance of barley to acid and aluminium toxicity.

Liebe Group
2006 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton
Comparison of pre-seeding applications of gypsum/dolomite, high-cal and lime

To investigate the effect on wheat yield between applications of a gypsum/dolomite mix, high-cal product and lime, and also to compare the long term effects the three products have on soil acidity

Liebe Group
2006 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton
Deep ripping and deep placement of lime

To improve grain production by ameliorating subsurface compaction and subsurface acidity.

Liebe Group
2005 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton
Early maturing barley, Testing Stages 3 and 4

To evaluate early maturing barley varieties.

Liebe Group
2006 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton
Wheat variety testing on acid soils

To evaluate wheat varieties grown on acid soils.

Liebe Group
2006 Kalannie WA
Research organisaton
Soil health satelitte site, Kalannie

To establish if the current wheat yield could reach potential yield by extra N fertilisation and to identify potential constraints of 8 Satellite Sites throughout the Liebe area

Liebe Group
2003 Goodlands WA
Research organisaton
Legumes for Profitability in the Esperance Port Zone

This project set out to contribute to an understanding of legume agronomic and financial management in the Esperance Port Zone in an effort to support the decision-making process undertaken by growers in deciding the best crop sequence for their farms, including which break crop best suits their needs.

This project aims to:

  1. Contribute to the agronomic understanding of best practice pulse agronomy in the EPZ.
  2. Contribute to the financial decision-making process undertaken by growers in deciding the best crop sequence for their farms, including which break crop is the best option to suit their needs.
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association
2018 Gibson WA
Research organisaton
Lime, gypsum and dolomite for acid soils

To investigate the effects of lime, gypsum and dolomite for wheat and lupin production on an acid soil.

Liebe Group
2004 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Mouldboard plough on Wodjil soil demonstration

To evaluate the effects of mouldboard ploughing on yield on poor performing wodjil soil.

Liebe Group
2012 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Response to Pr-70 in wheat

To determine whether the seed inoculant, Pr-70, is economical on acid sands at Jibberding. The inoculant will be used in conjunction with increasing rates of phosphorus to determine the most profitable return for farmers in the region.

Liebe Group
2003 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
TM21 demonstration trials

To determine if there are benefits from the application of the biological based product ‘TM21’ developed by Basic Environmental Systems and Technology (B.E.S.T).

Liebe Group
2008 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
TM21 demonstration trials

To determine if there are benefits from the application of the biological based product ‘TM21’ developed by Basic Environmental Systems and Technology (B.E.S.T).

Liebe Group
2008 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Zorro® cereal seed treatment in wheat

To determine if there are benefits from the application of the cereal seed treatment, Zorro in Wyalkatchem wheat.

Liebe Group
2008 East Wubin WA
Research organisaton
Amelioration of subsoil acidity

To investigate amelioration of subsoil acidity through topdressing higher rates of lime and combining lime with gypsum.

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Graveyard trial

To evaluate the effect on wheat yield and quality of applying ameliorants at depth on a Wodjil soil (Graveyard Trial).

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Potential to increase wheat yield on acid sands

To establish the potential to increase wheat yield on acid sands at East Maya.

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Soil health satelitte site, East Maya

To establish if the current wheat yield could reach potential yield by extra N fertilisation and to identify potential constraints of 8 Satellite Sites throughout the Liebe area

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Soil health satelitte site, Latham

To establish if the current wheat yield could reach potential yield by extra N fertilisation and to identify potential constraints of 8 Satellite Sites throughout the Liebe area

Liebe Group
2003 East Maya WA
Research organisaton
Liebe Group soil health project - lime trial

To investigate the acidity profile in 2003 and 2004 of a lime trial conducted in 1986 by Aglime Australia. Does lime moved down the soil profile?

Liebe Group
2004 East Carnamah WA
Research organisaton
Soil health satellite site, Carnamah

To establish if the current wheat yield could reach potential yield by extra N fertilisation and to identify potential constraints of 8 Satellite Sites throughout the Liebe area

Liebe Group
2003 East Carnamah WA
Research organisaton
Breeding lucerne for the southern Australian cropping districts

To develop lucerne cultivars, specifically for the southern Australian cropping districts, that are compatible with existing farming systems as well as being productive and persistent. The breeding program is focusing on improving tolerance to acidic soils, persistent grazing and establishment with companion crops

Liebe Group
2003 Buntine WA
Research organisaton
Pasture trials on the Marlo Plains, Victoria

To present research into the development of new country for pastures in east Gippsland Victoria.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1954 Auchmore VIC
Research organisaton
Sensitivity of principal pasture and crop species to soil acidity

To present a review of trace element nutrition and the growth of crops and pastures in acid soils.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1979 University of Adelaide SA
Research organisaton
The response in seed yield of lucerne to foliar applications of manganese

To examine the effect of foliar manganese application on lucerne grown on manganese deficient soil.

South Australian Research and Development Institute
1988 Keith SA
Research organisaton
Improving Crop Germination and Establishment of all Grains, Especially Canola when Dealing with Non-wetting Soils, Heavy Stubble Loads and Different Stubble Type

To demonstrate the effectiveness of liquid surfactants and related application methods at seeding on crop performance on non-wetting soils with differing stubble loads and types in the Albany, Esperance and Kwinana West port zones.

Soil Carbon Co
2020 Newdegate
Research organisaton