To investigate the effects of rates and granule size of copper containing superphosphate on wheat yields grown on yello9w brown gravelly soil
To determine if there are benefits from the application of the biological based product ‘TM21’ developed by Basic Environmental Systems and Technology (B.E.S.T).
To determine if there are benefits from the application of the biological based product ‘TM21’ developed by Basic Environmental Systems and Technology (B.E.S.T).
To examine how two different plant populations and five different nitrogen timings influence the structure, yield and quality of the barley crop canopy in a 1st cereal situation after the break crop.
To examine how two different plant populations and five different nitrogen timings influence the structure, yield and quality of the barley crop canopy in a first cereal situation.
To quantify nitrogen leaf uptake when applying UAN with and without follow-up rain; and to determine the effect of streaming versus standard nozzles on nitrogen leaf uptake.
To economically rebuild many of the characteristics of a soil that will improve the viability of the farming system in this dry land cropping enterprise.
To investigate the tolerance of barley genotypes to manganese-deficient calcarious soil on Eyre Peninsula.
To establish the relative tolerance of triticale, wheat and rye to zinc and copper deficiency at a range soil pH.
A demonstration site to compare different seeding machinery in tough conditions and through a range of soil types.
To look at the effectiveness of top-dressed urea on canola and the importance of timing prior to rainfall.
The aim of these nearest neighbour demonstration sites was to investigate the most profitable nitrogen application rates for different regions of the state.
To provide localised data on optimum plant density for 6 different varieties of field peas.
To provide localised data on the yield and quality response of released and near release wheat lines at Nyngan, Tottenham, Euabalong and Rankins Springs
To investigate the production, management and profitability of three different pulse crops.
To present a review of trace element disorders in South Australian agriculture.
Assess the response of faba bean and lentil to trace elements cross variable soil types within a paddock
To look at the potential benefits of applying additional nutrients as foliar sprays during the season, and we also investigated an alternative nutrient product called Hibrix.
To investigate what macro and micro nutrients are required in order to increase grain yield using a fluid system.
To investigate the possible yield response in wheat to zinc and copper on the lighter soils in the Cavendish area.
To ascertain the amount and availability of N under varying stubble management practices and soil environments.
To measure the trade-off between medic pasture growth and yield of a following cereal crop, with different termination timing of the medic pasture.
To quantify the benefits of Tramline Farming in a low rainfall area.
This article summarises the first four years of crop performance after trafficking was imposed on a red calcareous sandy loam at Minnipa Agricultural Centre (a detailed summary of 2015, 2016 and 2017 results can be found in the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summaries, respectively). Three other trials similar in design and m… read more
To compare the performance of a controlled traffic system against a conventional traffic system.
The Transitioning Family Farming Businesses project proposed to facilitate a discussion in the WA grains industry regarding its future industry development requirements around the establishment of farm advisory boards. It did this through the delivery of:
• Needs analysis of the Australian grains industry regarding the development of… read more
Why do the trial?
There are around 5 million hectares of sandy soils under agricultural production in the low to medium rainfall areas of south-eastern Australia. These soils have multiple constraints limiting production including water repellence, soil acidity, compaction and low organic carbon levels leading to poor biological cycling… read more
To determine suitable tine spacing and lime products for deep banding of lime to treat subsurface acidity.
To test a suitable relatively quick and cost-effective method of ameliorating subsurface acidity.
To provide information about trends and costs in production.
To investigate the control of brome and barley grass in Meering wheat and Balleon barley.
To assess different management strategies for blackleg, while assessing Prosaro as the only foliar in crop option in canola for blackleg management.
To evaluate a number of breeder's lines with commercial varieties to determine the most suitable triazine tolerant lines for the high rainfall zone in the south west.
To determine the best suited TT canola varieties for the Southern Mallee environment.
To compare triazine tolerant canola varieties.
To evaluate the efficacy of some of the common pre-emergent herbicide mixtures for ryegrass control in wheat.
To investigate pre-sowing and post sowing pre-emergent options for the control of Group A resistant ryegrass.
To determine safe ways of using higher rates of Trifluralin.
To investigate optimum safe trifluralin rates and water rates in wheat on canola stubble.
The aim of this trial work was to determine whether there are differences in wheat varieties in tolerance to trifluralin. The work was carried out over three seasons (1998 to 2000).
To discuss trifluralin tolerance of three cereal varieties.
To invetigate
To investigate new and crop 'safe' techniques for using trifluralin.
To investigate the effects of seeding rate and nitrogen rate on triticale.
To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of triticale grown after wheat.
To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of triticale grown after wheat.
To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of triticale grown after wheat.
To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of triticale grown after wheat.
To determine the suitabiiyt of 10 commercial and experimental 'early flowering' triticale lines with possible suitability to the Geelong environment.
To evaluate new and existing triticale varieties.
To evaluate which varieties of triticale yield well on ‘wodjil’ soils which have low subsoil pH and aluminum toxicity.
To further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
To further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
To compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material with stripe rust resistance.
To evaluate a number of varieties that are either commercially available or close to commercial release that may be suitable for the growing conditions in the south east of Victoria.
To evaluate a number of varieties that are either commercially available or close to commercial release that may be suitable for growing conditions in the south east of Victoria.
To compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new material with stripe rust resistance.
To evaluate a number of commercially available triticale varieties for yield and grain quality.
To further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
To further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
To further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
The aim of this trial was to further compare existing triticale varieties and evaluate new breeding material.
To determine the performance of triticale varieties, a crop species uncommon in these low rainfall regions
of Central West NSW.
To report on sowing times on heads of spring-sown canola and wheat.
The purpose of the trial was to compare growth rates and dry matter production of alternative pastures with traditional medic pastures
To compare a standard practice of an upfront MAP fertiliser only, to this same rate of MAP plus a Twin N foliar application.
To evaluate whether TwinN could enable reductions in urea rates without loss of yield in wheat in the medium-high rainfall Victorian wheat region.
The GRDC Low Rainfall Crop Sequencing project is identifying the effects that different break crops and rotations have on Mallee farming systems. Farmers have increasingly adopted continuous cereal cropping strategies as non-cereal crops are perceived as riskier than cereals due to greater yield and price fluctuations. However, break phases can … read more
The aim of this project was to test if including one or two-year break phases in low rainfall crop sequences could successfully address agronomic constraints to increase the productivity of subsequent cereal crops and improve the profitability of the long term crop sequence when compared to maintaining continuous cereal
To investigate whether liquid N as UAN is a better and more reliable source of N compared to using granular urea.
To repeat trials from 2004 to confirm confidence in findings that UAN can be used as an in-crop fertiliser in Victoria.
To provide the UAV rhizo summary.
To evaluate new and existing udon noodle wheat varieties.
To test future and existing Udon wheat varieties.
To conduct a wheat variety evaluation.
To conduct an evaluation of new and existing wheat varieties with AH and APW classification.
To conduct an evaluation of new and existing udon noodle wheat varieties.
To assess the potential to use Ultra High Pressure (UHP) liquid injection technology to apply an ultra low soil disturbance UAN sideband into cropping soils and test whether UHP injection of UAN is a viable alternative N application method for the future.
To understand the stages of resistance development within wild radish populations and to develop strategies from a grower’s perspective for growing weed free crops in the presence of resistant radish.
To (i) improve the understanding of how soil moisture probes and Yield Prophet can be used to complement each other; (ii) increase the range of APSoil soil type selections in Yield Prophet by modifying existing soil types based on the probe data; (iii) provide growers with access to real-time soil moisture data and periodic Yield Prophet repor… read more
To investigate options to increase canola profitability and reduce production risk with tactical agronomy advice underpinned by physiological insights.
To improve the water use efficiency of canola, through early sowing and correct variety selection.
This research identified the plant traits most likely to determine differences in external critical phosphorus (P) requirements (i.e. the soil extractable-P concentration required to achieve 90% of maximum yield) of pasture legume species. Understanding trait differences that affect critical P requirements of pasture legumes is important in prov… read more
To provide information about understanding maps.
To gain an understanding of production benefits of clay incorporation and the role of organic matter in sandy soils.
Understanding return on investment of sub-surface water management options for waterlogged areas in the Western Region.
This investment aims to assist growers in making informed decisions around construction of drainage to reduce the impacts of waterlogging on crop production and farm profitability. This will be achieved through grow… read more
This trial aims to assist growers in making informed decisions around the construction of sub-surface drainage to reduce the impacts of waterlogging on crop production and farm profitability. By 2024, 45% of growers whose properties are affected by waterlogging will have a good understanding of the yield benefits and time to return on investment… read more
To provide information relating to managing sclerotinia stem rot in canola.
To increase grower and adviser understanding of: (i) tools available for better crop management decisions; (ii) soil water relationships and plant available water capacity (PAWC); and (iii) influence of seasonal conditions and PAWC on crop yield potential.
To compare and showcase a range of strategic tillage options for amelioration of shallow sandy duplex soils (Sand over clay/gravel) and to assess their effectiveness at overcoming a range of soil constraints including topsoil water repellence and Compaction and increasing crop productivity over a period of 4-5 years.
To present research information available on role of foliar fungicide mixtures with new chemistry against barley LR in a variety with known APR.
There are a range of machinery options that can provide different levels of lime incorporation such as spading. However, research to date on rotary spaders has shown soil/amendment mixing is not uniform due to the cyclical process, and the mixing quality reduces significantly at faster speed (Ucgul et al. 2019). This trial aimed to understand ho… read more
To understand the impact of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling on disease suppression.
To compare and showcase the broad range of strategic tillage options for amelioration of yellow sandplain soils and to assess their effectiveness at overcoming a range of soil constraints including non-wetting soil surface, compaction and subsoil acidity and increasing crop productivity.
To investigate how nutrient interactions influence yield response. Specifically, if:
To investigate whether we could show any affect on field wheat yield after just one hot day.
To understand wheat phenology, in particular flowering response to sowing time.
1. Understanding wheat variety by disease management interactions in the Gippsland sub region.
2. To demonstrate the time of sowing of current and new varieties.
3. To assess fungicide treatments on various wheat varieties at key growth stages to evaluate fungicide performance to plan genetic disease ratings.