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To identify key soil indicators for sustained agricultural production.

None: No crop specified 6 trials Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
Birchip, VIC Charlton, VIC Dookie, VIC Elmore, VIC Rutherglen, VIC Walpeup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To improve the management of grain crops in the Mallee region of Victoria using precision agricultural technology: and more specifically, to improve the understanding of the causes of spatial variability within a paddock and its interaction with seasonal conditions as this knowledge is regarded as essential to developing appropriate management s… read more

Grain Legume: Lentils 1 trial Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
Jil JIl, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the impact of soil nutrition, current herbicides, adjuvants and rhizobial inoculants on nitrogen (N) fixation by medics under field conditions typical of the upper Eyre Peninsula. 

Forage: Medic 2 trials Crop Crop Type Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
Piednippie, SA Pingbong, SA Red sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the impact of soil nutrition, current herbicides, adjuvants and rhizobial inoculants on N fixation by medics under field conditions typical of the upper Eyre Peninsula. 

Forage: Medic 2 trials Crop Crop Type Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
Piednippie, SA Pingbong, SA Grey calcareous sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The broad aim of this 3 year SAGIT funded project was to investigate if current management tools for medic based pastures, such as herbicides, fertilisers and rhizobial inoculants, are affecting N fixation by medic pastures under field conditions typical of the upper Eyre Peninsula.

Forage: Medic 3 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Piednippie, SA Pingbong, SA Grey calcareous sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To raise industry awareness of imi-tolerant barley as a potential tool for integrated weed management in Victoria and South Australian Mallee.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Woomelang, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess comparative effect of anthracnose on yield and seed infection in a range of varieties and advanced lupin breeding lines.

Grain Legume: Lupins 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Badgingarra, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


  • To determine the impacts of Biochar on crop yield.
  • To determine how Biochar influences plant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrogen mineralization.
  • To compare the effectiveness of different methods of applying Biochar to the soil.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Nutrition
Buntine, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To determine the impacts of biochar on crop yield.
  • To determine how biochar influences plant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrogen mineralization.
  • To compare the effectiveness of different methods of applying biochar to the soil.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Type
Buntine, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine the impacts of biochar on crop yield,2.To compare the effectiveness of different methods of applying biochar to the soil.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Application Method
Buntine, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


Can systems performance be improved by modifying farming systems in the northern grains region? Specifically, what impact do crop species and crop sequences have on soil- and stubble-borne pathogens?

Narrabri, NSW Spring Ridge, NSW Trangie, NSW Billa Billa, QLD Emerald, QLD Mungindi, QLD Pampas, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


Can systems performance be improved by modifying farming systems in thenorthern grains region? What are the impacts of crops and crop sequences on soil water accumulation and use?

Grain Legume: Chickpeas Grain Legume: Faba beans Grain Legume: Mung beans 54 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation
Narrabri, NSW Spring Ridge, NSW Trangie, NSW Billa Billa, QLD Emerald, QLD Mungindi, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


With larger seeding programs, increased summer weed control to conserve soil moisture and more variable autumn rainfall patterns, more growers Australia-wide are moving toward dry sowing.

On upper Eyre Peninsula in 2017 and 2018, seed was placed in the soil for many weeks with limited soil moisture, some seed still germinated but the d… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
Cungena, SA Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Streaky Bay, SA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine the potential toxicity of the fungicide P-Pickel T (PPT) to rhizobia applied as a commercial inoculant (peat and freeze-dried) on field pea (R. leguminosarum, group F) in field conditions in a soil with a low rhizobial background.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Minnipa, SA Red sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To test the impact of adding gypsum, lime or fertilisers to the subsoil.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement
Stokes Bay Road,
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To test the impact of adding gypsum, lime or fertilisers to the subsoil of a profile typical for the Vivonne Bay environment but in a situation which usually gets very wet, and is designed to run for at least two years.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement
MacGillivray, SA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


The GRDC project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ aims to produce sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved is increased knowledge … read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Sowing Sowing Method Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To investigate rotary spading and other soil amelioration techniques on yellow sandplain soils west of Moora.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Engineering Engineering Tillage Soil Preparation Soil Improvement
Dandaragan, WA Yellow sandplain
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To evaluate the impact of soil disturbance on soil water capture and subsequent crop production.

Cereal (Grain): Sorghum 1 trial Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage
Goondiwindi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Type
Moora, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


Other: Not specified 1 trial Adverse Effects Management Adverse Effects Management Waterlogging Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate
Cliffords Block, SA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the impact of summer cropping on subsequent winter crop (wheat yield). To dtermine nitrogen (N) response of wheat following summer crops.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Rotation Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
Pine Lodge, VIC Sandy clay loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To compare soil moisture, soil nitrogen and profitability of five different vetch end-use treatments from 2012, sown to wheat in 2013.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate
Birchip, VIC Clay loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine how mouldboard ploughing (soil inversion), rotary spading and banded wetting agent affect the availability of soil nutrients.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Properties Soil Improvement
Badgingarra, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To examine the effect of two sowing dates on final Pt populations in a range of durum, bread wheat and barley varieties near Tulloona in north-western NSW in 2015.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Durum 3 trials Crop Crop Variety Pest Management Pest Management Nematodes/other soil borne insects Sowing Sowing Timing
Tulloona, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To investigate two management strategies applicable to the Mid-North region that could influence nutrient stratification.

None: No crop specified 5 trials Soil Improvement Soil Soil Testing method
, , SA Hacklins Corner, SA Redhill, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the impact of different seeding systems on crop establishment in water repellent soil.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement Sowing Sowing Method
Badgingarra, WA Sandy gravel
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To promote the sowing of persistent perennial grasses on Kangaroo Island properties to:
• improve ground cover in late summer, autumn and winter, and to
• increase pasture water use to minimize soil acidification and salinisation.

Cereal: Mixed species 3 trials Management systems Management systems Mixed farming
Playford Hwy, SA Stokes Bay, SA Vivonne Bay, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To conduct pasture trials and assess for plant density, plant size/vigor and basal cover.

Cereal: Mixed species 3 trials Crop Crop Type
Middle River, SA Playford Hwy, SA Vivonne Bay, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To investigate perennial pasture for Kangaroo Island.

Cereal: Mixed species 3 trials Management systems Management systems Mixed farming
Playford Hwy, SA Stokes Bay, SA Vivonne Bay, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To provide grain growers across the south east (SE) region with access to real-time soil moisture data through a website that pulls together information from the existing MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) network and the South East Natural Resource Management (SENRM) weather station network.

Cereal (Grain): Oats Cereal (Grain): Wheat Grain Legume: Faba beans 9 trials Sowing Sowing Method Stubble Stubble Management
Bordertown, SA Keith, SA Millicent, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To investigate water repellence mitigation options at seeding. The trial aims to identify the driving chemistries (surfactants vs humectants) and application techniques (furrow surface, vs seed zone) that are better able to lift crop responses under local sowing conditions. This article reports on the Year 1 data, with more work being planned f… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Application Method Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Timing Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Type
Murlong, SA Deep sand over clay sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


  • To determine the spatial variability of crop production within paddocks.
  • To estimate the amount of water which is not being used by the crop.
  • To develop agronomic solutions to increase water use and reduce the amount of water bypassing the root system of a crop.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Farm operations Farm operations Economics Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture Soil Properties Soil Properties Type Technology Technology Other
Quambatook, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To discuss how to improve ecological function in vegetation remnants.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Management systems Management systems Land Management / ecosystems
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To evaluate adaptive farm systems using a case study farm and then to develop simple approaches which farmers can use to help their decision making, especially in the fact of continuing uncertain seasons and profit margins.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Cereal: Mixed species Grain Legume: Field peas Cereal (Grain): Barley 5 trials Farm operations Farm operations Economics Farm operations Farm operations Risk Management
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


This paper reports 2019 results from a subsoil amelioration experiment aimed at minimising the yield gap on sodic subsoils by treating them with various organic and inorganic amendments in pelletised form

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement
Rand, NSW, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


  • To address emerging weed issues in the Southern Region, identifying why these issues are arising through targeted biological and ecological studies on emerging weed species and providing practical recommendations where possible.
  • To develop a standard protocol for determining soil disturbance by disc seeders for use by industry… read more

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type Management systems Management systems Integrated weed management
Temora, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To identify within paddock variability (subsoil limitations) and its effects on production and recharge.
  • To identify different paddock ‘zones’ and the effect of rainfall (amount and distribution) on production.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Management systems Management systems Land Management / ecosystems Technology Technology Modelling
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the impact of grazing, soil nutrition and rhizobial inoculants on dry matter production, nodulation and N2-fixation of a regenerating medic pasture under field conditions.

Forage: Medic 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Piednippie, SA Grey calcareous sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To discuss alternative options to increase organic matter; improve soil properties and provide additional non-chemical control options for weed management, whilst providing a break crop effect.

University of Western Australia, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To investigate improvements for pre-emergent herbicide spray coverage in stubble retention systems.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Stubble Stubble Management
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


This trial is conducted to investigate the value of nitrogen on the profitability of new wheat varieties in early and late sowings in fallow/wheat system at Wongan Hills

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Sowing Sowing Timing
Wongan Hills, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To look at the effectiveness of placing lime at depth.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Application Method Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Type
Timber Creek Road, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To look at the effectiveness of placing lime at depth.

Cereal: Mixed species 1 trial Soil Improvement
Timber Creek Road, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


With larger seeding programs, increased summer weed control to conserve soil moisture and more variable autumn rainfall patterns, many growers Australia wide are continuing to dry-sow. More traditionally, growers may have previously ‘dabbled a little’ in dry-sowing and are observing with interest the successes and failures of dry-sowing syst… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Sowing Sowing Dry sown Sowing Sowing Sown into moisture
Cungena, SA Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Streaky Bay, SA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


Aimed at identifying factors limiting the production and nitrogen fixation of pulse crops grown on acidic soils in the high rainfall zone (HRZ) grain production regions of south eastern Australia with a long-term average annual rainfall above 500 mm.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Soil Improvement
Wickliffe, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To develop productive and sustainable cropping systems for the alkaline sodic soils in the Wimmera and southern Mallee.

Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Chickpeas 2 trials Soil Improvement Stubble Stubble Management
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To report on the development of a rhizobium strain which is able to nodulate with lucerne at lower pH.

Forage: Lucerne 6 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Nutrition
Cygnet RIver, Kersbrook, SA McLaren Flat, SA Mount Gambier, SA Barnawatha, VIC Boorhaman, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To build an understanding of the current nitrogen use efficiency of four soil types in the Northern Agricultural Region of WA
  • To understand how efficiently applied nitrogen is used in the soil.
  • To educate growers and advisors on how to improve nitrogen use efficiency through a greater understanding of the soil water… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Mingenew, WA Morawa, WA Ogilvie, WA Tenindewa, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by continuing with trials established at 4 sites in 2008 on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Grain Legume: Field peas 12 trials Management systems Management systems Other
, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by continuing with trials established at 4 sites in 2008 on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Condowie, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To use a thick layer of cereal straw maintained within the growing season to focus on reducing the amount of moisture lost to soil evaporation. 

, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To use a thick layer of cereal straw maintained within the growing season to focus on reducing the amount of moisture lost to soil evaporation.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Management systems Management systems Other
, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by continuing with trials established at 4 sites in 2008 on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Management systems Management systems Other
, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by establishing four sites on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat 8 trials Management systems Management systems Other
, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by establishing four sites on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Condowie, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by establishing four sites on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by establishing four sites on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks.

, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the reasons for these differences in WUE by continuing with trials established at 4 sites in 2008 on different soil types and rainfall zones in selected grower paddocks. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Management systems Management systems Other
, , SA Condowie, SA Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate second adaptive traits (their yield, how to measure them and how to implement them into the breeding program) for grain legume drought tolerance.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Adverse Effects Management Adverse Effects Management Drought
Minnipa, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


Evaluate Lokomotive as an in season foliar potassium source for correcting potassium deficiency and compare to muriate of potash (MOP).

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Moora, WA Sandplain
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons


To investigate in-crop nitrogen timing and product choice for wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Type
Hopetoun, VIC Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


The aims of the PA component of the GRDC Stubble project were to:

• deliver a pilot project to understand how soil parameters, including PAW, vary across a paddock and understand
whether current PA datasets can correlate with PAW

• connect variations in soil moisture with nitrogen supply

• demonstrate t… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
Yarrawonga, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the response of wheat (yield and protein) in different paddock management zones to in-season application of nitrogen fertiliser, using the Yield Prophet system as a guide.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
West Buntine, WA Various
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the response of wheat (yield and protein) in different paddock management zones to in-season application of nitrogen fertiliser, using the Yield Prophet system as a guide.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
West Maya, WA Various
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons


To improve the adoption of liming practices in the medium to high rainfall zone of Western Australia by demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits of lime application and incorporation.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Properties Soil Properties Type
Kojonup, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To improve the adoption of liming practices in the medium to high rainfall zone of Western Australia by demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits of lime application and incorporation.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement
Kojonup, WA Forest gravel
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


The aim of this trial was to determine potential grain yield loss from a late grazing (cutting) relative to the increased grazing production.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Grazing Grazing Timing
Epping Forest, TAS
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine which soil tests and tissue tests could be used to increase the likelihood of profitable responses from the application of nitrogen to wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To reduce soil acidity at depth (i.e. 10-30cm) from banded prilled carbonate.
  • To increase crop uptake of fertiliser from banded lime treatments, especially prilled humate and VAM seed dressing.
  • To reduce sub-soil lime input costs by using prilled instead of liquid lime products.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Application Method Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Type
Nyabing, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Low rainfall
Research organisaton
Funding source


To comment on increasing economic returns of agronomic management using precision agriculture.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Farm operations Farm operations Economics Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate the use of Gamma Radiometrics in SA. 

None: No crop specified 5 trials Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
Coomandook, SA Edillilie, SA Hart, SA Kimba, SA Padthaway, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To report on investigations on increasing economic returns of agronomic management using
precision agriculture.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Farm operations Farm operations Economics Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


This project assists farmers in adopting improved stubble management practices by comparing the performance of two stubble
systems – full incorporation and a no-till approach – to demonstrate the impacts of each system on soil health, water penetration and crop performance.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Dunkeld, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To test the hypothesis that incorporation of the carbon rich stubble into the soil will not necessarily increase the humus content of the soil and compare it with other stubble management systems and in particular examining the impact these systems have on the soils organic matter levels over a period of time.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Dunkeld, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The aim of the project was to increase the understanding and awareness of how spatial measurement tools (EM38 mapping, Imagery data, RTK Elevation Data & Yield Mapping) can be utilised to identify variations in soil capabilities & to then demonstrate how management can potentially be changed over these areas & the economics of implementing these… read more

Grain Legume: Broad beans 6 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Form Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture Soil Improvement Soil Improvement Rate Sowing Sowing Rate
Bordertown, SA Conmurra, SA Coonawarra, SA Padthaway, SA Apsley, VIC Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To (i) ground truth through statistical analysis of small plot trials current practices of leading farmers in regards to the use of Variable Rate Technology (VRT), predictive yield modelling and nutrition modelling in improving water use efficiency and hence profitability; (ii) address the hypothesis that greater return on investment can be achi… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Allanooka, WA Yarragadee, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The purpose of this laboratory-based incubation experiment was to determine if an upper limit to Organic Carbon accumulation in soil was approached with increasing C input in basalt- and granite-derived soils.

Other: Not specified 1 trial Soil Properties Soil Properties Type Soil Improvement
Monaro, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the influence of additional Potassium fertiliser (Potassium Sulphate) used in crop on grain yield, tissue and grain concentration on soil with adequate K indices.

Cereal (Grain): Maize 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
Kerang, VIC Clay
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the influence of additional Potassium fertiliser (Potassium Sulphate) used in crop on grain yield, tissue and grain concentration on soil with adequate K indices.

Cereal (Grain): Maize 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
Yenda, NSW Red brown earth
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of two commonly used PGRs on root growth. It was hypothesised that if root growth modification occurred due to PGR application it would be a result of either the PGR altering the allometric balance between roots and shoots; a modification of the allocation of photoassimilates between th… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Growth regulator Growth regulator Application Method Growth regulator Growth regulator Type
Wagga Wagga, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To establish the interaction between nitrogen and timing and the need for fungicide management.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Longerenong, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


This trial is part of larger GRDC funded project, which examines whether lower plant populations and later timed nitrogen approaches are suited to the HRZ in Australia, it also examines whether these techniques which were principally established for wheat can be used in malting barley, where high protein can be undesirable.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Sowing Sowing Rate
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the effect of crop stubble management and seeding system on pre-emergent herbicide behaviour and crop safety.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Timing Sowing Sowing Method Stubble Stubble Management
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


Research on the mainland has shown that sowing lentils in the inter-row in wheat stubble encourages the plant to grow taller in pursuit of sunlight, enabling easier harvest for what is normally a short crop. Although broad beans can be a tall crop, the bottom pods contain the largest beans as these set the earliest and thus have the longest time… read more

Grain Legume: Broad beans Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Type Stubble Stubble Management
MacGillivray, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


A new project being conducted by the Irrigated Cropping Council, NSW DPI, Deakin University, Murray Local Land Service and Precision Agriculture, with financial support from GRDC, started in July 2014. The long-term objective is to ‘increase grain 
production and profitability from surface irrigated soils in the GRDC Southern Region by… read more

Southern NSW DPI offices, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


  • To identify suitable machinery for deep nutrient placement with economic and practical potential.
  • To evaluate the potential of injecting fluid fertilisers into soil using high pressure.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Wharminda, SA
Trial Report Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Storm damage
Research organisaton
Funding source


The expected outcome of the project is that by 2021, growers in the MRZ of the South East and their advisors will have access to new relevant information on diverse crop rotations and integrated farming systems, particularity the incorporation of a pasture phase. 

Bordertown, SA Sherwood, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
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To examine whether integrating row placement, stubble management, chickpea row spacing and a ground engaging tool would affect Fp incidence and grain yield in wheat in a chickpea–wheat sequence grown under a zero-tillage system. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Grain Legume: Chickpeas 6 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Tamworth Agricultural Institute, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
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To test the viability of establishing lucerne pastures in areas where they have not been traditionally grown.

Forage: Lucerne 4 trials Crop Crop Type
Mooney's Gap, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
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To determine how soil inversion and banded surfactants change the availability of soil nutrients.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Soil Properties Soil Improvement
Badgingarra, WA Deep yellow sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
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To report on interactions between management practices and soil biota in northern farming systems.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Management systems Management systems Land Management / ecosystems
Condobolin, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
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This experiment has attempted to use rainfall timing (imitated by overhead irrigation) to mitigate the negative weather impacts on
dry matter production both before and after flowering in an early and late summer TOS. A wide gap between TOS was deliberately
used to create the largest contrast in weather conditions that the cro… read more

Grain Legume: Mung beans 2 trials Crop Crop Type Sowing Sowing Timing
Emerald, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


In Western Australia, break crop options are currently limited and there is a high proportion of wheat and barley grown in rotation. Cereal crops account for 60-70% of paddocks sown in any one year, with the remaining area sown to a range of crop and pasture types including canola, lupin, clover, volunteer pasture, or left as fallow. In addition… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation
Merredin, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
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To improve knowledge around the ability of sorghum to efficiently use applied irrigation water. 

Cereal (Grain): Sorghum 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Gunnedah, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
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The key aims of this project have been to develop agronomic guidelines and seeding technology solutions which can allow for increased stubble retention practices, thereby reducing the dependence on burning.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Harvest Harvest Method Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage Sowing Sowing Row Spacing Stubble Stubble Management
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To understand the impact of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling on disease suppression.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Hay: Vetch Cereal (Grain): Barley 8 trials Crop Crop Type Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa, SA Poochera, SA Grey calcareous sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Research organisaton
Funding source


To understand the impact of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling on disease suppression.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 6 trials Crop Crop Type Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa, SA Poochera, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton