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To Increase producer awareness of the potential issues and management strategies to deal with oestrogenic clover.

Hay: Clover 2 trials No Treatment
Furner, SA Kangaroo Island, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To quantify the main factors limiting grain yield in a water-repellent sandy gravel soil.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Properties
Badgingarra, WA Gravelly sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To report on a case study of lessons learned about growing perennial pastures.

Bunbury, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To completely review the standard approach to the sheep enterprise.

None: No crop specified 1 trial Livestock Management systems Management systems Mixed farming
Port Lincoln, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To report on a three year strategy to manage clethodim resistant ryegrass without oaten hay.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Field peas 4 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation Herbicide Herbicide Type
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To discuss abiotic stresses of cool season pulses in Australia.

Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To present results from the large plot focus farm trials of the Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble in the Riverine Plains region project, which where to

  • investigate, demonstrate and extend cultural practices that will assist growers to adopt no-till stubble retention (NTSR) in medium and highe… read more
Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 8 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Stubble Stubble Management
Coreen, NSW Henty, NSW Dookie, VIC Yarrawonga, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Cereal (Grain): Barley 4 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Stubble Stubble Management
Corowa, NSW Henty, NSW Dookie, VIC Yarrawonga, VIC Red brown earth
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


The project seeks to:

  • investigate, demonstrate and extend cultural practices that will assist growers to adopt no-till stubble retention (NTSR) in medium and higher-rainfall environments;
  • build on findings from the previous Riverine Plains Inc. Water Use Efficiency (WUE) project; and
  • extend the fr… read more
Cereal (Grain): Barley Oilseed: Canola Cereal (Grain): Wheat 4 trials Crop Crop Rotation Stubble Stubble Management
Corowa, NSW Henty, NSW Dookie, VIC Yarrawonga, VIC Red brown earth none Red loam over medium clay Loam over clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The project seeks to:

  • investigate, demonstrate and extend cultural practices that will assist growers to adopt no-till stubble retention (NTSR) in medium and higher-rainfall environments;
  • build on findings from the previous Riverine Plains Inc. Water Use Efficiency (WUE) project; and
  • extend the fr… read more
Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 3 trials Crop Crop Rotation Stubble Stubble Management
Coreen, NSW Dookie, VIC Yarrawonga, VIC Not specified Red loam over medium clay Loam over clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To define the expression of adult plant resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage.
  • To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the str… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Lake Bolac, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


• To define the expression of Adult Plant Resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage.
• To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the strateg… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Westmere, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To define the expression of Adult Plant Resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage. 
  • To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the s… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To explore adult plant resistance and strategic fungicide use for integrated management of cereal rust

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Bordertown, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To benchmark yield potential across a range of growing environments in the NGR of NSW, over two consecutive seasons, and to quantify the impact of genotype, management and environment on yield.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Pest Management Pest Management Fungal Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Timing
Trangie Agricultural Research Centre, NSW Vertisol Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


The aim of this research was to benchmark yield potential across a range of growing environments in the NGR over two consecutive seasons, and to quantify the effect genotype (G), management (M) and environment (E) had on yield.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 6 trials Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Management systems Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Timing
Mullaley, ACT Nowley, NSW Tamarang, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


The aim of this trial was to investiage the best management practices for the production of Biscuit wheats. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Herbicide Herbicide Application Method
Watchupga East, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine the agronomic response of sorghum to N management, to help develop more robust soil test/crop response guidelines. 

Cereal (Grain): Sorghum 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate
Terry Hie Hie, NSW Vertisol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


Determine the value of nitrogenand fungicide on the profitability of new wheat varieties with different disease resistances in wheat on wheat system.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Binnu, WA Yellow deep sand
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine the value of nitrogen and fungicide on the profitability of new wheat varieties with different disease resistances in wheat on wheat system.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Corrigin, WA Sandy
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To consolidate information and provide guidelines for best bet management of canola sown at or before mid-April.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Binnu, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To consolidate information and provide guidelines for best bet management of canola sown at or before mid-April.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Type Sowing Sowing Timing
Wongan Hills, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate yields and quality of new and existing wheat and barley varieties and their response to N.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Crop Crop Nutrition
Buntine, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To compare the production of different winter pastures and their recovery from grazing.

Culgoa, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To evaluate commercially available Foliar applied stubble breakdown products.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Stubble Stubble Management
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


Grain Legume: Faba beans Grain Legume: Chickpeas Grain Legume: Field peas Grain Legume: Lupins 4 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Mininera, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Bullarah, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Gilgandra, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Spring Ridge, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Yallaroi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate management options and determine the yield and grain quality impacts of aphids in wheat, durum and barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Cereal (Grain): Durum 3 trials Insecticide Insecticide Rate Insecticide Insecticide Type Management systems
Bellata, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate management options and determine the yield and grain quality impacts of aphids in wheat, durum and barley.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Bongeen, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Type Insecticide Insecticide Rate Insecticide Insecticide Type Pest Management Pest Management Aphids
Bullarah, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Durum 3 trials Crop Crop Type Insecticide Insecticide Rate
Cryon, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Dalby, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Edgeroi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method Insecticide Insecticide Timing Insecticide Insecticide Type Pest Management Pest Management Aphids
Moree, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Gilgandra, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Lundavra, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate management options and determine the yield and grain quality impacts of aphids in wheat, durum and barleyTo evaluate management options and determine the yield and grain quality impacts of aphids in wheat, durum and barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type Management systems
Moree, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Spring Ridge, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate management options and determine the yield and grain quality impacts of aphids in wheat, durum and barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Management systems
Spring Ridge, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Insecticide Insecticide Application Method
Bithramere, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the impact and control of aphids in winter cereals.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Yallaroi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To see whether green manure a viable management option (in terms of maintenance of ground cover and other agronomic benefits) as we know that terminating cover crops will result in 100% seed set control providing that the crop is effectively killed at an appropriate time.

Hay: Vetch Cereal (Grain): Oats 2 trials Crop Crop Type Management systems Management systems Cover crops
Condobolin, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


This trial seeks to test the Yield Prophet tool to determine its relevance and usefulness to growers of the West Midlands region in determining most efficient and effective nitrogen strategy.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Technology Technology Modelling
Badgingarra, WA Gravelly sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To evaluate different foliar disease management strategies on a highly susceptible wheat variety (Chara) to both stripe rust and leaf rust.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Yalla-Y-Poora, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


The aim of the trial is to identify the best nitrogen timing and rate in order to maximize profits for the widely grown cultivar Kellalac, in the local higher rainfall conditions of southern Victoria.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Hamilton, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • The overall objective is to determine the influence of strobilurin fungicide application on the nitrogen requirement for malting barley.
  • Within this overall objective there are a number of component objectives that are interrelated
  • To assess the impact of strobilurin fungicide over and above conventional triazole fu… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To examine mineral fertiliser/microbe programs and the value of adding various forms of extra or top up N.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Fertiliser Fertiliser Type
East Maya, WA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine the amount and availability of N from wheat stubble under varying stubble management practices over three cropping seasons.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Stubble Stubble Management
Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To report on bacterial blight in field pea.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To demonstrate best management practices that can give barley the best possible start from deeper sowing.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Method
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To examine the nitrogen responses of new malt and food barley varieties and determine appropriate N management strategies for maximum yield and quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To examine the appropriate management combinations of sowing date, nitrogen rate and timing required to maximise yield and quality in new malt varieties and food variety Hindmarsh.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Type
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To help to build a strong database of knowledge for targeted variety management, which will give advisors and growers confidence to try new varieties as they become available.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Timing
Westmere, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To improve grower productivity and industry sustainability through new management techniques and cultivars.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To provide growers with the tools needed to adopt site-specific weed management (SSWM) strategies as a result of a commercially viable weed ID and mapping system being demonstrated.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated weed management
Mildura, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To examine the value of canopy management in the Mallee environment.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To examine the value of canopy management in the Wimmera environment.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Lubeck, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To look at canopy management in malting barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing
Lubeck, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate the effectiveness of various strategies for managing foliar diseases in separate barley (Experiment 1) and wheat (Experiment 2) experiments using foliar and fertiliser applied fungicides.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


The GRDC Stubble project aims to improve farm profitability while retaining stubble in farming systems on upper Eyre Peninsula (EP). Weed control in stubble retained systems is an issue with reduced herbicide efficacy due to higher stubble loads especially for pre-emergence herbicides. Current farming practices have also changed weed behaviour w… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Type Sowing Sowing Method
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


The GRDC ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble - upper Eyre Peninsula’ project aims to improve farm profitability while retaining stubble in farming systems on upper Eyre Peninsula (EP). Weed control in stubble retained systems can be compromised where herbicide efficacy is limited due to higher stubble loads, especia… read more

Oilseed: Canola Weed: Barley Grass 2 trials Stubble Stubble Management
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To evaluate the potential of combining summer-growing perennial grasses with a cereal in a pasture cropping system in the Mallee.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation
Hopetoun, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources
CRC <abbr title='Grains Research and Development Corporation'>GRDC</abbr>


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Allora, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Macalister, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Croppa Creek, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Yallaroi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To determine how nitrogen timings developed for canopy management (based on stem elongation timings) apply to wider row spacing (300mm compared to 200mm) for both dry matter production, yield and grain quality outcomes.
  • To establish whether the interaction between row spacing and nitrogen timing differs between lower … read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To determine how phosphorus rates can be used to optimize canopy management, apply to wider row spacing (300mm compared to 200mm) for both dry matter production, yield and grain quality outcomes.
  • To establish whether the interaction between row spacing and phosphorus rate differs between lower and higher rainfall scenar… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To determine how nitrogen timings developed for canopy management (based on stem elongation timings) apply to wider row spacing (300mm compared to 200mm) for both dry matter production, yield and grain quality outcomes.
  • To establish whether the interaction between row spacing and nitrogen timing differs between lower and highe… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate a number of commercial and experimental barley varieties for yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East. 

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Conmurra, SA Clay (black)
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Frances, VIC Loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Crop disease Crop disease
Research organisaton


The barley X fungicide trials were established to compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application to barley yield and quality with fungicide application

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Conmurra, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the benefit of early aphid management and BYDV control through the use of seed applied insecticides

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Management systems
Conmurra, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To provide growers with the tools needed to adopt site-specific weed management (SSWM) strategies as a result of a commercially viable weed ID and mapping system being demonstrated.

Weed: Brome grass Forage: Ryegrass Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Management systems Management systems Integrated weed management
Mildura, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To report on a bean variety trial.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 5 trials Crop Crop Variety
Bool Lagoon, SA Bordertown, SA Conmurra, SA Keith, SA Millicent, SA Clay (black)
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To explore bean varieties.

Grain Legume: Broad beans Grain Legume: Faba beans 10 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
Bool Lagoon, SA Keith, SA Millicent, SA Wolseley, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine the best way to apply nutrients and increase nutrient uptake on non-wetting soils after amelioration in the Geraldton port zone.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Irwin, WA Pale deep sand
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To determine the most effective way to apply nutrients (granular, banded, top dressed or liquid) on non-wetting soils after amelioration, in the Geraldton Port Zone.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
Eneabba, WA Sand over gravel
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To determine the most effective way to apply nutrients (granular, banded, top dressed or liquid) on non-wetting soils after amelioration, in the Geraldton Port Zone.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method
, WA Deep yellow sand
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


Demonstrate best practice phalaris establishment and management at the PPS/EverGraze site at Mooneys Gap which should provide information to producers to give them confidence to increase phalaris use.

Cereal: Mixed species 4 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Variety
Mooney's Gap, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


  • Investigate the best practice foliar fungicide management for barley on barley rotations and STNB control in barley cv. Scope.
  • Better understand the interactions of STNB, stubble and fungicides on the impact of disease, yield and profitability of barley on barley rotations.
  • Investigate if higher levels of STNB are a… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Stubble Stubble Management
Corrigin, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To build resilience into EP farms by understanding the interactions between soil potential, climate and management.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Management systems Management systems Precision Agriculture
Minnipa, SA Mudamuckla, SA Wharminda, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To improve the long term control of Rhizoctonia by increasing the understanding of the interactions between disease inoculum and natural soil suppressive activity and to improve the prediction and management of disease.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat Forage: Medic Oilseed: Canola 4 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Streaky Bay, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


This paper addresses three issues:

  • The challenges facing high input farming systems,
  • How valid is biological farming as an alternative, and
  • Can high input farming and alternative methods be integrated?
None: No crop specified 1 trial Management systems Management systems Biological farming systems / Organics
Birchip, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the possibility of reducing the inoculum of Fusarium graminearum in wheat stubble by spraying the stubble with spores of a harmless fungus, Trichoderma species, in order to control the disease.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Management systems Management systems Integrated pest management
Condobolin, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


The trial purpose was to compare seed dressing and foliar application of Bioprime using granular and liquid fertilisers. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Soil Improvement
Moora, WA Yellow sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons


To compare different fungicides for control of blackleg.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type Stubble Stubble Management
Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess wether field pea breeding advancements in resistance to blackspot are significant enough to allow management changes to sowing time in this crop.

Grain Legume: Field peas 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
Hart, SA Turretfield, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To assess the use of fungicides for the control of blackspot (ascochyta blight) and effect on yield in field pea.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To investigate whether a break crop can be used to manage weeds.

Eurongilly, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To explore broad bean canopy management

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Crop Crop Type Management systems
Bool Lagoon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine whether broad bean plant architecture (PBA Kareema) can be manipulated with the use of chemicals or agronomic management practices

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Growth regulator Growth regulator Timing Growth regulator Growth regulator Type Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Type Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Row Spacing Sowing Sowing Timing
Bool Lagoon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To explore broad bean canopy management

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Management systems
Glenroy, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To report on results of a visit by Wayne Hawthorne (esteemed pulse expert from Pulse Australia) to Kangaroo Island.

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Crop Crop Type
Kangaroo Island, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the germination behaviour and seed dormancy of brome grass populations from the Victorian mallee and provide information on control.

None: No crop specified 2 trials Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Management systems
Manangatang, VIC Swan Hill, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate a range of herbicide combinations for controlling brome grass in lentils.

Grain Legume: Lentils 1 trial Herbicide Herbicide Application Method Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Timing Herbicide Herbicide Type
Bute, SA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton