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To investigate the effectiveness of BTH (benzothiadiazole) to increase a crops resilience to disease.

Watchupga East, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the crop enhancement effects of Moddus Evo and Amistar Xtra when used in combination. Whilst Moddus Evo is a PGR that is pending registration for anti-lodging and Amistar Xtra is a superior fungicide both these products have been shown to individually contribute to yield increases beyond anti lodging and disease control respectivel… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type Growth regulator Growth regulator Rate Herbicide Herbicide Type
Conmurra, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the yield of the plant growth regulator (PGR), Moddus Evo and foliar fungicides Amistar Xtra, Cogito and experimental in furrow fungicide SYNSIF1 when used in barley. Previous work has shown that when combining PGRs with good quality fungicides yield and return on investment can be significantly enhanced in cereal crops grown in high r… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type Growth regulator Growth regulator Type
Conmurra, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To define the expression of adult plant resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage.
  • To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the str… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Lake Bolac, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


• To define the expression of Adult Plant Resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage.
• To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the strateg… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Westmere, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To define the expression of Adult Plant Resistance (APR) in a range of wheat cultivars in relation to environmental conditions and growth stage. 
  • To develop improved strategies for intervention with fungicides in the control of stripe rust and yellow leaf spot in susceptible and resistant wheat, and the communication of the s… read more

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To explore adult plant resistance and strategic fungicide use for integrated management of cereal rust

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Bordertown, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


Determine the value of nitrogenand fungicide on the profitability of new wheat varieties with different disease resistances in wheat on wheat system.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Binnu, WA Yellow deep sand
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine the value of nitrogen and fungicide on the profitability of new wheat varieties with different disease resistances in wheat on wheat system.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Corrigin, WA Sandy
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To assess the efficacy of Sumisclex and Bravo fungicide when sprayed at different stages of Albus lupin crop growth.
  • To assess the afficacy of Aviator, Custodia, 1404, Switch and Amistar Top at preventing disease on Albus lupins at 100% flowering stages.

Grain Legume: Lupins 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Binnu, WA Loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the efficacy of foliar fungicide application prior to stem extension for control of yellow spot or stagonospora nodorum in wheat in low rainfall zones.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
East Nabawa, WA Mullewa, WA Yellow sandplain
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To assess the efficacy of foliar fungicide application prior to stem extension for control of yellow spot or stagonospora nodorum in wheat in low rainfall zones.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Nabawa Road East, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To compare different blackleg control measures in canola.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To test a number of plant health products as to their effect in controlling leaf disease in wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Mininera, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the impact of using foliar fungicides for controlling leaf disease in Kellalac wheat. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Hamilton, VIC Lake Bolac, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the impact of using foliar fungicides for controlling leaf disease in Kellalac wheat. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Lake Bolac, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To assess the impact of foliar disease control on the yield and quality of different wheat varieties
  • To gather further data on the agronomic performance of various wheat varieties

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


The overall objective is to determine the influence of strobilurin fungicide application on the nitrogen requirement for malting barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To test the efficacy of a range of experimental (unregistered) foliar fungicides against the above strategy in controlling blackspot in field pea in three major production areas of South Australia.


Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Clay loam
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Heat event
Research organisatons
Funding source


To test the efficacy of a range of experimental (unregistered) foliar fungicides against the above strategy in controlling blackspot in field pea in three major production areas of South Australia.

Grain Legume: Field peas 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
, SA Hart, SA Pinery, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


  • The overall objective is to determine the influence of strobilurin fungicide application on the nitrogen requirement for malting barley.
  • Within this overall objective there are a number of component objectives that are interrelated
  • To assess the impact of strobilurin fungicide over and above conventional triazole fu… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To investigate a range of rates and timings of foliar fungicide to try to reduce the impact of aerial blackleg.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Bool Lagoon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


This trial evaluates the varieties with a fungicide programme to determine the yield response of the varieties to controlling foliar leaf diseases against a control of no fungicide. 

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To conduct an evaluation of Jockey seed applied fungicide.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Type
Watchupga East, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


The aim was to compare Barley fungicide seed dressing products. To measure seedling growth, establishment, disease control and yield.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Watchupga East, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the yield of a range of agronomic treatments on barley varieties

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Wolseley, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the yield of a number of agronomic treatments on barley varieties.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
Wolseley, SA Clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the timing of fungicide application to determine the optimal time of application to minimise disease pressure and to assess the role of triticonazole as a seed dressing to minimise the affect of foliar diseases on barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Hamilton, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess both yield and grain quality responses to a number of foliar fungicide products.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Conmurra, SA Frances, SA Mt Benson, SA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine the effectiveness of plant growth regulators and fungicides on barley yields.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Growth regulator Growth regulator Timing Growth regulator Growth regulator Type
Kerang, VIC Clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To test responses of barley to a range of fungicide disease control regimes using two different timings of the foliar fungicide Bumper and the in-furrow fertilizer treatment impact.
  • To determine which fungicide strategies are optimum for use on barley
  • To compare the responsiveness of various barley varieties to dif… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Allora, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Macalister, QLD
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Croppa Creek, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide management strategies for the control of leaf rust in barley and the impact on yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Yallaroi, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of barley grown after wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Balldale, NSW Red brown earth
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of barley grown after wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of barley grown after wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To assess the level of input required to maximise yields of barley grown after wheat.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To evaluate different barley varieties for yield and grain quality under both a nil foliar fungicide regime and a 3 spray fungicide regime.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


This trial is one of many looking at grain yield and quality across a range of existing and new varieties. The trial also examined the effect of foliar fungicide on barley yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate a number of commercial and experimental barley varieties for yield and grain quality.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To compare a number of varieties that are either commercially available or close to commercial release that may be suitable for either malting or feed markets in southern Victoria.
  • To evaluate the varieties with a fungicide programme; to determine the yield response of the varieties when controlling leaf diseases a… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Inverleigh, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To evaluate a number of varieties that are either commercially available or close to commercial release that may be suitable for the growing conditions of southern Victoria.
  • To incorporate a fungicide programme in order to identify the susceptibility and yield penalty (if any) for not using fungicides in these varieti… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Dunkeld, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To compare new and existing barley varieties and their response to different fungicides.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Pithara, WA Acidic sand
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East. 

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Conmurra, SA Clay (black)
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application (Treatment 1) to barley yield and quality with fungicide application (Treatment 2) (Table 1). Treatment 2, fungicide application, mimics standard practice in the South East.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Frances, VIC Loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Important Caution The results of this trial may have been impacted by unusual or adverse events
Crop disease Crop disease
Research organisaton


The barley X fungicide trials were established to compare barley yield and quality with no fungicide application to barley yield and quality with fungicide application

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Conmurra, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • Investigate the best practice foliar fungicide management for barley on barley rotations and STNB control in barley cv. Scope.
  • Better understand the interactions of STNB, stubble and fungicides on the impact of disease, yield and profitability of barley on barley rotations.
  • Investigate if higher levels of STNB are a… read more

Cereal (Grain): Barley 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Stubble Stubble Management
Corrigin, WA
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To compare different fungicides for control of blackleg.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type Stubble Stubble Management
Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess wether field pea breeding advancements in resistance to blackspot are significant enough to allow management changes to sowing time in this crop.

Grain Legume: Field peas 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
Hart, SA Turretfield, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To assess the use of fungicides for the control of blackspot (ascochyta blight) and effect on yield in field pea.

Grain Legume: Field peas 1 trial Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Hart, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate fungicide seed treatments for the control of seed transmitted Botrytis seedling blight in chickpeas.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Type
Bellata, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide seed treatments for the control of seed transmitted Botrytis seedling blight in chickpeas.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Type
Gunnedah, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide seed treatments for the control of seed transmitted Botrytis seedling blight in chickpeas.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Tulloona, NSW
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To conduct an on-farm chick-pea demonstration.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Brim, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To determine whether broad bean plant architecture (PBA Kareema) can be manipulated with the use of chemicals or agronomic management practices

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Growth regulator Growth regulator Timing Growth regulator Growth regulator Type Herbicide Herbicide Rate Herbicide Herbicide Type Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Row Spacing Sowing Sowing Timing
Bool Lagoon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To explore broad bean canopy management

Grain Legume: Broad beans 1 trial Management systems
Glenroy, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


Investigate the effect of row spacing up to 66cm in two hybrid varieties at two different seeding rates to determine if row spacing or plant density can ameliorate the effect of sclerotinia stem rot, with or without fungicide application.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Type Pest Management Sowing Sowing Rate Sowing Sowing Row Spacing
Toodyay, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


to compare the performance of commercial hybrid seed against farmer retained (F1) seed using conventional, triazine and imidazalinone tolerant varieties.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Hart, SA Calcarosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the efficacy of foliar, on-seed and on-fertiliser commercially available fungicides on blackleg control in retained stubble systems. 

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Haines, SA Sand over clay
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To assess the effectiveness of foliar fungicides in canola.

Oilseed: Canola 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Keith, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the effect of nutrition and disease management on canola yield and quality at Westmere in 2014.

Oilseed: Canola 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fertiliser Fertiliser Timing Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Hamilton, VIC Westmere, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the yield of a range of canola varieties

Oilseed: Canola 3 trials Crop Crop Variety
Bool Lagoon, SA Bordertown, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


  • To determine the effect of various plant growth regulant (PGR) hormones, herbicides,  fungicides and agronomic practices on canopy architecture and grain yield of faba bean.

Grain Legume: Faba beans 1 trial Management systems Management systems Canopy Management
Bool Lagoon, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To investigate the effect of Barley Yellow Dwarf virus on wheat and also to determine teh effect of different fungicide optionson leaf diseases on wheat.  

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Crop Crop Type Fungicide Fungicide Type
Conmurra, SA Millicent, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the impact of BYDV on wheat yield and also the effect of a range of fungicide treatments on wheat yield during 2009. 

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 3 trials Fungicide Fungicide Type
Conmurra, SA Millicent, SA Frances, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Hamilton, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton


To assess the optimum fungicide management strategy for new varieties of chickpea.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Beulah, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine the optimum disease management strategy for Flip 94-090c, Flip 94-509c and Flip 94-508c.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Wimmera, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


  • To compare disease management strategies for minimum fungicide input and maximum grain yield and quality of new chickpea varieties.
  • To demonstrate the much improved levels of ascochyta blight disease resistance in new varieties of chickpeas to SA growers.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Hart, SA Turretfield, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


  • To compare disease management strategies for minimum fungicide input and maximum grain yield and quality of new chickpea varieties.
  • To demonstrate the much improved levels of ascochyta blight disease resistance in new varieties of chickpeas to SA growers.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 2 trials Crop Crop Variety
Hart, SA Turretfield, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To determine optimum disease management strategy, focussing on podding applications, in new resistant and moderately resistant desi and kabuli chickpea varieties.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Beulah, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To maximise production advantages of new kabuli and desi chickpea varieties through the development of appropriate disease management strategies.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Turretfield, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To determine optimum disease management strategy, focussing on podding applications, in new resistant and moderately resistant desi and kabuli chickpea varieties.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Sowing Sowing Timing
Dimboola, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To identify Desi and Kabuli chickpea breeding lines with improved adaptation and yield in the Wimmera and Mallee region.

Hopetoun, VIC Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the effects of soil type and climate on the yield of commercial varieties and advanced breeding lines in Victoria and thereby assist in the selection of superior varieties for farmers in this state.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 9 trials Crop Crop Variety
Beluah, VIC Gooroc, VIC Horsham, VIC Rainbow, VIC Rosebery, VIC Rupanyup, VIC Tarranyurk, VIC Ultima, VIC Warne, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To develop variety specific management packages for ascochyta blight of chickpea.

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Yandanooka, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


To determine the susceptibility of new chickpea varieties and fungicide treatment against Ascochyta blight.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Coorow, WA Loamy clay
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Liebe Group Povers Rural Traders


To evaluate potential new foliar fungicide spray strategies and varieties for management of aschochyta blight in chickpeas. 

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Curyo, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate fungicide strategies to manage ascochyta blight in chickpea in the low rainfall Mallee environment. 

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Werrimull, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate chickpea varieties and breeding lines against ascochyta blight and their response to foliar fungicide application. 

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety
Curyo, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate chickpea varieties and breeding lines against ascochyta blight and their response to foliar fungicide application. 

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To evaluate potential new foliar fungicide spray strategies and varieties for management of aschochyta blight in chickpeas.

Grain Legume: Chickpeas 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To Investigate strategies for Managing Stripe Rust in WA

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Jerramungup, WA Grey sandy clay loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc. Quality Agronomics


To look at canopy management and its integration with disease management principles in the different climates of southern Australia.

Cereal (Grain): Wheat 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding source


1. Compare the efficacy of Aviator Xpro to commercial standards for sclerotinia control.

2. Compare yield and $return on investment/ha ($ROI/ha)

Oilseed: Canola 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Type
Badgingarra, WA Loamy gravel
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


  • To evaluate early foliar disease suppression of soil applied fungicides.
  • To compare early soil disease control to a foliar only strategy.
  • To compare efficacy of different foliar fungicides on yield at a ~Z31 and Z39 applications.
  • To compare seed treatment and Aviator Xpro foliar for SFNB.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Dandaragan, WA Loamy sand
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To evaluate fungicide efficacy against net form net blotch (NFNB) of barley and investigate application strategies for efficient control of the disease.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Port Vincent, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To evaluate fungicide efficacy against net form net blotch (NFNB) of barley and investigate application strategies for efficient control of the disease.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Pest Management Pest Management Fungal
Arthurton, SA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


A field experiment was conducted in the summer of 2015–16 at the NSW DPI Leeton Field Station to investigate the effect of powdery mildew and four fungicide treatments on the grain yield of two commercial soybean varieties (Djakal and SnowyA) and two unreleased breeding lines (N005A-80 and P176-2).

Oilseed: Soybean 2 trials Crop Crop Variety Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Leeton, NSW Grey clay
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton
Funding sources


To investigate the impact of seed dressings on foliar disease in malt barley in the central Mallee.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Type
Watchupga East, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Triticale Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Lupins 5 trials Crop Crop Type Crop Crop Rotation Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Triticale Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola Grain Legume: Lupins 5 trials Crop Crop Rotation Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To test if wheat can be successfully grown after wheat and canola and to assess if wheat was the best crop to grow.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Triticale Cereal (Grain): Wheat Oilseed: Canola 4 trials Crop Crop Rotation Fertiliser Fertiliser Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing
Balldale, NSW Red chromosol
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source
Riverine Plains John Sykes Rural Consulting


To assess the new products with a range of application strategies and compared them to other management options (tillage, zinc, starter nitrogen, deep sowing, fluid fertiliser and late sowing) which can change the impact of rhizoctonia on crop production.

Cereal (Grain): Barley Cereal (Grain): Wheat 2 trials Fertiliser Fertiliser Type Fungicide Fungicide Type
Minnipa Agricultural Centre, SA Red sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding sources


To answer the quesitons:

  • Does in-furrow application of fungicide using liquid banding improve control of Rhizoctonia solani compared to the untreated control or seed treatment?
  • Does in-furrow application of fungicide using liquid banding improve control of Rhizoctonia solani compared to coating of granular fertiliser… read more
Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Fungicide Fungicide Application Method Pest Management Pest Management Other Pests Soil Preparation Soil Preparation Tillage Seed treatment Seed treatment Type
Warradarge, WA
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisatons
Funding source


To establish a fungicide strategy to control spot form of net bllotch in Gairdner barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Rate Fungicide Fungicide Timing Fungicide Fungicide Type
Birchip, VIC Rupanyup, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To test a new AgrEvo product on fieldpeas and lentisl for Ascochyta control activity.

Grain Legume: Field peas Grain Legume: Lentils 2 trials Fungicide Fungicide Application Method
Horsham, VIC
Trial Report Unavailable Source Data Unavailable
Research organisaton


To investigate the effectiveness of fungicides regimes for controlling net blotch and powdery mildew of barley.

Cereal (Grain): Barley 1 trial Crop Crop Variety Seed treatment Seed treatment Inoculant
Miling, WA Sandy loam
Trial Report Unavailable
Research organisaton